FAR CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 260

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  • #157974

    I just checked mine for MA – still error score not found. Nothing yet

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  • #246450

    @ jwel:

    Can you tell me, please, about the 2nd sim: how much were you able to fill out there?



    Arrrrghhhhh I am from MA and this is my last one. I cant function….. GIVE ME MY RESULTS PLEEEEAAAAASSSSEEEEE


    Thanks everyone for the support! I certainly won't give up yet.

    Trevor- Like cpaNH said, I think it was something when I signed up they said how do I want to receive the score and I chose email (who would want snail mail?).

    Its wierd because I got the email with the score but if I go onto NASBA to check the score its not up yet.

    Thanks for the tips jwel, I will try them out!

    AUD-69,72 Retake April 2011
    BEC-67,69 Retake May 2011
    FAR-58,70 Retake (02/28/11)
    REG-68 Retake (01/14/11)


    @ montone 12:

    If I've got it right, you say that they released approx. 14-15K FAR scores only for wave 1? So, if it holds true, then some 25-28K have taken the FAR exam during the July-Aug. testing windows? Is this right?




    Im from NY and it says still in process. I think I did ok, but the sims were very difficult.


    I guess we both should pass if they release our scores 2night. If not we will have to see when they release the other far scores. When did u take the test. i took it the 27 of august?


    Darn it, I couldn't help trying the loophole. LOL

    I just went to my own state (not OH), and got the “still in process, etc., call your coordinator at this number” message. I hope that's a good sign!

    BEC - 89, REG - 82, AUD - 92, FAR - 86
    Woo hoo, I'm done!


    Im thinking my score wasnt released because I would assume that “my application” updatse when something new has happened and since the last date in there said 08/08/10 I wouldnt be suprised if my score was not released


    miniloc0724, I guess a lot of us NY'ers will be hitting the refresh button over and over again in about 8hrs 🙂 I also got the error in process message so I'm crossing my fingers. Good luck to us all!

    REG 68,67,83(7/2010); FAR 43,71,80(8/2010); AUD 85(11/2010); BEC 74,79(2/2011)
    NYS CPA 5/2011
    EA 2/2011


    pearl, i took it on the 8/30. I thought that if they didnt receive your score, that a message saying that they didnt receive your score would show, versus the in process message we are getting…



    Is there any way I can actually call NASBA to see if my score is with the FAR ones that just got released?

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    @round1 – it appears that only around 11,500 took the FAR exam in Wave 1 (11,500 * .65 = ~7,500). I am totally going on my own assumption that the same amount of people took the FAR exam in Wave 2. There is no basis for this conclusion, just estimating and trying to figure out what % of the Wave 2 FAR scores were actually released today.


    MPoni – I think NASBA is now saying they can give any info over the phone or email. You could try it though and see if you get a really nice person. 🙂


    MPoni123–You can try, but it appears they've been instructed not to give out any information like that. Only 8 more hours to go!!

    REG 94, BEC 75, AUD 84, FAR 82!!!!!!!!!


    @Round- I have to confess though.My first sim was easy and i was atleast able to answer all tabs and communication.Second sim,i could not touch anything,,it was so hard,barely wrote down one or two lines in the communication cos it was not one of the those topics where u cant write much or else i would have tried to.Im sure my research was bombed too cos i could not find what they wanted.I had givem up the whole idea of Cpa after that test.

    But i guess what they graded was my first sim .I still think it as my Cpa miracle!!!I could not have brought myself to study FAR again.I hated it!!!

    FAR -80
    BEC -77
    AUD -68 Retake 10/12 77
    REG -79 Ethics -DONE!!! Licensing begins....

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