Fit & Studying: Support thread - Page 16

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  • #178197

    I’ve ventured into the Health issues section, but this particular thread is supposed to help AVOID said issues.

    Let’s share what we are doing to try and maintain our health while studying. What are you guys doing for workouts? Workout DVDs? Buying home equipment? Gym lifting? Cardio only? Any particular workout programs you are using or are you freestyling it? What time of day do you workout?

    Are you guys trying to keep your eating habits under control? What are some good healthy study snacks you like?

    While it may be difficult for these exams to not affect your health at all, it is important to minimize negative affects. Let’s support each other and share our tips/techniques!

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  • #683798


    It feels like I haven't posted to in forever…but I worked out Friday and Saturday. I took today off. My eating habits are sooo bad right now. My most recent addiction is “honey dipped”/ glazed crueller donuts mmmmm (basically a buttermilk donut with glaze on it). It's funny how on the east coast (or at least in MA) glazed donuts are called “honey dipped”…come to think of it, maybe that's only at Donut&Donuts lol.

    STUDY: Rewriting NINJA notes takes wayyyy too long. I got to the point where I had 28 pages left to rewrite, but I just didn't feel I was really getting a great pay off, so I aborted that phase in the study plan. (can I say “abort”?) Anyway. I've been going over multiple choice for each of the chapters and I'm doing pretty well.

    I'm making a habit of approaching each MCQ with the following internal monologue: “OK, what's the topic at hand?…OK good…so now, what's the general rule for that topic?…OK…now apply that rule to this question.”

    I know that sounds stupid, but if I don't have “steps” like that, I'm going to get miss some easy points. Does anybody else do this when going over MCQs??


    @cpa4birthday…I used that similar approach on my last go round with REG MC. Otherwise I would mis-read the question or not focus on the rule etc. You're not alone!

    NYS CPA License # 113563
    CIA: Done as of 2/15/14

    Training for a half marathon post studying!


    @cpa4birthday…I used that similar approach on my last go round with REG MC. Otherwise I would mis-read the question or not focus on the rule etc. You're not alone!

    NYS CPA License # 113563
    CIA: Done as of 2/15/14

    Training for a half marathon post studying!


    @CPA – I have such a sweet tooth, and those donuts sound delicious… BTW – I'm in MA too!

    I'm hitting the books pretty well today. Doing the pomodoro method (altho I'm supposed to be off my break by now, oops), and it seems to be doing well. I've been studying fairly consistently since noon, but slightly distracted by Wimbledon.

    Once my bf is out of work, we're planning to run outside. Hopefully by this time (~8pm), it'll be slightly cooler outside.

    R - *77*(02/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    A - 71('11); *87*(04/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    F - *76*(08/'13)-Becker & NINJA - "server upgrade" survivor
    B - 60('11); *82*(10/'13) -Becker & NINA


    CPA in Massachusetts; issued 01/24/14


    I just took 17 pages of notes. My hand is numb…

    Today, I used the pomodoro method and cleaned during my breaks.

    Now, I'm off for a run! Then I'll start watching the last chapter YESSSSSSS. I'll plan on finishing it tomorrow.

    R - *77*(02/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    A - 71('11); *87*(04/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    F - *76*(08/'13)-Becker & NINJA - "server upgrade" survivor
    B - 60('11); *82*(10/'13) -Becker & NINA


    CPA in Massachusetts; issued 01/24/14


    been away on a slight hiatus. went to my gf's friend's beach house from the 4th-7th and got absolutely zero studying done. also did a lot of drinking…. goodnight sweet gains.

    back on track today.

    im gonna lift around 3 at the Y, then proceed to “work” at the same Y, but really, ill just be studying.


    Didn't do so well studying today…. but I ran 1.2 miles outside. Now I'm having a blueberry and banana smoothie (the only fruit I could find around the apartment…) WITH protein πŸ™‚

    Yesterday, I studied fairly well. I finished my chapter 10 lecture even though I REALLY wanted to fall asleep around 8pm. I'll be getting up early and hitting the books again in the morning.

    Yoga tomorrow at lunch, then it's studying once I'm home!

    R - *77*(02/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    A - 71('11); *87*(04/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    F - *76*(08/'13)-Becker & NINJA - "server upgrade" survivor
    B - 60('11); *82*(10/'13) -Becker & NINA


    CPA in Massachusetts; issued 01/24/14


    Great thread! Exercise and maintaining physical fitness are definitely good for a few points on the exam!

    FAR: July 2016


    FIT: Ugghhh! I feel like crap and it's all because of my food choices and lack of exercising so far this week. I need to get my act together and wake up early to workout for the next 4 days in a row because I will be out of town all next week and weekend and I probably won't be able to go to the gym πŸ™

    STUDY: Going through the MCQs AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN. I'm going to do a practice exam on Saturday morning and then use that to assess my study needs for the remainder of the weekend before exam day.


    Good morning and Happy Wednesday!

    I have been taking a quiet break myself. BUT I have also started experimenting with working out after work, then studying. I have been sleeping like a ROCK! I absolutely am loving a full night's sleep without my mind turning 100 mph.

    FIT: working out after work, usually 30 minute strength training with cardio, then 20-30 minutes outside doing a brisk walk with my lab. Feeling great soreness in my hams and calves.

    STUDY: worked on flashcards and finished reading my audit chapter last night!

    "Do not give up when you still have something to give... Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying."

    Why I am studying for the CPA exam: First it was it's personal!!!!! πŸ™‚


    I took a week off for a wedding vacation and did ZERO studying and the only workouts I got in was walking back up the huge hill from the lake.

    FIT: This thread inspired me to start The 30 Day Shread, which I am on day two of. I never realized how much 20 minutes could hurt! I think the reason I fell out of working out during studying was because whatever I was doing, whether running or the gym would take at least an hour out of the day. I wake up around 5:30 and do the workout instead of my early morning studying, which proved to be hit or miss as most days I would fall back asleep.

    Still trying to get back into my running shape. It seems once I reach 3 miles again I take a week off and fall out of it. Seems like I have some running friends on here and you guys are doing really well!

    I also impulse bought a groupon for Hot Yoga….something I've wanted to try but to be honest, my flexibility is flat out embarassing….we will see.

    STUDY: Finally went through leases and got some details down in my head. After going through the MCQ, I take a screen shot, make notes and rewrite my FOUR sets of notes I have (only the important details) into my new notebook. Something about having a new and fresh notebook…so exciting. I also relocated from my desk to bed, which I have noticed helps my focus immensely!

    Tonight I plan to get in at least 2 and a half hours…have a lot of ground to cover but I think I might start with GOVT/NFP as I always tend to leave that for last…

    B 71 - 79 EXPIRED
    A 69 - 75 EXPIRED
    R 65 - 48 - 45
    F 56 - 61 - 65 - 64

    Becker, Wiley Test Bank, Wiley Text and Ninja Notes

    "The fish who keeps on swimming is the first to chill upstream" -311

    Experience - Done, like WAAAY done.
    Still need 30 more credits, in basket weaving (gotta love new CA requirements)


    @Denise – Ugh, I feel like I've had the worst sleep this week. I just cannot fall asleep, even though I DESPERATELY want to.

    @Hustlin – I've been nervous to try Bikram Yoga. I've been doing regular (not intensive, at all) yoga for about a year now. I was just thinking about upping it to two nights a week, maybe with different instructors to see if I can push myself.

    I've always been fairly flexible, so I do enjoy yoga. It's the endurance/muscle that I really need to work on, which is why I'm trying to take up running.

    R - *77*(02/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    A - 71('11); *87*(04/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    F - *76*(08/'13)-Becker & NINJA - "server upgrade" survivor
    B - 60('11); *82*(10/'13) -Becker & NINA


    CPA in Massachusetts; issued 01/24/14


    STUDY: BEC: Got through 16 of 23 video sections of IT in CPAexcel….BEC exam scheduled for 7/22.

    FIT: This particular forum has inspired me…I have to do something to keep fit while being a study “potato”. However, I'm coming off Achilles tear/sprained ankle and can't run or play soccer. So I did something that many will chuckle at….I bought The Flex Belt Abdominal Toning Belt System. Study and work the core..Oh Yah!…While putting my ankle up. Don't expect the shipment till 7/18…I'll be cranking out MCQs and reviewing Ninja notes by then…and cranking up the belt with 150 settings. More to report upon receipt of shipment soon….HAHA! You are laughing….! Hope you got alittle core work-out!


    @ Hustlin, good for you! I LOVE the 30 Day Shred! VERY, very efficient. I also am a big fan of Ripped in 30! πŸ™‚

    @ neika, I'm so sorry to hear that. I am a chronic bad sleeper, so I definitely feel your pain. I know you are an a.m. workout person, and for years, I was too. Working out at night has done wonders for me. I get out all of the stress of the day, and I just feel so energized for studying. After 3 hours of Audit, I hit the hay like nobody's business! I cannot tell you enough how much better I feel.

    @ clbrown, heheh, thank you for the mini core workout! πŸ™‚

    "Do not give up when you still have something to give... Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying."

    Why I am studying for the CPA exam: First it was it's personal!!!!! πŸ™‚


    @Denise – I think my sleep has just been a bit whacked lately. I got a better sleep last night, except for my cat. If I wasn't studying, I'd consider working out after work, but I have a really hard time doing anything (even studying) after work. I feel like I get home, make dinner, eat dinner, and then only have a couple hours of quality study time. I have a strict sleep deadline of 10pm during the week, so I feel like that just comes up too fast! Hopefully, I can get back on a good sleep schedule.

    Got up at 5am today and ran OUTSIDE for 1.5 miles. Didn't stop running! The road is fairly straight, there's some inclines and hills, they're not steep, but this was a big accomplishment for me :).

    Then went to the gym after and did some sit ups, lunges, and squats.

    Last night, I did alright studying. I probably put in about two hours. Tonight, I'm going over a friend's for dinner, so I won't get too much studying done. I hope to come back and put in a couple hours. Tomorrow I have off, but we're heading out for the day, so I want to get up fairly early and put in a few hours then, too.

    R - *77*(02/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    A - 71('11); *87*(04/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    F - *76*(08/'13)-Becker & NINJA - "server upgrade" survivor
    B - 60('11); *82*(10/'13) -Becker & NINA


    CPA in Massachusetts; issued 01/24/14

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