Neo, we will beat this exam. Sure those first few days after getting the results are tough to swallow but the pain in temporary. I did 90 questions yesterday and reviewed the 90 today to ease back into things. Starting tomorrow I plan on grinding it out. I am going to try and get through the entire Ninja MCQ's to see how it compares to Becker.
My first go around I took a lot of time trying to lay the foundation–understanding concepts, analyzing each question in depth, etc. This took a lot of time away from just grinding out questions. That's the technique I am going to go with this next month. I'm going to shoot for 600-800 questions a week and see where that gets me.
Hopefully 4Q Audit Study group is as active as this one because I have found it helpful to subscribe to this page and read up on every ones questions/concerns.
FAR - 78
REG - 72,74,71...please just go away REG nobody likes you!
BEC - 82
AUD - Aug 16