REG CPA Exam Scores: October-November 2009 - Page 149

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    Also, if it helps anyone, I used Becker. I studied through about 1 to 2 sections a week and then took some days off right before the exam to do an overall review from start to finish. Even if you can get only one or two days off to just cram for 12+ hours a day, do it!

    Also, WRITE your OWN note cards just before the exam for difficult to memorize/master difficult areas. Using purchased note cards from Becker is fine, but I have an easier time memorizing when writing myself. Doing the questions are a given, but I didn't do some of the questions and it always worked out Ok on the actual exam. For example, if you run out of time, don't totally sweat the supplemental Becker questions if you've done a good job on the required HW questions. Although, I would recommend doing all questions twice for those that have the time.

    I just throw that out there in case someone gets a good idea or two for preparing for the next exam. Of course, we are all different and may not learn exactly the same ways.


    Coug4r123, that's incredible you scored so high. How much did you have to study to remember the information so well?

    AUD - 80 (10/16/2008), FAR - 67 (8/30/2007) 83 (4/21/2009), BEC - 72 (5/26/2009) 83 (10/16/2009),
    REG - 74 (11/24/2009)


    I probably over-studied. I had the thought, get this done now and never think about it again. I also took two exams before I got my first score, and I thought I had done horrible on FARE because I didn't know better.

    Anyway, for REG, some weeks I would get 0 to maybe 5 hours in during the week. I'd then study about 10-20 hours on the weekend. I'd recommend getting more in during the week, but sometimes it's just so impossible to do. The key for me has always been the week prior to the exam. I would study all day and a good part of the night for a week or more (for FAR, about 9 days). I had all Thanksgiving break to study for REG. For BEC, I only got one day off a couple days before the exam, but it helped a ton.

    I've found that I didn't remember a lot of stuff worth crap once I got to the final review. It was the second time around that paid off. I remember thinking, man, I might have bombed if I hadn't set aside cram time right before. A friend of mine barely failed REG b/c she didn't do a final cram/review. She's super smart, but it was just a matter of having/spending the time right before the exam.

    Anyway, if you can do 10-15+ hours for a few days or more before the exam, you can probably remember just long enough to hit the key points on the exam. And pay attention to what the instructors say is important without getting bogged down on stuff that you probably know won't be on the exam (like the fact that racing horses get depreciated over X number of years, ha ha).


    yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i passed with a 76! For those of you who think you failed never stop hoping because I thought that for every one of my exams and I'm not just saying that. For this exam I didn't do one of the communication tabs and I STRUGGLED with the sims like had no idea what I was doing for the first sim and had 20 minutes left for the second.

    I'm finally done.

    FAR 91, AUD 77, BEC 75


    73. I studied for a solid week (no work, mostly study) but was unable to complete the review book. I did watch all the business law letures but my exam seemed to forget to include question the topic. Thus, I barely got through individual and corp tax and totally missed partnerships and the ethics/ professionalism nonesense. Needless to say.. my studying didn't cut it. I never seen many (A lOt) of the question (a lot, a lot) .. Point being .. study and don't miss the tax section. (Dah) Reading the material after you struggle through it for the first time is the equation to pass. I'm not a big supporter of over doing the multiple choice questions or even wasting a minute on studying/practicing sims. Just learn enough stuff. Study study study.

    FAR 91

    BEC 87

    REG 73


    Coug4r123……I am definitely going to take your approach and just go to town for the next time I take this one.

    I am the same way in that after going through all of the Becker materials (lectures & MCQ's), I need a solid week to comprehensively review before the exam. For FAR I needed 2 weeks. I take a day each to go through chapters and then for the final day before and day of the exam I go through the whole book to review all of the key concepts, mnemonics, etc. I especially would focus on the parts that had the highest weighted %.

    Did you use becker? I have never done the “final exams” because I always feel like I could better use my time studying the questions and getting direct feedback rather than going through 60 or 90 questions and finding out in the end what I got wrong. Another reason I might not have done as good on this one is because I didn't go through all of the Becker flashcards like I did on the previous exams that I passed.

    AUD - 80 (10/16/2008), FAR - 67 (8/30/2007) 83 (4/21/2009), BEC - 72 (5/26/2009) 83 (10/16/2009),
    REG - 74 (11/24/2009)


    Got my score in Texas – 85! After many years of going back to school to get the credits and sitting for the exams…done!

    Congrats to everyone, and hang in there!

    Thanks for the site Jeff. It has helped me (and my wife!) deal with anxiety come score time. Keep up the great work!


    Congrats to all who passed! I too have been taking Becker for all exams – didn't study enough for BEC (1st exam) but still pulled off a 75, AUD I approached with a better study attitude – did all the homework questions and progress tests, 2 weeks before the exam re-read all chapters and re-wrote all notes, re-did every single homework question, and did 4 practice exams w/simulations, day before exam created flashcards on areas I had problems with. End result = 94.

    I wasn't able to study quite as hard on the REG as I was on AUD, but was able to re-read and re-do all homework, but only 1 week before the exam (vs 2 weeks) and I didn't feel as prepared. I was nervous about REG like everyone else, I felt the simulations were so hard – I left the exam with only 20 seconds left, Because I saw I was getting short on time, I worked all the simulations and research problems 1st (knowing they were worth more) and barely wrote 2 paragraphs on the written portion to save time. Shocked this morning to get my score and I got an 84! Best Christmas present ever!

    Good luck to everyone – Looking forward to FAR in the new year! 🙂

    BEC - 75 (05/19/2009), AUD - 94 (08/27/09), REG - 84 (11/30/09), FAR - 81 (05/27/10)


    I got a 74….I studied for this test as much as I did for FAR…..has anyone ever appealed a score?

    Far -> 82, Bec -> 80, Aud -> 92, Reg ->74,84!!! IM DONE!



    Let me know if you hear anything from MD. I am waiting for my last score. I'm really hoping for a 7:30am release like my 3 other scores.


    I am very happy. I got 85 in REG after waiting for alomst 80 days. Now want to start preparing for Auditing.

    FAR - 87 (10/01/2009); REG - 85 (10/05/2009); BEC - 88 (10/06/2009); AUD - FEB 2010


    shm_cpa – same boat, Audit is next.



    It's 8am and nothing yet from MD. Even if I failed I just want my score. I dont know why they are torturing us. I am tired of waiting!!



    Me too. I got a 74 last time on REG and this is my last one, so I am getting very anxious. I work about 3 blocks from the State Board. I am tempted to just walk in and see what is going on. I've called and emailed, but their responses are no help. I love that no one can give you an idea of when scores may be out. I'm just hoping to find out something by lunch.


    I'm here in MD being tortured as well. For all of the other sections I took I received my score at 7:30am the day after the AICPA released them. I just want to know. Good luck and hopefully not too much more waiting.

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