AUD Study Group Q3 2016 - Page 56

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    Exam is tomorrow, for those of you who have taken it already how did you feel about the ninja simulations vs the actual test ones?

    I used Roger for my FAR exam and thought their sims were way easier than the actual exam. Hoping that is not the case with these.


    aatoural, we don't have to do ethics for Florida.

    REG - 82
    FAR - 78
    BEC - 76
    AUD - 8/27/16


    Thanks Papogator, I was gonna send you and e-mail to ask you

    AUD - 8/29/16
    FAR - TBS
    REG - TBS


    just got home. waited until i completed the third testlet to take a break. I felt good. confident with minor second guesses on a few questions, but overall good. come the simulations. idk what happened. I felt completely lost. Ratios ratios ratios. I hate you! I knew what they were asking, just didn't know or forgot how to work the problems. confidence level went down the drain. Overall, idk what to expect. sigh…. it hurts to think i'll be testing for AUD (for the 3rd time)

    FAR: 66, 76!
    REG: 76!
    AUD: 72, 9/7/2016
    BEC: TBA

    Don't Stop When You Are Tired, Stop When You Are Done.


    Man,… These exams sucks! More then half of the test wasn't even in my review material!!.. Smh!

    We will see what happens in 2 weeks.

    AUD-September 2016


    That's exactly how I felt Dab. It can go either way like Dtatham described. So worried for my score release tomorrow.

    REG - 82
    FAR - 78
    BEC - 76
    AUD - 8/27/16


    Something about the night before the night of the release date that kills me. I toss and turn thinking about how the next night is going to go! Here's to one more night of no sleep. Regardless of the outcome its always a relief to know your score.

    Tentative Schedule:

    Fail: AUD 10/1 and REG 11/30

    Pass: REG sometime in next test window, haven't decided how much time I would give myself.

    FAR - 78
    REG - 72,74,71...please just go away REG nobody likes you!
    BEC - 82
    AUD - Aug 16


    Rosy and Dab my fingers are crossed for you guys…. I am so jealous of all of you who are getting scores tomorrow… I can not believe I sat the first date AFTER the cut off and have to wait until the 20th… grrrrrrrrrrrr should have payed closer scheduling attention. LOL.

    Heres hoping that DT and Papogator have good news tomorrow!

    and they ask me why I drink...

    FAR- 61-next time I'll ask for lube instead of a calculator
    REG-75- Never been so happy to see such a low grade
    BEC- 8/11
    AUD- 9/2


    Rosy0407 – sounds like you are joining me in the “love” for AUD Sims. But your MCQs experience sounds great so all you need is a bit from the SIMS and you are thru!!!

    Dtatham – I got that feeling too, just woke up today and the first tought was “I totally failed it I can feel it in my guts”. Long night tonight guys

    AUD - 8/29/16
    FAR - TBS
    REG - TBS


    I have no clue what to expect tonight. The one thing I can say is I gave AUD my best shot. My last REG exam I admit I didn't give my exam my best effort. I had an obligation right after the exam I was rushing to get to. Didn't review any of my answers and rushed through the sims. Finished with over an hour left and to nobodies surprise suffered my worst score to date (71). I'm at peace with my results on AUD knowing I didn't throw my money away like REG. I can say if I went back and retook it I would have handled it exactly the same way. Having said that I might go back and focus on different areas during the study process!

    FAR - 78
    REG - 72,74,71...please just go away REG nobody likes you!
    BEC - 82
    AUD - Aug 16


    dtatham – I have the same tentative schedule for myself, the only thing that is making me doubt about keeping it the last testing window or moving it for the 1st of next year. I already messed up on sitting the first day of a testing window and ended up waiting over a month for score. THh stress was too much, but I don't know if squezzing REG (in case I failed AUD) for the end of the 4th quarter window will be risking a fail on that as well.

    AUD - 8/29/16
    FAR - TBS
    REG - TBS


    I agree with you. I feel like I did my best for AUD, I knew it was (it has always been) my weak area, but I gave it my best. If I didn't make it I'll give it my best + 100% more but it will not defeat me. I just which it was cheaper 🙂

    AUD - 8/29/16
    FAR - TBS
    REG - TBS


    @aatoural if you have never taken REG then fitting it in will be tight but it can be done. I typically go a chapter a week then 2 weeks of if you were to go on that same schedule you wouldn't be able to get it in there. Personally if i went back and did this all over I would consider dropping the lectures which would save you a day or 2. Depending on your personal life if you have time to put in 6-8 hours a day then I think its easily manageable. I have a 10 month old and a full time job so its not easy to expedite my studying process.

    FAR - 78
    REG - 72,74,71...please just go away REG nobody likes you!
    BEC - 82
    AUD - Aug 16


    Dtatham – yes is the first time around. Thanks for the feedback. I usually can get about 4 hrs in week days and study for longer on weekends. I don't have kids yet, but life sometimes gets in the way of your set plans.

    AUD - 8/29/16
    FAR - TBS
    REG - TBS


    I would say go for it if you can set yourself up good enough to make a good attempt at it. Even if you don't feel 100% prepared having the exam under your belt will be good. For me, time is starting to become an issue. I need 2 more exams or my FAR drops in May 2017. Best case I will get 3 more cracks at REG and AUD. I would always recommend not skipping a test window and sitting for the exam if you feel you can at least make it through the study material and have a little review time.

    FAR - 78
    REG - 72,74,71...please just go away REG nobody likes you!
    BEC - 82
    AUD - Aug 16

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