Wiley / NINJA "Servergate" Giveaway – Friday @ 5pm EST. - Page 2

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  • #161810

    Wiley / NINJA “Servergate” Giveaway!

    The What: 20 Winners … 10 Wiley Single Section Software pins winners (retail value $105 each) / 10 NINJA Study Guide Single Section winners (retail value $67 each).

    The When: Friday September 23, 2011

    The How: Post in this thread the following …

    1. Your Score(s) from the July/August Window

    2. The study material(s) you used

    3. If you passed – a success tip to pass onto fellow candidates.

    If you didn’t pass – something different you’re going to tweak the next time around.

    Winners will be randomly chosen using a random # function in Excel and the corresponding post # in this thread will be the winner beginning with 10 Wiley winners and then 10 NINJA winners. For instance, if there are 100 posts, and I set the random cell generator between 1 and 100 and it picks cell 26, then the 26th post author will be chosen. I login per candidate only (and I can tell if you have more than one login) 😉

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  • #299990

    FAR 57, AUD 72

    I used Becker live class and final review.

    I am studying for REG now by taking notes from the DVD and doing tons and tons of problems. I also bought the Ninja notes for REG, so we will see if that helps.


    1. AUD: 72… AGAIN!

    2. Becker

    3. I had actually used a week of my PTO at work to make sure I had enough time to study. This time I want to use an additional review course! Wanted to try the NINJA courses!


    1. REG = 77!

    2. Becker Self Study

    3. Instead of using flashcards, write down your notes from each chapter and really study that. It's helped me pass two sections on my first try. I'm halfway to a CPA!

    AUD | 85
    REG | 77
    FAR | 76
    BEC | 83
    ETH | 93
    State Board Application pending!


    1) FAR – 68

    2) Becker

    3) I know the simulations killed me. I felt somewhat comfortable with the MQC, but obviously I need to hammer out a few more. I'm also weak in JE's, so I'm hoping to concentrate more in that area.

    FAR - 68, 79
    AUD - 82
    REG - 71, 71, 80
    BEC - 76

    Part 1: October 2013
    Part 2: January 2014


    1. FAR – 83, AUD – 85

    2. Becker Self Study

    3. I would suggest making your own notes during/after viewing the lectures. It helps me to put the material into my own words instead of just highlighting, etc. The more multiple choice questions you can practice, the better. Since the simulations can be so unpredictable, you are better off hammering out as many MC's as possible. As long as you understand the core concepts, the simulations should be anything you can't handle.


    1) REG — 65, BEC — ?

    2) Yeager

    3) Practice being more efficient with my time management. Felt like I was more than prepared, just didn't have enough time to focus on SIMS.

    BEC 71,77
    REG 65,85
    FAR 7/1/13
    AUD 8/24/13


    1. Your Score(s) from the July/August Window – FAR 87

    2. The study material(s) you used – Yaeger

    3. If you passed – a success tip to pass onto fellow candidates.-

    I do min. MCQ required by Yaeger + wiley test back, which came with Yaeger package. However, the questions I didn’t answer right first time, I did them again and again (not memorize them, understand and know them.) Some questions I even did 3+ times. : P

    FAR 87 (8/19/11)
    AUD 83 (11/19/11)
    Reg 82 (2/25/12)
    BEC 78 (5/30/12)
    I'm done with studying!!!!!!


    1) BEC- 82 REG- 73

    2) CPAExcel

    3) Since I both passed and failed a section, I can give a little advice from both. To pass, you have to be prepared. I know that sounds cliche and simple, but it's true. When I say be prepared, I also mean know how the test is built. A lot of MCQ's try to trick you, so by practicing them over and over, you get a feel for how they work.

    For my restudy efforts, my goal is to combine my Ninja notes with my CPAExcel test bank and add the Gleim test bank. Also, don't lose faith!


    1.) BEC – ?? and REG – 83

    2.) Becker

    3.) work MCQ's as many as you can get


    1. BEC 69

    2. Lambers

    3. I studied 110 hours but I think next time I will focus on more MCQ's. That is what killed me (I think)!

    BEC - 69


    1. REG – 81

    BEC – 85

    AUD – 91

    FAR – 66

    2. I used Becker Self Study Materials

    3. This exam can be a monster. But, if you put in the time, you should see great results. I recommend studying the information, taking breaks, relaxing, staying focused, and keeping motivated. There are going to be times where you might not feel like studying, or may feel overwhelmed. It is then that you should relax and take a mental break. Keep your eye on the prize. You can do it!

    I didn't pass FAR simply for slacking off and not properly reviewing the last 2 chapters of the Becker book (Government & Not-For-Profit). Unfortunately for me, I had several multiple choice questions on this topic and a couple of simulations as well. Next time, I will take the time to complete everything so that I can get my license!

    07/01/2011 REG - 81
    07/08/2011 BEC - 85
    07/12/2011 AUD - 91 [05/31/2011 - 71]
    11/04/2011 FAR - 88 [08/22/2011 - 66]


    I. REG: 82

    II. Gleim, supplemented by Wiley Online Test Bank

    III. Commit yourself to some serious and focused study time … do as many simulations as you can from as many different authors as you can afford. The simulations for REG were a real kicking … and my posterior is still black and blue to prove it.

    Colorado Candidate
    FAR : 95 : Aug 2010 --- AUD : 93 : Nov 2010
    BEC : 87 : Feb 2011 --- REG : 82 : Aug 2011


    BEC Apr 2011 – 79

    AUD Jul 2011 – 76

    REG May 2011 – 68 Aug 2011 retake – waiting for result

    FAR Aug 2011 – waiting for result


    Do the MCQ over and over again. Refer to your textbooks for SIMS


    1. AUD 94. BEC 80.

    2. Bisk and Ninja notes

    3. I did every mcq bisk had to offer. I credit my audit score to 6 years of audit experience. The Ninja notes helped me with my last minute review and explained some of the BEC formulas better than bisk.


    1. FAR – 64 Reg – 78

    2. Yaeger/Wiley

    3. Do only the questions Phil assigns for REG…but do them multiple times

    Switching to Becker for FAR – stick to the study plan & will re-write my notes this time.

    BEC (11/10) 77 (Bisk)
    FAR 7/2 - 63 11/5 - 80 (Yeager - Fail, Becker - Pass)
    Reg (08/11) - 78 (Yeager)
    Aud - 11/29 - 78(Yeager)

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