Wiley / NINJA "Servergate" Giveaway – Friday @ 5pm EST.

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  • #161810

    Wiley / NINJA “Servergate” Giveaway!

    The What: 20 Winners … 10 Wiley Single Section Software pins winners (retail value $105 each) / 10 NINJA Study Guide Single Section winners (retail value $67 each).

    The When: Friday September 23, 2011

    The How: Post in this thread the following …

    1. Your Score(s) from the July/August Window

    2. The study material(s) you used

    3. If you passed – a success tip to pass onto fellow candidates.

    If you didn’t pass – something different you’re going to tweak the next time around.

    Winners will be randomly chosen using a random # function in Excel and the corresponding post # in this thread will be the winner beginning with 10 Wiley winners and then 10 NINJA winners. For instance, if there are 100 posts, and I set the random cell generator between 1 and 100 and it picks cell 26, then the 26th post author will be chosen. I login per candidate only (and I can tell if you have more than one login) 😉

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  • Author
  • #299975

    1) Score BEC – 80 AUD – 74

    2) I used Becker & Wiley Exam review

    3) Tip wat I'll lik to give is read the material and try to make notes ur own notes watever small thing u feel lik writing write it down.. and revisit it as mant tymes as possible..! & try to do as many MCQ u can do.. n if u hav tym do it more than once..!!

    REG - 76
    BEC - 80
    AUD - 70, 74, 82
    FAR - 87


    1. From the July/August Window, I got 69 in BEC

    2. I used Becker and Yeager.

    3. I didn't pass because I didn't study at all! I was so busy at work but I couldn't move the exam because my NTS was about to expire so I just took a chance and took with the meager knowledge I had. I'll definitely not do that will REG coming up. Procrastination is my #1 enemy with this CPA situation.


    AUD – 76, REG – ??

    Becker + Wiley online + Ninja Notes

    Do any many MCQ as you can stomach!


    1. 91 – BEC

    83 – REG

    2. Becker

    3. To pass you need to be very confident, a little arrogant even. If you are not confident you will second guess everything and change answers you had right, or just think about past questions instead of moving on and placing all of your focus on the current question. Just believe in yourself and the hours you put in studying.




    Practice the simulations ALOT more! 🙁 and give a BIGGER time commitment.


    1) FAR-72, BEC-?? Still waiting

    2) Becker & Ninja Notes

    3) I plan to work as many MC questions as I can. I got bogged down in the material and lost focus on the questions. Some advice in addition to what was already posted, read the anxciliary material. Even if you just scan it, several questions in previous tests have came from that material.

    BEC-72,72, (11/30/11)


    1) BEC – ?? (Still waiting for my MO score)

    2) Becker & NINJA notes

    3) MCQ- lots of them. (they worked for REG and FAR 🙂 )


    AUD – 81, FAR 83

    I used the Becker live course and software.

    My advice is make a study schedule and stick to it! There are plenty of things to do that are more fun than studying, and you will always be busy, so you have to be disciplined when it comes to studying.

    FAR - 83
    AUD - 81
    REG - 76 (That was close!)
    BEC - 82


    1) FAR – 69

    2) CPAexcel

    3) Spend more QUALITY time studying and no half-hearted studying. Also a lot more MCQs. This is my last part and I only have 2 more chances to finish it up.

    BEC - 83
    REG - 86
    AUD - 75
    FAR - 86


    1. 70 – REG

    2. Rogers CPA Review

    3. I have no idea. Probably going to go with CPAExcel this time around. Don't know what I'm going to do about the lost FAR score.


    I did not test this window. I just purchased the Ninja notes after getting a 74 on REG last testing window.

    I use Becker and want to purchase Wiley.

    To pass I suggest doing as many mcqs and writing out your notes.


    AUD – 68

    I used Becker.

    This was the very first section of the exam I've taken and was disappointed but wasn't necessarily surprised. Coming out of the exam I felt like I did great on the MCQ's and guessed a lot on the sims, and sure enough I did OK on the MCQ's and scored lower on the sims. When I take it next (I plan to sit for it again after I take FAR), I will definitely do soooo many more practice sims.

    FAR - 75
    REG - took 8/4/2015
    BEC - currently studying


    1) AUD – 96

    2) Gleim

    3) I read the material and made flash cards at flashcardexchange.com . Took tons of MCQ.

    AUD - 96 (8/15/11)
    FAR - 88 (2/17/12)
    BEC - ? (5/29/12)
    REG - ?


    1. FAR – 84, BEC (still waiting for score)

    2. Becker

    3. Follow the program… Listen to the lectures, do all multiple choice problems (twice is possible especially in the sections you struggle on). Mainly just work hard.

    AUD - 79
    FAR - 84
    BEC - 77
    REG - Studying


    This past window, I sat for FAR on 7/6/11; BEC on 8/1/11 and REG on 8/30/11 and Passed 2 of 3. FAR – 80; REG – 83; and as I just learned BEC – 69.

    I used only Becker for my studying. Had I put in one or two more solid days of studying for BEC I would probably be done. I went through all of Becker lectures (taking notes the entire time) and all of the questions once. From there I concentrated the rest of my study time on the areas in Becker with the highest concentration of questions, as I figured these were more heavily tested.

    In addition, when I got into the first testlet, I went through the entire first book of MC and then went back through them a little quicker this time. My theory on this is that if it is true that you start with a medium test and can go up or down in difficulty, I would rather make sure I used my time and get to the harder questions than to worry about time and only have the lower/medium questions. That way if I do have to guess they are at least weighted more.

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