Oldest Candidate EVER - Page 2

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  • #200977

    I am 58 and have been an eligible candidate for years. I have worked full time – 10 years at a public accounting firm- and been raising 3 kids, never really feeling like i had time enough to study. Meanwhile people were passing and passing. I passed two sections (then got a 73 then 2- 74s on BEC- really) then lost the credits I had due to life interfering with my study time again. I am now in the position to study full time- for the first time ever and I am making a plan. It would be great to have some encouragement. Has anyone as old as I am ever tackled the exam???

    REG 79 - LOST IT
    BEC 74 74 73
    AUD 71 79!!! LOST IT

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  • #769967

    i am young! my daughter is older than most of you. if i sounded like an old coot my questions would go unanswered out here. i will be doing everyone's taxes at the retirement home when that day finally comes.

    AUD - 93
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 76
    REG - 88
    How have you been?
    Ninja book and MCQs and the forum, all first try! 2016
    Licensed State of Montana April Fool’s Day 2020
    State of Colorado June 2020 - AICPA Ethics 93
    Experience was the worst part of the journey for me. You?
    If you want things to change you have to do something different.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    I have found “my people”! Thanks for posting… I'm “old too” and as of yesterday began to think “i'm too old for this”– We're not. We CAN do it!

    And they ask me why I drink

    BEC 71, 82
    AUD 75
    REG 75
    FAR 61, 69, 83

    and they ask me why I drink...

    FAR- 61-next time I'll ask for lube instead of a calculator
    REG-75- Never been so happy to see such a low grade
    BEC- 8/11
    AUD- 9/2


    I am an international student here in US. I spent much more time than average test takers because it takes much time to read and understand. Sometimes I even need to read 4-5 times to try to understand the material. You can do it!!!!!! Hang in there. Good luck

    REG - 90 (1/30/2016)
    AUD - 88 (2/29/2016)
    BEC - 81 (4/9/2016)
    FAR - 85 (6/10/2016)

    Becker ONLY


    Four and a half years ago I opened my own bookkeeping business–my degree almost 30 years ago was in Actuarial Science, and I've done numbers of one kind or another my whole life.

    From the minute I started meeting clients they’d asked me, “Are you a CPA?” and I’d have to say, “No, I’m not.” One day I finally asked myself, “What would it take to become a CPA?”

    I needed accounting classes – a lot of them. 30-some hours of them. And of course, after that, I’d have to study for, take and pass the exam—one part each session because I know myself and there was no way I could work full-time and study and pass them quicker. But it could be done…maybe…Hmm…

    So, I took the classes–and worked my bookkeeping business. I took 2 classes each semester for 3 years–then I was eligible to sit. I sat for REG first, then BEC then AUD. I’ve passed 3; I take FAR in May.

    Some days when I'm studying for this last piece of the puzzle, I wonder: what in the world was I thinking? This is insane. LOL

    All this to say, hey, time passes. Whether we set goals and take small, steady steps toward them or not is completely up to us.


    Oh, FYI, I'm 53. 🙂


    @spartans92 I have no idea what leveling up means in Pokemon terms. I’m 44. I was thinking Super Nintendo and a little Atari in the 80’s. lmao

    I feel the same- ‘my peoples'. Lol I started college with 6 hours when I was 38 because I could not understand what our CPA accountant was telling us about our business and I thought, why not cut out the middle man who is taking all my money? We got this. Experience is invaluable in this profession.

    Stilgoin, CPA

    There are enough critics. Be an encourager

    B | 62, 78
    A | 73, 67, 79
    R | 82
    F | 59, 59, Waiting

    Ethics | 93

    "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
    ~Winston Churchill

    “In a world full of critics, be an encourager."


    Took me a while to find it but yes, someone who was 63 (not the oldest candidate ever lol but the only one I recall that participated on this message board)


    Old timer,  A71'er since 2010.

    Finance manager/HR manager



    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    @stilgoin — oh yea I remember those days (good old Zelda).. 42 years old here and just getting started on the CPA but been in accounting for the past 20 years gonna finally (one day) make it official.

    A - 79
    F - 77
    R - 83
    B - 75

    AUD - 74 (3x), TBD
    BEC - Sept16
    FAR - TBD
    REG - TBD


    Ah Cool, Hitting 48 this year, and I thought I was the lunney one. Planning to pass before 50.

    Good luck to us all.



    Wow this is great – looks like there's a bunch of late career professionals tackling this. I can tell you I hate cost accounting as much or more 30 years after I took it. 10 days until BEC – 10 12-14 hour days. I was thinking of taking REG during the extended testing window, but just looked at the content outline – yikes! I haven't looked at the questions yet – does anyone know if there's a lot of calculations on REG?


    40 !! Didn't go to college till I was 32.

    AUD - 99
    BEC - 83
    FAR - 86
    REG - 92
    California - Internal Audit

    CPA since December 2016.

    (took seven tries, 1 year 10 months).

    AUD - 74, 99 !!
    REG - 74, 92
    BEC - 83
    FAR - 73, 86

    Studying for Ethics exam

    California candidate
    Business and Industry


    Turning 47 this year; I took 2 years off to earn another BS (Accounting) to make a significant career change. After graduation I worked in Public long enough to fulfill the experience requirement and have since moved to industry as a staff accountant. Fortunately, my job pays well and is not especially demanding, and I am allowed to study at my desk as long as my work is finished. I just need to knock out the rest of these tests so I can make a move to a more engaging/challenging position.

    p.s. I don't know how those of you with families and kids manage to keep sane while tackling the CPA exam.

    B A R F

    B - 77 (2.27.16)
    A - 81 (4.18.16)
    R -
    F -

    Roger Review + Ninja MCQs


    Hello everyone.
    I saw this topic and want to introduce myself as a new CPA candidate at age 54.
    Just graduated with my BS in Accounting last year and currently working on my MACC now.
    I have also just applied for my first exam and will be starting with BEC.
    My plan of attach is to use the Ninja MCQ and Notes for BEC and give myself 12 weeks for this first test.
    Wish me luck.

    2016 CPA Candidate


    @JSThompson: Good luck! Though you don't sound like you need luck at all 🙂


    JSThompson – i ended up giving myself 12 weeks for BEC because it had been 20+ years since I had studied those topics. I was also having a problem remembering everything because unlike AUD and FAR there was no deep dive into any of the material. BEC is described as a mile wide and an inch deep. Since you just finished your BS you may surprise yourself and not need 12 weeks. Start looking for exam dates when you see an end in sight. Scheduling a test can be a challenge all its own in some areas. As you move through the material make sure you are reviewing everything up to that point so you don't forget the early stuff. Good luck!

    AUD - 93
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 76
    REG - 88
    How have you been?
    Ninja book and MCQs and the forum, all first try! 2016
    Licensed State of Montana April Fool’s Day 2020
    State of Colorado June 2020 - AICPA Ethics 93
    Experience was the worst part of the journey for me. You?
    If you want things to change you have to do something different.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    All right !!! Congrats to all AARP ninjas …hahaha . I'm 49, got licensed not too long ago. We have in our favor the experience that could turn out in a high return of profits very quickly. Never give up!!
    Makiu CPA

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