Wiley / NINJA "Servergate" Giveaway – Friday @ 5pm EST. - Page 4

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  • #161810

    Wiley / NINJA “Servergate” Giveaway!

    The What: 20 Winners … 10 Wiley Single Section Software pins winners (retail value $105 each) / 10 NINJA Study Guide Single Section winners (retail value $67 each).

    The When: Friday September 23, 2011

    The How: Post in this thread the following …

    1. Your Score(s) from the July/August Window

    2. The study material(s) you used

    3. If you passed – a success tip to pass onto fellow candidates.

    If you didn’t pass – something different you’re going to tweak the next time around.

    Winners will be randomly chosen using a random # function in Excel and the corresponding post # in this thread will be the winner beginning with 10 Wiley winners and then 10 NINJA winners. For instance, if there are 100 posts, and I set the random cell generator between 1 and 100 and it picks cell 26, then the 26th post author will be chosen. I login per candidate only (and I can tell if you have more than one login) 😉

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  • #300020

    1. REG-69

    2. Beckers

    3. Try to do as many MCQ'S and Test papers as possible while focusing a little more on the simulations and time management.


    1) Audit 92

    2) Yaeger / Wiley Text / Wiley CD Bank

    3) I stayed intently focused during my study of Audit. I studied a minimum of 2-3 hours a day on the weekdays and 5-7 hours each day on Saturday and Sunday over the course of 5-6 weeks. I really tried to understand the material and concepts from an auditor's perspective and from the viewpoint of acting in the best interest of the public. The common denominator for all of us that hope to pass this exam is 100% commitment. There were no fun days or extra-curricular anything during my 6 weeks of study; however, I ended up with a passing grade. My motivation has been to study hard and commit myself the first time so that I can avoid having to retake an exam.

    FAR - 80 (05/23/11)
    AUD - 92 (07/27/11)
    BEC - 81 (10/24/11)
    REG - 89 (02/20/12)
    CA Ethics - 94 (03/31/12)

    CA CPA - Licensed May 2012


    1. REG – 86

    2. Roger CPA Review (BISK for FAR – No one is as good as Bob Monette)

    3. Study in a place without internet (including phone)


    1. BEC-81 REG -67

    2. Kaplan

    3. Keep doing MCQ's until you can't stand it but be sure to go over and over the ones you missed. They will come back to haunt you!

    BEC - PASS
    REG - PASS
    AUD - PASS
    FAR - PASS


    I sat for the exam in 1997, passed one part and never went back. Now I am ready to tackle the exam. I plan on sitting for FAR first, sometime in January or February. I am terrified and excited at the same time. I have been reading these boards for about a week. I have decided that I will probably try Yeager since I have been out of school for quite some time. I also plan to purchase a test bank and the ninja notes.


    1. FAR 76—First ever test!

    2. Becker & wiley (towards the end)

    3. No matter what they say it is still possible that the “heavily tested” will barely be on your test. So if your questions do not get harder than you HAVE to knock out the SIMS to get a Passing score! Basically study everything 🙂

    FAR 76
    REG 76(2x)
    BEC FAILED (2x)
    AUD FAILED (2x)

    "When you don't give up, YOU CANNOT FAIL"


    I got a 67 using Becker. Last window I got a 62 using Becker and also a 73 using Becker last year.

    I basically have every M/C memorized and score in the 80s and 90s on progress tests. It's not translating to the actual exam. To pass next time I'm going to try another review software.

    Having a new baby and trying to study is really giving me a tough time. Maybe I need someone to watch the baby at night or I need to go to work earlier and study.


    Got 72 in reg

    CPA excel and Roger cram

    I need to be more stronger in individual taxation.

    I lost my credit for BEC

    I feel so down and exhausted.But no option,

    Will have to face this.

    One day….

    AUD 72 (most of the sims were like “what?”)


    I'm skipping the videos this time, going through the flashcards first, then reading the chapters and going through the questions.

    One day is today! I'm DOOONNNNNEEEEE!!!!!!!!!


    1. FAR 67

    2. Becker & Kaplan (just audio)

    3. My wife's social events are eliminated from the calendar, not just reduced.


    Audit – 65


    NINJA notes and more multiple choice focus


    1.) BEC 62 ( third time)

    2.)Using Becker over and over again..=(

    3.) Did not study enough. I'm buying Yaeger + Ninja notes


    1. REG: 79

    2. Becker

    3. Like everyone has said – do as many practice questions as possible, but make sure to read the explanations and understand why you got something right/wrong. I found those explanations helped reinforce the material more than just re-reading the notes. I felt totally unprepared when I got to the sims for REG, so I've also purchased Wiley test bank from Another71 to use for extra practice problems for FAR.

    AUD - 89
    REG - 79
    FAR - 82
    BEC - 84


    1. REG: 72

    2. Becker

    3. Work harder on simulations and understanding the authoritative literature. Study with more enthusiasm.

    FAR - Passed
    BEC - Passed
    AUD - Passed


    Far – 79

    BEC – 82

    2) Becker

    For Far i would go through each chapter and view the lectures. Then immediate after the lecture i did the Hw and didn't mark anything. After i was done with the chapter and did all the Hw, I would go back and write out some notes for each chapter. After I would do the Hw again and mark any Hw i got wrong and print them out to review.

    For my Final Review for FAR I would take the marked Hw and reviewed them everyday.

    BEC: 82
    FAR: 79
    AUD: 85
    REG: July 10th

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