Fit & Studying: Support thread - Page 20

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  • #178197

    I’ve ventured into the Health issues section, but this particular thread is supposed to help AVOID said issues.

    Let’s share what we are doing to try and maintain our health while studying. What are you guys doing for workouts? Workout DVDs? Buying home equipment? Gym lifting? Cardio only? Any particular workout programs you are using or are you freestyling it? What time of day do you workout?

    Are you guys trying to keep your eating habits under control? What are some good healthy study snacks you like?

    While it may be difficult for these exams to not affect your health at all, it is important to minimize negative affects. Let’s support each other and share our tips/techniques!

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  • #683858

    @neika I agree it is hard balancing everything from work to studying to working out to something that resembles a life…but you can do it and you can also knock FAR out of the park!!!

    NYS CPA License # 113563
    CIA: Done as of 2/15/14

    Training for a half marathon post studying!


    I workout at Lifetime Fitness and my location is open 24/7. I usually do a cycling class 2-3 times a week in the morning (because I don't like leg workouts) before I start studying for the day. Then 4-5 times a week I'll go back around 10-11 at night and do a normal workout after I'm done studying for the day. It's the best way for me to get out all my stress from sitting at a desk and doing hundreds of MC plus it's healthy, so it's a win-win situation.

    BEC 82
    AUD 81
    REG 8/29
    FAR: 10/19


    I think I need to start using this thread for accountability…because I'm doing alright with the studying, but not with the staying fit! I was proud of myself last week for doing 2 miniscule small workouts… *sigh* Tonight will not be a workout day, though. I'm hoping to get through 2 chapters of my Wiley book, and I think it's the longest 2 chapters in the whole thing, so getting through those this evening will be about all I do! Unless I work out with my boyfriend after he's home from work…and that will depend on how hard he has to work at work today. πŸ˜› But, I know I struggle to study after he's home, so can't take study-time to workout while he's at work… But I might make tomorrow a workout day! (I know…tomorrow never comes. πŸ˜‰ )

    So, at the moment:

    Study: Did alright over the weekend, need to knock out a couple more chapters today

    Fit: Ate way too much pizza yesterday and haven't worked out in several days…


    Fit: Up to a 5k at least 2-3 runs per week, did a 10k a week ago for fun (on my own) and actually managed to finish. Thinking about signing up for a race at the Phoenix 1/2 marathon in November to get an “official” time. Loving the NTC (Nike Training Club) app on my cell. Lets me get in a quick 15 minute workout when I have just a little bit of time, or need a break.

    Study: Should be studying for FAR. I have 8 weeks until my exam. We have a huge proposal due at work in the next week or so, so all my extra study time at the office has turned into actual work time. Blurgh. Hopefully, this will be done this week and I can re-work my study schedule to make up for lost time.


    Checking in on how everyone is keeping up with exercise while studying for their exams…to be honest I have been pretty much slacking. Luckily I am part of a softball and soccer league so that's pretty much all the exercise i get. Two nights a week. Want to incorporate more, but every time I do I feel stressed because I feel I should be at home with my study materials cranking things out.

    I just want these exams to be over and done with so I can get into a normal routine and not worry about studying! How about all of you fellow ninjas?

    REG - 2/27/2013 - 78!!!!
    AUD - 5/17/2013 - 72...Retake July 12th - 79!!!!
    BEC - 8/29/2013 - 77!!!!
    FAR - 11/14/2013- 72....Retake February 28th - 80!!! DONE!!!!

    AICPA Ethics - 98!


    Yeah… I've pretty much turned into a fat tub of lard the past month.

    I'm hoping to get back into working out. Getting up at 5am is horrible now since it's dark out! I think the summer months kickstarted me into working out because it was so light and warm out. Now it's getting dark earlier and I just want to stay in and watch Big Bang Theory reruns.

    I took a few weeks off from studying after my FAR exam and found out I passed during the “server down” incident. I'm starting to study BEC (my last one!!! AHHHHH) this week. This weekend, I'm planning to hit the gym in the morning and study most of the other time. Then I'll plan on working out after work a few days a week.

    The gym at my apartment is a good 5 minute walk outside. So anytime it's dark or rainy, I have no problem staying in bed. I think if it was in my building, I'd have an easier time. That's no excuse though! I really did enjoy getting my workouts over with in the morning. But the past few weeks I haven't been sleeping much more than 6 hours (not even a quality 6 hours) a night, so I'm trying to enjoy that extra hour in the morning. I need a good push!

    R - *77*(02/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    A - 71('11); *87*(04/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    F - *76*(08/'13)-Becker & NINJA - "server upgrade" survivor
    B - 60('11); *82*(10/'13) -Becker & NINA


    CPA in Massachusetts; issued 01/24/14


    I signed up for an IRONMAN yesterday. This will be my second one. Hopefully, I'll pass everything on schedule so I can get to training! I need to lose the CPA studying 15.

    FAR 05/31/12 - 69 08/22/12 - 72 11/30/12 - 78
    AUD 05/21/2013 - 77
    REG 08/29/2013 - 77
    BEC 10/17/2013

    Ethics - Nailed it.


    I am getting married 11/8/13 and this has motivated me to get a little bit more active. My brother has also started bodybuilding and that kind of motivated me as well seeing the results he was getting from diet and exercise.

    Starting this June I was determined to get some things done on the fitness front. I had some burned copies of P90X that I got from an old co-worker and had attempted to do last summer for 2 whole weeks. This year I dove in head first and am finishing up week 12 of 13. It is 6 days a week various programs and I have lost over 20 lbs, I have more energy, I am in a better mood most of the time, and I feel much better about myself in general.

    Coupled with the exercise program I have limited myself to an 1850 net caloric limit per day. This really removes large meals from your life and by large I mean 800+ calories. I also have been supplementing some as well with Whey Protein Isolates, creatine, casein proteins, multivitamins, fish oils etc.

    Now that it has been going on for 12 weeks I feel like I've developed a habit and I get upset if I don't get my workouts in. I have a free gym in my office building that I have 24/7 access to so that's a nice addition to continue with a decent program after the P90X is done.

    My Plan for the Fall with Studying will be rather harsh but necessary. Get up at 5 a.m. get my protein shake and supplements going. Leave the house @ 5:30 In the Gym by 6am work out 1 – 1.5 hours depending on the day and routine I'm doing. In the office by 7:30 study for 30 min to 1 hour. Work my normal day. with 30 min of study at lunch. then 2-3 hours of study after work and in bed by 10.

    The hardest part to balance it all out is the eating right. When I am pressed for time I tend to get lazy and tempted by fast food or easy food options.

    AUD - (74),78
    BEC - 85
    FAR - 86
    REG - 84


    @Iron_Victory I did P90X a couple of years ago and loved it. I've done it more than once and I did get tired of it though so I lost motivation.

    However today I started Insanity-was supposed to start Monday but oh well. I want to tone up so I am definitely not stopping this time even if I do have to restudy for FAR. I will just have to make time and quit making excuses. This is a great thread and does help with the motivation. Good luck to everyone getting/staying fit and passing the exams. πŸ™‚ My plans after I finish Insanity is to probably do P90X again or some other form of weight lifting/cardio.



    Today a co-worker told me to just stop working out until I pass the exam. I am training for a marathon in January. In all honesty, I don't think I could handle the stress of studyin for the CPA exam if I weren't running.


    @neika822….do you have any tips/tricks on how you studied for FAR? Did you follow the NINJA method or something else?

    Anyone in a routine while working out and studying?!?!

    REG - 2/27/2013 - 78!!!!
    AUD - 5/17/2013 - 72...Retake July 12th - 79!!!!
    BEC - 8/29/2013 - 77!!!!
    FAR - 11/14/2013- 72....Retake February 28th - 80!!! DONE!!!!

    AICPA Ethics - 98!


    do ten pushups every half hour of studying! Gets the blood flowing you don't loose concentration as quick, unless you're at a library or something then things will get weird

    Officially done.


    @kkimi – I have NO CLUE how I passed FAR. I thought I was doing a pretty miserable job of studying, haha. So I'm not sure I'm one to give you advice (I only passed with a 76). I started with the Becker method, but was getting frustrated with the homework, so I switched to the NINJA method after chapter 2. It worked out for me. The tough thing about FAR is that it's SO long and you forget the material as you go. I feel like this is even worse for me, since I seem to forget it by the next chapter. I couldn't get the motivation to review as I went along, but that would have been a good idea, haha. I take extensive notes after I go through each lecture, too. That helps me piece together everything and see the “big picture.” Good luck! FAR is a beast and I'd HATE to take it over again.

    As for FIT- nada. Haven't gone to the gym in so long. I'm feeling fat.

    R - *77*(02/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    A - 71('11); *87*(04/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    F - *76*(08/'13)-Becker & NINJA - "server upgrade" survivor
    B - 60('11); *82*(10/'13) -Becker & NINA


    CPA in Massachusetts; issued 01/24/14


    After viewing a few posts in here, it makes me chuckle; but I wouldn't expect any less as most are easily influenced by mass media when it comes to diet/training advice..

    Well, I'm probably one of the very few “competitive bodybuilders” that are also a (will be soon) a CPA. I think I have the worlds biggest CPA (in terms of muscle) on lock once I pass the final two sections. I'm 5 9 and 233 lbs, and nothing fits when it comes to suits or dress clothes :(. I've passed AUD (94) and FAR (84) while lifting 5 days a week, usually spending 1.5 hours in the gym. Most of my time is spent eating 6-8 times a day.

    I cook all my food for the week on one day. It's usually 10 lbs of rice, 10 lbs sweet potatoes, 10 lbs chicken, 15 lbs turkey. I go through 5 dozen eggs a week and 2-3 lbs of just egg whites.

    @catgrace. Sounds like you're coworker is just lazy and not very dedicated.

    Also, I kept this same schedule during tax season while intern'ing at a Big 4. However, I only lifted 3x a week and had some help from my fiance. I'm not sure if I will try to keep that up again as she is wanting babies within a few years, time is ticking.

    FAR - 84
    AUD - 94
    REG - 86
    BEC - 86


    Also, for you people doing the P90x and insanity stuff…. although I personally believe there are better methods at achieving your results, it's still great for cardiovascular health.

    Keep in mind, YOU CAN NOT out train a bad diet. If you do that program and then go chow down on Mcdonalds 2-3x a week, pizza, etc, then most are just going to stay fairly stagnant.

    FAR - 84
    AUD - 94
    REG - 86
    BEC - 86

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