let me get specific for a change. I was reading in the Ninja book yesterday about how the feds can take wedding rings?
Today, I listened to a CPA Excel lecture about how the feds are sentimental and won't take them.. does it matter how much those rings are worth? My brother gave me this scenario about how people take out loans on rings like a car payment.. I wasn't sure if that would make any difference.
Then I noticed that Gleim and CPA Excel were talking about federal exemptions.. “4) An interest in jewelry up to a value of $1,550”
If someone declares BK with say a million dollar ring, hypothetically, would the reds consider taking it? What do you all think? Maybe I should contact my reviews for better coverage, but I'm curious, what you guys know.
I'm job hunting myself, if you read my post, but it's tough. My state gave me a job developer. I almost had a job in accounting. I got selected, but it didn't work out. I would temp if I didn't need my medical insurance even with Medicaid, got a baby and my wife's working on permanent residency.. just to say it get's complicated and as time passes and all that's left on my resume is my current job, it's hard to be taken seriously in this economy without the CPA. All the best, y'all!