@bozi76 Humankind (ie Homosapiens sapiens) spends the first 191,000 years of its existence trying not to get eaten by a saber tooth cat or a paleo-bear or killed by rival tribes. During that time they also don't have Kroger or Publix so they have to figure out where the food is coming from constantly. There's no heat except for fire, no refrigeration, no A/C and no electricity or internet (gasp!) or antibiotics (that sucks). It's only in approximately the last 9,000 years or so that there has been any sort of civilization and only the last twenty-five hundred (minus that dark age thing) that we've gotten kinda advanced. Obviously it's really accelerated in the last fifty years. Humans have had a long time to deal with things like where to get food and going to war with rival tribes, but waiting for test scores, on an evolutionary scale, we're really not used to this at all!
And thanks, this forum is the only thing keeping me from going into full panic mode. Everyone keeps telling me they're sure I passed, but I'm not sure. I won't be sure until I see the score.