OT: Swangin' and Bangin' - Page 3

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  • #168523

    You all knew this was comin’. I’m creating this thread as a place for people to post their most “Swangin’ and Bangin’ ” moments of the day. It’s like Sportscenter Top 10 in a way. We can all vote on the swanginest, banginest moment at the end of each day. I have a feeling this will be short-lived, but what the hell. I’ll go first…

    Got compared publicly to a girl that annoys the living hell out of me and that was a bad moment for her; fantastic moment for me. Sometimes it’s hard to see blaring disparities in two objects until you line them up side by side.

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  • #347405

    So Mini's like this awesome, wise, old war hero and I'm a cocky blue bi**h! haha I like to toe that line between confidence and cockiness…maybe sometimes I cross it. So what are you doing in China anyway??


    No sharing!


    Haha ok let's make a deal…I get Kristen Bell, you can have Jason Segel. Sound like a plan??



    Excuse me but you have to share Jason with me…


    I love that dude! He is one of my favorite characters…he isn't blue all the time

    I am a financial analyst and I am here doing a pre-audit for my China office to make sure they pass the upcoming internal audit. I love it here but am ready for amercian food. Eating chinese style food every meal for 6 days gets old fast…still 2 more days of it too! Tomorrow I go back to Shanghai though so I am pretty pumped about that. Get to buy more pearls! My bank account is going to hate me when I get back! haha


    Deal sealed, BaseballCPA!! And akb… I don't know about that. Maybe a little. 😛 You're in China?! That is awesome, I'd love to go there. 🙂 Have fun in Shanghai!!!


    Thanks! It is fun and very safe. I live in Houston and I feel more safe here than I do there. I do get stared at a lot, especially by older people. I actually had people ask to take my picture. I guess I look like a crazy white chick walking around Shanghai alone. Everyone is nice but I did get taken advantage of. I kept thinking they didn't give change because when I would buy something they wouldn't give me any. I was telling a co-worker about that and she laughed at me and said they were just keeping it because I didn't ask for it back. Oh well…tip isn't done here so I am just going to chalk it up to that!


    @baseball – There's a funny line in the Scooby Doo movie where Shaggy says to Scooby “We're like two trippy peas in a far out pod, man.” lol. Reminds me of your comment above.

    And yes, I'm the awesome, wise, old (28), war hero. You can be my sidekick. Lol.

    @akb – You think I am misunderstood too? I think most people understand me, they just choose to ignore reality. Uh oh, I just took a step towards cocky didn't I. I can't act like that thug @baseball. He's a bad apple.


    haha. I think some people read your posts and think you are just trying to be mean and get defensive. Even though your words are sometimes harsh, if people would take emotion out of it and really try to understand what you are saying, they would respect you a lot more. I do agree though that some people just want to live in there bubble and you come in and pop it. Sometimes I like to stay in my bubble and then I read your post and get mad because I know you are right and it pisses me off! haha


    @akb – Haha, that last sentence cracked me up! How is China treating you? See any wild panda bears in the city?



    China is good but I am sick of chinese food. Even their pizza tastes chinese…No wild pandas but I do get stared at a lot and people take my picture. It is really wierd I'm like a celebrity here!! haha not really more like the crazy tall white chick.



    This is a good one. Thanks for sharing, @baseball.


    Just heard Anchorman 2 is coming out. I am pretty pumped, I must say.



    I watched the season finale for boardwalk empire and it made me shiver under the covers. It was shocking to say the least-a-bits.




    Me too!! It is going to be awesome!


    Last night, I went to dave and busters with a friend. It felt like such a date, some random stranger even suggested we get together. I don't really feel that way so I'm kind of glad I ruined the night by getting shitfaced. I don't remember much. God I have a hangover now though lol.

    B 2/12 87
    A 11/11 90
    R 8/11 86
    F 5/12 88

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