9/19 Score Release - Page 4

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  • #2699733

    Who else is waiting to see if they’re completely done?

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  • #2707179

    Highly doubt it will be out tomorrow. Would be cool if it did though.


    I can’t even tell y’all how much I was hoping for an early release today.


    Same. 😔


    I know the scores won’t be released tonight, but I still keep checking the eyeball trick 😒 Waiting for AUD score!


    I keep doing the same thing! Good luck! We probably won't see scores until Wednesday morning. 😥


    Thank you! Good luck to you, too! At least it’s the last one for you 🤞. I’m struggling trying to study for BEC without knowing my AUD score…


    It's only my last one if I passed! If I failed FAR, I have to retake AUD and I'll be back to 50%. That's what happens when you have a NICU baby in the middle of studying! All of my sections are starting to expire. 😭 that's why I'm so nervous about this score! BEC is the worst…. AUD is easy, you've got it in the bag!

    sous vide

    This is my first post. Hoping the best for everyone on here! This forum//thread has been the only thing keeping me sane (thanks @Thee Accountant). I’m in the same boat – waiting for *hopefully* my last score. I’m trying to keep this all in perspective-> 1. These are first world probs we’re all having.
    And 2. It’s binary. We can just take the exam again if we don’t pass!

    Easier said than done. I know. I know…


    That sounds really intense, @lwaddell91 ! I’ll be sending some positive vibes your way!

    I’m an auditor. However, I found AUD to be harder than FAR, mainly due to subjectivity. In addition, there were many instances when I thought I didn’t do so bad on the quizzes and then I’d realize I got a lot of the questions wrong. So, it’s really hard to say how well I did on the AUD exam. I felt pretty good about FAR and could tell I most likely passed (minus the research question that I was certain I messed up). I’m not sure what to expect about my AUD score though…


    @bozi76 Humankind (ie Homosapiens sapiens) spends the first 191,000 years of its existence trying not to get eaten by a saber tooth cat or a paleo-bear or killed by rival tribes. During that time they also don't have Kroger or Publix so they have to figure out where the food is coming from constantly. There's no heat except for fire, no refrigeration, no A/C and no electricity or internet (gasp!) or antibiotics (that sucks). It's only in approximately the last 9,000 years or so that there has been any sort of civilization and only the last twenty-five hundred (minus that dark age thing) that we've gotten kinda advanced. Obviously it's really accelerated in the last fifty years. Humans have had a long time to deal with things like where to get food and going to war with rival tribes, but waiting for test scores, on an evolutionary scale, we're really not used to this at all!

    And thanks, this forum is the only thing keeping me from going into full panic mode. Everyone keeps telling me they're sure I passed, but I'm not sure. I won't be sure until I see the score.


    @yelenachapman I agree completely! With AUD I wanted to be like, “How should I know this for sure? Where's the audit manager, I want to ask if this is right.” LOL Although I had no idea if I passed FAR, but it worked out. I am fairly certain I got the research question right on AUD. It took me longer than usual but the first MCQ testlet didn't take me that long. The second testlet was harder, but I think it was too hard so I don't know how they score if you got the harder testlet and then screwed it up LOL


    I took REG and felt pretty meh about it. The good thing is that I squeeze it in right before the end of the window and can jump right in if I didn't pass. Going to keep studying until the score release date.


    I don't think scores will be released until Wed., (9/18) at 7:50PM EST. I feel like that is what the trend has been lately.

    Impatiently waiting…


    How hard can it be to grade these exams? Besides the written portion of BEC, it's either a right or wrong answer. Clowns.


    This whole process of waiting in no fun. As I understand it Prometric sends the scores at least by last testing window by the next day. AICPA receives scores, AICPA releases scores to NASBA, NASBA release scores to us. I do not see how this process should take more thank 3-5, unless Prometric is literally printing out a score sheet sending it by snail mail to the AICPA, who then sends it NASBA, who then post it.

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