OT: Swangin' and Bangin'

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  • #168523

    You all knew this was comin’. I’m creating this thread as a place for people to post their most “Swangin’ and Bangin’ ” moments of the day. It’s like Sportscenter Top 10 in a way. We can all vote on the swanginest, banginest moment at the end of each day. I have a feeling this will be short-lived, but what the hell. I’ll go first…

    Got compared publicly to a girl that annoys the living hell out of me and that was a bad moment for her; fantastic moment for me. Sometimes it’s hard to see blaring disparities in two objects until you line them up side by side.

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  • #347375

    @Baseball, in what context did you get compared? Lol

    Class of 2012


    lol general qualifications, extent/quality of education, certifications, etc. It was a delicious moment.


    Ok here is mine…not sure if this is more SWANGIN' or BANGIN'

    At my old apartment, we had a pedestrian gate. My roommate and I would always forget to bring our gate key when we went out at night so she would climb over the 6′ tall gate and run get the key and let me in. She was always incharge of the climbing because I am very afraid of heights and very clumsy.

    One night we go out and I get way to happy. I start SWANGIN' all over the place. I decide to take a cab home alone. I get the the apartment and realized I didn't have the gate key and decided to scale the gate all by myself. Like I said…very drunk…So I get to the top and sit. Then panic strikes. I can't figure out how to get down. I muster up courage and decide to lose the shoes and go for it. I fly through the air hoping to land on my feet. BANG! I belly flop on the concrete…Swangin and bangin


    @Jeff — I need to have the ability to “HIYA” this post INFINITY times!!!!

    @Akb — HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! I am literally cracking up right now! I get this visual of just a perfect belly flop, right onto concrete. Dear God, great story. I'd say you're in the lead for the first ever swangin and bangin award. Did you have pretty bad damage from that fall? lol


    @ Baseball

    I took a different approach to the swangin and bangin…mine wasn't so ‘delicious'

    Well I laid there for a while and decided I couldn't get up and I would just have to sleep on the sidewalk. Then I realized my dress was over my head and jumped up very quickly. I have bruised ribs for a while and couldn't laugh or use stomach muscles…what little I have…for a long time!! I still crack up when I think about it…I am a goof though..I learn of jokes and get so excited I laugh the whole way through and by the time I get to the end I am practically crying and no one else thinks it is funny…


    Might be one of the funniest stories ever! It's good that you're able to laugh it off! I'm the exact same way as you when I try to tell jokes/stories that I think are hilarious. For example, I read this joke-anecdote thing about a lizard and a koala and I thought it was so damn hilarious that when I was trying to retell it to people, I couldn't even get through the joke. By the time I got to the payoff, it just wast that funny anymore. See link below and enjoy 🙂



    Holy Crap!! That was freaking hilarious!! Mass message is being sent to my friends now!! LOVE THAT!! Haha How much did you drink?!?!? hahahaha All the chinese workers are staring at me thinking…'What is that crazy amarican doing?!?!'


    Haha yeah, I LOVE that little story…Just visualizing the pictures in my head while trying to tell the joke made it IMPOSSIBLE. I was cracking up the entire time!!! hahaha


    Ohhh man. My exploits are WAY to SWANGIN' and BANGIN' to be posted here. I'll have to think of a PG-13 rated one that I can post. I'll work on that.

    @akb – You are freakin hilarious!!



    My goal is to entertain you! I wish I could say I made it up but it really happened…I will try to think of some more for yall!



    I go to a site everyday that has different deals. It is called Woot. Anyways, they always have a t-shirt deal. Guess what was on today's?!?! A KOALA!! LMFAO!! hahaha


    Haha that's awesome! Yeah that little joke or story is one of my favorites…every time I read it, I cry laughing. Ok so I'm going to keep you up all night here, but it's totally worth it. I'm gonna start you off with this one: https://www.27bslash6.com/missy.html because it's one of my favorites. But please, oh please, read the other ones. This guy is such a total douche to his coworkers but I think he's the funniest person ever.


    HAHAHA Oh my, poor cat……. and this is also hilarious: https://www.stumbleupon.com/su/1Xpj6A/www.geekosystem.com/facebook-face-change-prank/


    Hahahaha!!! That is hilarious! When you have time, definitely read more of those e-mail chains on http://www.27bslash6.com that guy is so friggin funny


    I think I have a new hero… this guy is amazing.

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