9/19 Score Release - Page 3

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  • #2699733

    Who else is waiting to see if they’re completely done?

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  • #2705568

    My FAR exam just changed to attended when I clicked on the “eyeball” and looked at the form. Just a heads up everyone.


    Guys why my score report doesn't show current credit status section? I only have the part that score released for. Anyone has the same?


    Took BEC last Monday and didn’t feel too good about it. Ran out of time on the last WC and was only able to get a few sentences and keywords down. Desperately hoping for a passing score!


    I had the same thing happen to me in July… I got an 84. You still have a shot! I'm worried sick about passing FAR. If I failed, I have to retake AUD and FAR. 😔

    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    @Lwaddell91 when you passed BEC how did you feel on the MCQ and Sims?


    MCQ's seemed fair… The SIMS on BEC are so outrageous. I think I had one that was just stupid and I had 2 that I felt OK about. My time management was terrible. I pounded that keyboard to death to get most of the WC's complete. The final WC I had “Thank you for your time” and that's all. I just knew I failed for the 3rd dang time. I was shocked to get an 84. The incomplete WC must've been the one they throw out. Luck of the draw I suppose!

    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    @Lwaddell91 What you think are my chances of passing? My mcq were heavy calc. Both testlets but I think I did okay with most of them. The conceptual were tough for me. A lot of IT and like most, I struggled with IT questions. I'm hoping a lot of those were pre-test. The sims…I don't know. 2 of them partial credit, another I think I did really well on and the last I was behind on time so I guessed completely. The Sim I guessed on was a lot longer than the other 3 so I am hoping that was the pre-test sim. Written communication I finished all 3.


    I really want to give you some insight, but I don't have any real answers for you. My biggest issue was variance problems. I didn't know how to do them, and the formula confused me. BEC also pisses me off because it is not really accounting related, it's economics and that's not what I'm here for. That being said, I think if the MCQs seemed fair (they weren't off the wall in your mind), the Sims seemed ok, and you finished the WCS you probably passed.


    @Ajar I did take a couple classes once at A&M in Corpus but not officially an Aggie, unfortunately! My master's is from UT San Antonio. I lived in MA too once, when I was in high school. My brother still lives up that way. It was too cold that far north for my liking LOL I wasn't born in Texas but I got here as fast as I could! I tell you I'm about to climb the walls over this score release. It's because it's the last one. On the first score release I didn't even look until the day after. On the second one I wasn't even bothered by it. For the third one, that was FAR, I was a basket case for about an hour before the score came out. I mean we have four days to go and it's too early to be driving myself crazy over this!


    Who else is feeling a surprise Monday early release?


    The score will release on tomorrow???! OMG


    Monday release would fascinating 🙂


    I doubt seriously they release scores tomorrow but that would be very nice.


    They released 3 days early in August, so it’s not completely out of the realm of possibility. I just think all of the stars have to align.


    Yeah but that early release in August, they had closed the segment for score reporting on the 20th of July. That means there was a 12 day time period to report. In this case the segment closed on the 10th, so if they reported Monday that would be a lapse of only 6 days to report. I wouldn't hold my breath.

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