FAR CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 270

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  • #157974

    I just checked mine for MA – still error score not found. Nothing yet

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  • #246600
    fl halfsies

    I believe someone from the AUD board didn't have their OASIS change until 7pm or so the night scores were released (Monday). The loophole status changed to “coordinator” during the day but the OASIS message still said scores not released. When scores were finally released Monday it was a passing score and the person was done with all 4 tests.

    The loophole sucks but I still can't stop myself from checking. It's been right for me on 3 occasions.


    Was that his last score? Mine did not change for bec. I passed that. Now i have one to go


    I misread it you dont need to clarify it . Thank yo for the infomation


    Illini2010, I'm scoreless in Illinois as well, this is horrible. Does it take time for the website to update or are we going to have to wait until much later?


    @herbert, i think it is normal… i feel like vomiting too … but i am also pregnant so that could be it as well… 😉


    fl halfsies – That's good and bad news. I'm still hoping my oasis changes to scores received, but I'm not getting that coordinator part. Is that new or something? I haven't seen it before. Seems like if they had my score and I failed I wouldn't just get an in progress message though, it'd let me re-register. Hoping so anyway.


    honestly, I have no idea. Who knows how all this works. Hopefully we can see ours this afternoon

    Impatiently waiting

    I checked Oasis yesterday and this is the message I got: The sections of your NTS have been attended and some scores have been received. The score(s) reported generated a notice to be mailed to you. If you do not receive your notice via US Mail within 10 business days, please contact our office at 1-866-MY-NASBA.

    Today it reads: All or some section(s) of your Notice to Schedule (NTS) have been attended and scores have been received. The score(s) reported generated a notice to be mailed to you.

    I am still waiting on FAR (7/3, got pushed to wave 2), and REG (8/19), and have already passed AUD and BEC so I am hoping that this means I finally get my score tonight!!

    I tried the alleged Ohio loophole and it still gives the in process message (hopefully a good sign). This whole waiting game is getting old and is taking up WAY too much of my time!

    FAR 7/3- 96
    AUD 7/22- 91
    REG 8/19- waiting
    BEC 8/31- 93


    Illinois people. I don't know if this helps you or makes you go more crazy but I just got my far score at 4:05pm cst. And my last name starts with b and January bday and a 79 score. Don't know if this helps but it seems like I may be a prime candidate for an early release under some of the previous guesses to how the scores are posted. Again goodluck to all.


    thanks, I was wondering if birthday/name came into play at all, i guess we shall see

    fl halfsies

    The “coordinator” part is if you're only waiting on your last section. I'm waiting on AUD but my status hasn't changed either. So another night of waiting and hanging out on all the boards, because I'm bored. The good part is you can't register. 🙂

    And I have no clue about what happens when you have an expired NTS…so no comment on that 🙂


    IL is up!!! 82 and DONE with the EXAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BEC - 86 (1/7/2010), AUD - 93 (1/5/2010), REG - 84 (5/24/2010), FAR - (8/24/2010)


    Looks like i am not going to be geting my score. This is my last exam


    oh gosh, at this moment I know one thing: I can locate the state of OH on map with my closed eyes. The shape of OH is imprinted already in my mind, as I use the Jurisdiction Map to get to the “OH loophole”. That's insane, people!

    I think no score for me today. Feel the same sickeness to my stomach as many've reported… What a painful process!



    This is bs

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