REG CPA Exam Scores: October-November 2009 - Page 152

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    How can they give me a 74 of all the marks!!! This has ruined my xmas. I am soooooo disappointed.


    Just called OK Accountancy Board cuz still no scores posted – I was told the ‘coordinator' has been out of the office unitl today… what the He!!??? She said for me to call back in 15 min and she'd check on my score. I'm speechless. Surely this is not right.



    Anything worst that a 73 is a 74.. so I really know how u feel.

    Anyways, just have to work harder. REG was my first section.

    Taking AUD and BEC next, then I'll get my NTS for REG and FARE.

    Good Luck All.. Don't give up!!!

    Merry X-mas / Happy Holidays to All…


    OK is up… 81!!! Oh, Happy Day!


    I emailed Castle inquiring about my score and they tell me they have not received it yet,along with 33 others. Wow!! This is the worst experience I have ever had. I hope I pass so I don't have to deal with the BS ever again!!!!


    No offense to anyone, but can someone explain the scoring process of the CPA exam. CPA1 passes with an 80 (Congrats), without completing the sims, not doing either communication or research question. Obviously, doing very well in the mc. On the other hand, I completed the entire exam answered everything, granted they may not have been correct, but logic says something is better than nothing. I also felt like I did ok on the mc, yet I fail with a 74. Not bitter, just discouraged and confused.


    Chas, I don't know if anybody can truly explain how they grade this exam. It is a mystery. Some people say they grade only 1 sim. Others say they can choose to grade “parts” of both sims. General consensus says that the mc are weighted heavily. Which means you could answer 3 “easy” questions right and not get as much credit as a person who answers 1 “difficult” question right. Its a freaking mystery my friend. I have also read that if you are doing well that the testlets get increasingly difficult. But I only noticed my testlets getting more difficult on 2 out of the 4 exams and I passed all of them with an 80 or above. It really is very frustrating….


    I just passed Regulation with a 79 and I had no idea what I was doing on the simulations. I believe I did okay on the multiple choice and had about an hour to complete both simulations. On the first simulation, I went to the communication and had no idea about what to write because I didn't know the topics. I fumbled through it and just mentioned that I'll get back to them with the answer. Because I spent almost 45 minutes on that simulation, I closed it out and went to the next one. I went straight to the communication and once again had no knowledge on the topic they wanted me to write about. They wanted me to talk about approx. 6 different subjects but I think I only wrote about 2. I didn't have enough time to complete the rest of the simulation, so I knew i just failed. I would say just make sure your grammer, spelling and punctuations are okay and hope for the best.

    AUD - 75, REG - 77, BEC - 79, FAR - 76

    After 1 and 1/2 years of studying, I'm a CPA


    I'm officially done!!! I passed REG with a 76!! Finally this nightmare is over! Congrats to all who are done and everyone else keep your heads up you will get through this!


    @goingforit, or anyone with any tips for Becker users.. You said you passed REG with a 90 using Becker..

    Did you follow Becker's schedule? Whether it was Online, Live classes; did you follow the 2 classes per week schedule and prepare all in 1 month? Or did you take several months? I'm hearing a bunch of mixed study methods..

    I took REG in Nov and just found out I need to retake, but now I don't know if I should continue on with the rest of the sections and take it again at the end? Or do I take it next since it's still sort of fresh in my head? The thing with Becker is, if you want to qualify for the Becker Promise, you need to have all your homeworks and lectures completed by like a month after that section. Would my 2009 REG materials be sufficient or should I order 2010 stuff?

    Any and all thoughts are welcome.



    I recommend you to take REG again until you pass it because it is fresh in your head. You can continue with one other section but take REG first.

    I studied with Wiley sofware of 2007 and Becker books of 2008 and I just found out that I'm done with the CPA Exam. So the year of the book is not that important (except for audit!! Too many changes in the last couple of year)


    @ksf105 – I did the Becker course over a month, then (because I work full time) spent the next month doing the homework, and the 3rd month re-doing all the homework, taking practice exams, re-writing my notes, and a final cram the week before. I passed with an 84. *Note on Becker, MC questions are very similar to the exam, simulations on REG were tough. Visit AICPA website simulations for REG – it had stuff Becker didn't have.

    AUD was easier for me – finished the course, homework and final review in 2 months (not as many chapters or classes). Passed with a 94. I love Becker so far – the questions are almost identical to those on the exam, so if you keep doing the MC homework and do the progress exams as well as the practice exams, you will do well. I took 2 practice exams each day, 2 days before the exam.

    Whatever you decide, read all chapters 2 times, do the homework several times, and practice, practice, practice.

    @Chas – I have no idea how that person passed. Isn't fair I suppose to those who worked so hard. I felt pretty bad when I left my exam. Had 1 hour to finish 2 simulations, did research 1st, then the sims, left written last (barely wrote 2 paragraphs each) and still managed to get a better score than anticipated. Focus on the areas you know have the higher percentages, that's all I can say about that one. Good luck!

    BEC - 75 (05/19/2009), AUD - 94 (08/27/09), REG - 84 (11/30/09), FAR - 81 (05/27/10)


    Anyone in Wisconsin receive their score yet?


    I have been watching this forum through all of my exams, and I will have to say, it was nice to know that people were in the same boat as I was. Frustrated with the test, but with an outlet where others were going through the same thing. I got my last score last night, after watching this board for the past week. Passed with an 87. The process was rough, but having knowledge that there were real people going through the same thing made it bearable.

    Also, Thank you to Jeff for the site. I tell all others that I come into contact with that are taking the exam that this is a great site, and that the information presented here is excellent. Thanks for making the process easier.

    I will have to say, by reading this forum, I knew to give myself at least 1 hour and 45 minutes for the SIMS. This was the best advice of all. I really think that it helped contribute to my score.

    Good luck everyone in your future, happy holidays.

    AUD - 92; BEC - 87; FAR - 89; REG - 88; Done.


    @ksf105 – i am not sure how you are feeling about REG in general or what kind of score you received so i couldn't tell you for sure if you should take it again bf something else. In my opinion, the next exam you should take should be, in your opinion, what your the most knowlegable at…if you feel burnt out on REG and its your strongest part, go to your next strongest one…this exam is all about getting on a roll…then hopefully it abruptly comes to a stop and you're finished 🙂 i would advise you (depending on how fast you study) to try and take two exams per window if you can…three i you really put in some effort…also you should probably take REG sometime in this upcoming window bf you start forgetting a lot of information. I used the cd lectures and i thought they were fantastic…i started with wiley and received a 70 then a 73…switched to becker (studied 3-4 weeks) and scored a 90!…in the case of REG, try to break up the 7 sections (i think) into smaller sections and review them until you move on…then revew the whole section…its all about knowing the information wo having to think about it too much…at least w REG bc of the time constraints on the exam..if you have any question about anything else, let me know…a lot of people helped me through this process and ill try and do the same 🙂

    BEC (75), FAR (75), AUD (88), REG (90)

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