REG CPA Exam Scores: October-November 2009 - Page 153

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    I'm posting from the FAR board. We're testing a theory.

    If you are in MO, OH, GA, IN:

    Please try to register for an exam you know you've already passed. Even if you've already passed them all, please try. Then send me a private message with your results:

    Were you able to get to the payment page? Did it give you an error message, and if so, what was the message?

    You can also try registering for exams you still have a current NTS for to see what happens there. We're testing out a loophole theory for getting your results in those states.


    Testing in TN (NASBA State)
    REG 74, 77; FAR 77; BEC 73, 73, 73, 80; AUD 40,78
    And I'm out...


    Nmc… No WI scores yet… None post until all 4 sections have been released by NASBA… We have a seperate topic going for WI scores updates. Supposedly Geneva, the WI rep told another candidate that WI scores won't be up until first week of January… Hopefully that is wrong and we will see something when FAR is released tonight…


    Chas –

    Like others have said, the scoring is one of those mysteries. 24 hours after getting my REG score I am still baffled as to how. I almost feel like a fraud since it was lucky guesses & grading on the topics I knew. Not just the sims were difficult for me but the MC questions were progressively harder (which from what I can tell is a good sign) but to the point where I was clueless on what was being asked, much less knowing an answer.

    I would definitely continue on REG, adding to what you know and with the materials you already using, maybe adding a cram to the mix if possible (others that used itmight be able to give a better recommendation). Others may disagree & I am sure a part of it was just the draw of questions I had, but I did not feel well prepared with Becker. I know that might sound strange since I passed with Becker but it is true (see above). The topics Becker heavily covered were not tested much, topics that were maybe 2 lines in the review book & not touched at all in the live course were an entire tab in a sim & several MC questions. This might be no fault of Becker, but just my personal experience this particular test. I will say I did feel well prepared with Becker for AUD & BEC. Best of luck to you.


    Yes, you can buy one section of Becker at a time. It isn't cheap, $1,000 +/- or so. There is always someone selling it on ebay also but buyer beware since you never know what you are going to get.


    I got the same message from Geneva about the first week of January. Any idea if the resultwatch would work for our scores in Wisconsin


    No – if it's not on the NASBA site…result watch won't work.


    Failed REG with a 69…this was my last one. Was really hoping for a passing grade because I studied ridiculously hard for about 6 weeks! I need to pass before January 31, 2010 (when my FAR credit expires), so I ordered Yaeger Home Study. Who used Yaeger to pass and what did you think of it?



    FAR: 84, AUD: 82, BEC: 76, REG: 78


    Steve, I used Yeager passed AUD and REG the first time and could absolutely not be more pleased.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the classes, the explanations, and how they incorporate the Wiley book

    And, First, its serious dedication.

    As you are going through the review course, Its seriously thinking in concepts where you will pass the exam and the exam strategies are useful. You're not looking to be an expert in all areas just proficient.

    Remember, you're looking to PASS, not get a perfect score, but its still good to aim high.

    I think you made a great choice.


    AUD: 79

    BEC: 74, 74, 76

    REG: 80

    FAR: 02/10


    Thanks for the feedback all


    Wisconsin was released at some point today … got a 91. 4th time is a charm, I guess.



    Thanks for your input on Yaeger. I actually just started with the first DVD for Regulation. I hope to be done with the lectures by next Sunday so I can focus on multiple choice and simulation practice for the following few weeks until my exam. I hope 4 weeks is enough time to get the 6 points I need for that 75! Good luck studying for FAR…that one is a beast!


    FAR: 74, 84

    AUD: 67, 69, 71, 82

    BEC: 71, 76

    REG: 69, Retake January 2010


    FAR: 84, AUD: 82, BEC: 76, REG: 78


    smrivera1 – I originally took REG using Becker and received a 65. I admit to not studying as hard but I absolutely hate taxes and the areas I did weaker on were definately the tax concepts. I decided to try Yaeger homestudy out and Phil and his team did an amazing job breaking down the sections and teaching the concepts! I went through the assigned questions and felt confident that I was learning and absorbing the concepts. I felt the same way when I took the exam and received an above average score for MCs, which helped offset my below average SIM score. Got a 75 with Yaeger.

    As for the SIMS, no matter how many SIMS I review, the ones I receive on the exam are always different. It's probably best to make sure you manage your time on the exam and have a solid understanding of the concepts to tackle any SIM question.

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