OT: Swangin' and Bangin' - Page 4

  • Creator
  • #168523

    You all knew this was comin’. I’m creating this thread as a place for people to post their most “Swangin’ and Bangin’ ” moments of the day. It’s like Sportscenter Top 10 in a way. We can all vote on the swanginest, banginest moment at the end of each day. I have a feeling this will be short-lived, but what the hell. I’ll go first…

    Got compared publicly to a girl that annoys the living hell out of me and that was a bad moment for her; fantastic moment for me. Sometimes it’s hard to see blaring disparities in two objects until you line them up side by side.

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  • Author
  • #347420

    Craziest yet funniest “swangin and bangin” story of my life here…

    This was two halloweens ago, when I was still in college. It was a halloween party about a mile and a half from where I lived. Of course I drove there with the plan of walking home. Drank until almost 3 am and got completely destroyed.

    Now, it was time to begin the walk home. The bad part about that was that for my costume I was a flasher. all I was wearing was a trench coat, big boots, a hat, and a man thong.

    I got about halfway home and in my stupor decided it would be a good idea to run into the middle of the street and flash a passing car. I did this successfully but as I was running back to the curb I ate it. The curb was higher than normal and I had big boots on so while I was sprinting full speed, I tripped and since my hands were holding my trench coat shut, the first thing to break my fall on the sidewalk was my forehead.

    I'm pretty sure at this point I knocked myself out for just a second.

    My roommate who had started walking again said he heard a thunk, turned around, and I was laying face down on the concrete, trench coat flopped off to the side and my butt hanging out. He said it was one of the funniest things he's ever seen. I then groaned a little, got up, and kept on walking… It doesn't end there though…

    When I was most of the way home, I decided to start flashing cars again. Unluckily for me when of the cars I flashed slammed on the brakes, kicked it in reverse, and a drunk guy got out ready to fight. At this point, I had a concussion and blood all over my face. Eventually, my roommate stepped in, almost got in a fight with him and then we left and kept walking home. I finally got home and went to sleep. I ended up with a severed nerve in my forehead (which has since healed) a concussion, and a nice cut that is now a scar on my forehead…

    Maybe the best part of this whole story though. This happened at about 4 am on a Sunday morning after a Saturday night party. I had a job interview with a fairly large regional firm on a Monday morning. Needless to say, I showed up to the interview with a nasty cut on my forehead and so concussed I couldn't answer any questions or communicate normally. I didn't get the job.


    Pics or it didn't happen

    BEC: Passed
    AUD: Passed
    REG: Passed
    FAR: Passed



    O it happened.

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