Took REG today. It was a nightmare!!! - Page 4

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  • #161508

    Lucky for me, my Prometric center was open today after being closed for 3 days due to the hurricane. At first, I was hoping they’d be open on my test day. While my wish came true, I now wish they were closed. This test was a nightmare. I’ve gone over EVERYTHING in the Wiley book and everything Phil Yaeger highlighted. About 70% of the material I painstakingly studied were not on the freakin’ test!! I had to stop for a moment to wonder if I was even taking the right exam. About half of my multiple choice questions came out of left field. However, my Simulations weren’t so bad, which is something not many people here said. It was the mutiple choice that I found difficult. And I don’t even know if the testlets got harder. All 3 Multiple Choice testlets were extremely hard, IMHO. I’m so screwed. Here I was studying for 300 hours and I’m probably going to end up with a nice big fat 50!!! I’m so depressed. I don’t understand why the CPA exam is like this. It’s supposed to be on material that’s covered in the Wiley book. But it looks like they are testing on material that Wiley and Yaeger didn’t even cover.

    In order to pass this, I’d either have to be one heck of a lucky guy or there’s going to be a nice big curve. But I seriously doubt this will happen. So, I’m expecting to have to retake REG. I’m at a loss for words right now. I don’t even know if any additional studying would’ve helped. I’m so annoyed. This is ridiculous!!

    Sorry, I just had to vent.

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  • #327959

    Congrats on your passing score CPAMAN!

    a friend of mine recently passed REG with a 78. He showed me his report card

    he was strong on individual (high 80s), literally weaker on everything else, and comparable on SIMS. That was enough for him to pass.


    I took REG yesterday and it was pretty rough for me as well. The MC were so-so (not easy, not ridiculous…typical for a CPA exam) but for the sims, it's almost as if they go through the most obscure topics in the entire review material and ask you to perform calculations on said items, in detail. Or better yet, maybe they watch the Yeager video and anything he says to skip, they write up a long, confusing, grueling simulation on that topic:) I've been in the public industry for a little over 6 years and have yet to encounter even 1 of my simulation topics. Praying for a 75 so I can just be done…gracious.


    @khachik2003- I only passed FAR and AUD. I don't know about REG, but I expect to bomb. I can see it now…

    FAR- 89

    AUD- 87

    REG- 50

    How weird is that? And I actually studied A LOT harder for REG than I did for FAR and AUD. This exam is so screwed up! Ugh!! I don't even know if I want my results back. *facepalm*


    you remind me of those guys in high school who whine and whine about doing poorly on a test and end up getting a 95% on it

    or those people that say they did terrible on something when they get A-‘s. How can you tell me you barely passed FAR and AUD when you scored in the high 80s? Sorry but this is the impression i'm getting.

    Just relax man.


    In 2009 and 2010 I took FAR 4 times and failed and took AUD once and failed.

    My previous scores in FAR were 52, 66, 73, 61

    My previous score in AUD was 47

    How did I jump in score? I purchased Yaeger, took a lot of notes and studied my butt off. Well it worked and my scores really boosted up.

    But in REG, I studied even harder and I felt terrible taking the test. You see that 52 I got in FAR previously?? Well, I walked out thinking I bombed and it came true. Well, I feel the exact same way now with REG. Whenever I have a feeling I bomb the CPA exam, it comes true!!


    I just took REG yesterday on 8/30/11. I had taken it previously back in 2008 and lost the credit. This time I decided to study with Yaeger. I listened to Phil and initially only did the questions that he suggested. Upon a phone conversation with him 2 weeks prior to my exam, he stated that he was beginning to suggest supplementing that with the Wiley Test bank questions. So in the next 2 weeks leading up to my exam I reviewed and used both sources for questions.

    Once I started the MCQ testlets in the exam, I felt confident that I was doing well. Phil covered everything in his lectures and his suggested MCQs would have probably been enough for me to get through the testlets. The MCQs did not come as a shock to me and all and I had ample time to go back and review my answers before moving onto the next testlets.

    BUT THEN…I got to testlet #4. Oh the horror. I really felt like the simulations came out of left field. I was only confident in my answers in ONE of the tabs. The research question I just took an educated guess.

    It was a real bummer going from feeling great about Testlets 1-3 to feeling utterly crappy about #4. I would be very surprised if I passed…


    there are 4 testlets in REG??? OH THE HORROR

    how many questions in each testlet?


    bout to sit in 2 hours I think Im ready

    FAR: 7/17/10 missed exam FML reschedule 8/29/10-77 EPIC!
    REG: 5/31/11-73 SMH, 8/31/11-85
    BEC: 4/15/10-72 : retake 10/3/10-80
    AUD: 11/28/10-74, 02/27/11-71 FML, 8/1/11-80
    Ethics 10/22/22-80, retake 11/28/11 - 88


    Took REG yesterday. My third attempt. I did good on 1st testlet then came the second one very tough one felt as if I am guessing everything. I took 45 mins. & 3r was ok. still made few silly mistakes with the known questions. simulations were complete nightmare. not even sure about the research question.

    during my 2nd attempt, I felt the testlet difficulty level did not change & most of the questions were known. according to the score report I was strong in all areas except one comparable and one weak. Of course, failed with 70 due to weak sims (could not complete the almost 2 of them).

    lets see what happens this time…right now i am really stressed out thinking about the exam. after coming back from exam yesterday, I have been crying without reason & fighting with husband for no apparent reason ):

    it will be a long long wait!!!!!

    wishing everyone best of luck with their scores!!


    @khachik2003 – 3 testlets with 24 questions each, then 1 testlet with 6 task based sims. You can see the format for all tests at

    @scdcpa – I feel like I could have written what you just wrote! I also just had my third attempt at REG. First testlet was pretty good, but second and third testlets were awful and I felt like I guessed everything. The sims were a nightmare. I did feel pretty good about my research question though. I also did stronger/comparable on all but one section of MCQ on my second attempt, but failed because of the sims. lol Weird!

    I haven't been fighting with my fiance, luckily. He has been so very supportive throughout this whole ordeal and I really couldn't ask for more from him. He has been doing most of the chores around the house, most of the cooking, and still has been giving me massages at night. I need to hurry up and get a ring on his finger, lol. Oh but planning a wedding comes after passing this exam… sigh!

    Created with Compare Ninja

    FAR: 71, 77
    BEC: 70, 82
    AUD: 62, 78
    REG: 71, 68, 85

    CA Licensed 11/2011


    Oh man. Based on the recent responses, it looks like a lot more people felt more confident about their MCQ testlets. Everyone thought Testlet 1 was easy. Mine were all hard. If I thought Testlet 1 was hard, that can't be a good sign. I'm so screwed!!! Ugh!!!


    @CPAMan – Hang tight. I've read your posts and I feel your pain. I bet you passed. I'm pretty sure that I failed though… And just think, even if you failed you are in a better situation than I am; I have FAR expiring on October 12th. 🙁

    FAR: 71, 77
    BEC: 70, 82
    AUD: 62, 78
    REG: 71, 68, 85

    CA Licensed 11/2011


    @scdcpa @kandisjoy,… gah exactly how my third attempt at REG went too… 🙁 I do feel like Wiley prepared me a lot for the MCQs. I definitely didn't get the research either…

    @CPAMan– That's how my second attempt at REG was.. The first testlet was RIDICULOUS.. I seriously said out loud “are you kidding me right now?!” I was thinking “how could this be? How is the FIRST testlet this hard?!?” My first attempt at REG the first testlet was a breeze (so I THOUGHT)…

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    @kandisjoy.. If that happens, and in my situation I think it might happen for me.. and hopefully NOT -for the both of us— We can stick together for REGx4 lol

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    @Peanut- Did you pass on your second attempt???

    Please say you did so there is some hope for me. 😉

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