I left nothing blank but I did run out of time.
Here is what I posted about an hour after I took the exam:
“I started my journey towards becoming a CPA by sitting for FAR today. I couldn't even begin to guess how I did but I know I gave myself at least a chance to pass.
I will approach my studying much differently for my next section. Instead of trying to nail down a subject one by one, I would try and get as much material covered in a night as possible. I'm a public accountant with a 2-3 hour round trip commute to work every morning, plus I am in school. I was able to get in 15-20 hours a week of studying over the past 8 weeks.
When I took my Becker practice exams (M/C only), I scored a 45 on the first one and a 60 on the second. When I do the quizzes covering all 9 areas I would generally score around an 80. Usually I would bomb one area and I would go back to the book and try and brush up on that area.
The exam seemed easier than the Becker practice exams. I felt very confident on the first testlet, awful on the second and ok on the third. I rushed through the last 10 questions of the 3rd because I wanted to leave 90 minutes for the sims.
I think I should do very well on the written communication. Spent about 15 minutes on each, a couple of paragraphs for each directly answering the question. I'm 90% sure I got the research tabs correct.
The rest of the sims I struggled on. They were all journal entries. I thought I would see more than journal entries here but nope, 5-6 tabs of journal entries. The wording was extremely long for all of them and would take me about 5 minutes just to read. I think I got 1 tab completely right, the rest could have been all wrong and I wouldn't even know. They were areas I felt very comfortable with on the M/C but not areas where te Becker study material focused on the journal entries. They usually would just mention the journal entries briefly at the end of whatever they were teaching.
I would be lucky to get a 20 out of 30 on the sims. Maybe 60 out of 90 on the M/C. This would leave me just shy of where I need to be. Hopefully the grading magic helps be out and that 60 out of 90 will turn into a 60 out of 75 or a 65 out of 80? I will keep my fingers crossed!”