REG Study Group April/May 2013 - Page 48

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    As boring as the Yaeger videos are, they are great for REG! The emphasis on basis questions is fantastic and I attribute Phil to my passing REG on the first try with an 81. Good luck to everyone!


    Gota love the Becker.. $180 large ones for 100 more extra questions.


    @cptnmorgan… Yes indeed. This was the first section that I did not come across a question that wasn't covered either by Yaeger (or the Wiley book) in some way, shape, or form. OId Phil can be rather annoying and makes some errors during the tax segments but he really hits the nail on the head for business law. I am happy with my result but the funny thing is that I could have done so much better… I know for a fact that I missed several really easy MC questions and could have done significantly better on a couple of the simulations.

    Anyway, I'm 3 for 3 with the Yaeger/Wiley combination and two of the three Yaeger courses that I have used have been “out of date”: 2011 FAR (took the test in January 2013) and 2012 REG (April 2013). Highly recommended!


    4,300 questions and 164 sims for $197 🙂


    InterFC1 you and me both! I used 2011 FAR, 2011 AUD (but ended up getting 2012 cram for my retake) both tests passed in 2013.

    I have 2013 REG, and I stopped watching them. I realized I hated the REG videos so much that it kept me from studying. I just dreaded turning them on and listening :/ Finally, I just started rewriting Ninja notes as an outline. Then found the Wiley text for those areas for review. I'm feeling better after finally getting some 70's on practice quizzes. But I may turn the video back on for Bus Law.

    A:[73]97 F:[74]85 R:86 B:[74]82
    *NINJA 10 Pt. COMBO & Yaeger*


    Jeff, if you you haven't finished your first lecture/video course, start with REG, I may need it for a retake in the fall!

    Or, let me at it now, lol, I neeeeeed you!!!!

    A:[73]97 F:[74]85 R:86 B:[74]82
    *NINJA 10 Pt. COMBO & Yaeger*


    My mistake, $80 dollars for REG supplemental questions not much better.. $180 for about 300 FAR questions. This is only available for 2013 Becker btw.


    So I just finished all the lectures in Becker. So R5-R8 only make up about 20% of the exam points? There is so much information in those areas. So I assume most people look over it one more time during the final review/progress tests, but spend most of the time with tax. Is there any portion of R-5-R8 that is not considered business law and is included in the tax portion?



    No I do not think so, although I found that overlapping the R8 business structures material with reviewing for Tax helped me to understand things better. Also, that part about Partnerships being taxed as an entity only for FICA, FUTA etc.


    I thought it was 60% tax, 40% law, no?


    Becker says it is 17-21%. So in theory isn't it worth much less than Tax since Sims are only tax and that is 40% of the grade? I'm not exactly sure how this works either.


    Yeah, I have always understood it to mean that BL makes up roughly 40% of the multiple choice questions. I have seen something like that posted by others on here before I was studying for REG. There is also 15-19% that is classified as Ethics, professional, and legal responsibilities. I guess that, along with the 20% of business law could also be where the 40% number comes from.


    Studied out.. Pretty much coasting until my exam next week. Will lightly review tricky areas and do a progress test each day.


    I'm studied out, too, but not done. I'm going to sleep tonight and then do a practice test of only business law tomorrow. After that, I'm going to review tax. My test is two weeks from tomorrow, so pretty nervous. I need sleep before I do anything else, though.

    Have a great night guys!


    Well I take My Regulation Exam on Thursday and I got my FAIR Score back smh I got a freaking 72 and my Score Release breakdown makes no sense the only weak area it showed was not for profit Accounting which was only 8-12%. Ah Well I hope this regulation exam goes well. Not feeling confident at all about it. One test down three to go I need to get two test passed this summer its a must!

    BEC – 77

    Audit – NA

    Fair – FREAKING 72

    Reg – Pray for me

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