FAR CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 295

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  • #157974

    I just checked mine for MA – still error score not found. Nothing yet

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  • #246975

    At this point I have the following feelings. People should print all 140 pages of this thread. They should then go and dump those 140 pages at the homes of people who are responsible for the current scoring processes. After living with thousands of pages of the lousy reality we need to deal with maybe some improvements will be made.


    congrats sniffy!!! thats one for Campbell…CPA…nice


    Anyone from NJ waiting for their score?


    Auditor…. how did u feel after the exam? were your simulations really hard? did u leave anything blank?


    I cant even get through lol


    Congrats everyone! What are the chances that REG was released today?

    BEC 5/26/10 - 84
    FAR 7/17/10 - 86
    AUD 8/08/10 - 84
    REG 8/29/10 - 87 and DONE!


    So MA is still frozen BUT i did it through Indiana from the link above…. and it worked! 81! I thought I failed for sure! Congrats to everyone who passed, and for those that didn't- don't give up! You will get it eventually 🙂

    Impatiently waiting

    Congrats Auditor!! I see you got pushed to wave 2 as well, I guess it was worth the wait. Hopefully all the stress didn't shave too much time off my life, this test is giving me wrinkles and I am only 23, ha ha

    FAR 7/3- 96
    AUD 7/22- 91
    REG 8/19- waiting
    BEC 8/31- 93


    Thank you!!!


    GA is up, I passed with an 82, left convinced I had failed

    AUD- 74, 81, BEC - 73,82, FAR-82, REG- 77, and DONE!



    I left nothing blank but I did run out of time.

    Here is what I posted about an hour after I took the exam:

    “I started my journey towards becoming a CPA by sitting for FAR today. I couldn't even begin to guess how I did but I know I gave myself at least a chance to pass.

    I will approach my studying much differently for my next section. Instead of trying to nail down a subject one by one, I would try and get as much material covered in a night as possible. I'm a public accountant with a 2-3 hour round trip commute to work every morning, plus I am in school. I was able to get in 15-20 hours a week of studying over the past 8 weeks.

    When I took my Becker practice exams (M/C only), I scored a 45 on the first one and a 60 on the second. When I do the quizzes covering all 9 areas I would generally score around an 80. Usually I would bomb one area and I would go back to the book and try and brush up on that area.

    The exam seemed easier than the Becker practice exams. I felt very confident on the first testlet, awful on the second and ok on the third. I rushed through the last 10 questions of the 3rd because I wanted to leave 90 minutes for the sims.

    I think I should do very well on the written communication. Spent about 15 minutes on each, a couple of paragraphs for each directly answering the question. I'm 90% sure I got the research tabs correct.

    The rest of the sims I struggled on. They were all journal entries. I thought I would see more than journal entries here but nope, 5-6 tabs of journal entries. The wording was extremely long for all of them and would take me about 5 minutes just to read. I think I got 1 tab completely right, the rest could have been all wrong and I wouldn't even know. They were areas I felt very comfortable with on the M/C but not areas where te Becker study material focused on the journal entries. They usually would just mention the journal entries briefly at the end of whatever they were teaching.

    I would be lucky to get a 20 out of 30 on the sims. Maybe 60 out of 90 on the M/C. This would leave me just shy of where I need to be. Hopefully the grading magic helps be out and that 60 out of 90 will turn into a 60 out of 75 or a 65 out of 80? I will keep my fingers crossed!”


    sniffy i thought your score wasn't available? did u keep re-trying?? i keep getting score not found. 🙁


    Good luck to everyone who is still waiting. I hope you get your passing scores very soon!!!! 🙂


    congrats to Tyler and sniffy!!!


    Yep, I kept trying. I remember someone saying it could take up to 2 hrs for scores to be uploaded.

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