FAR CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 259

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  • #157974

    I just checked mine for MA – still error score not found. Nothing yet

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  • #246435

    @jllocke – a 70 is good – you will nail it next time around! concentrate on far, then just start back up on far again right away, you can do it


    @jllocke – for NH how did you get an email? is it something they do or something you signed up for? I am from VT, so just curious…

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    I am in CA. I took FAR on Aug 27 and I still have not got my score. I sent an e-mail to NASBA this morning and they replied that

    NASBA receives score information in waves. We do not receive all scores at once. We continuously upload scores as soon as we receive them. If you do not see your score listed online, we at NASBA have not yet received your information. We cannot communicate scores or update the status of your score release via telephone or email. Our online score reporting website is the only way for you to receive your score information prior to getting your official letter. If you do not see your scores at this time, check the site later. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    I wonder when will be next wave for FAR release. This is my last CPA exam.


    haha I try to be as nice as possible because I know probably people give them so much attitude when it isn't even their fault that AICPA/NASBA hasn't released scores


    Well it's not like these scores matter much to the people entering them, whereas they are extremely important to us. Kinda like when I've got someones tax return I could finish and get them a huge refund but I chose to work on something else.


    Website is back up, false alarm.


    @trevor – im in NH and i get email notification too – when i registered to take a section it asks how would you like to be notified- email or mail….


    @ mponi123 – I am also in MA and tried the Ohio loophole. My message does include the “coordinator:, which is different from yesterday. However, my Oasis says “all exams have been attended but scores have not been received”. It is really weird. Did you check your Oasis?


    Jliocke- I would say it is more than enough.Actually just start with a different review material like Wiley and just keep working Mcqs as u go thru the chapter.U already know Becker,just keep working on Becker Mcqs say 2 chapter a week.Make notes on all wiley Mcqs that u get wrong.Also if possible take the Gleim test online to assess your weak areas after preparing for a while.My first shot,i did not study govt.This time i studied it fairly well.

    The exam was miserable.I ran out of time after the First sim.i was sure i bombed.And was prepared to give up.And did not study for the rest of the parts.I got an 80.And i studies for Aud and reg for 1 day.Pretty pathetic huh!!!

    You will be fine,just do something everyday.

    FAR -80
    BEC -77
    AUD -68 Retake 10/12 77
    REG -79 Ethics -DONE!!! Licensing begins....



    I got that same message regarding an NTS. I have an NTS out for REG so that could be the issue. I dont think that really lets me know if my score has been released. It says

    Your file has been sent for generation of your Notice to Schedule (NTS). This process takes up to 5 business days.

    Should you not receive your NTS after 5 business days, contact our office at cpaexam@nasba.org. Please provide the following;

    your name,

    your jurisdiction,

    your jurisdiction id number, and

    in the subject line – NTS not received.


    anyone from NY try the loophole?


    @ montone – I don't know my jurisdiction ID…it is at home on my desk!! 🙁

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    bfar- i think you r safe!!! i got the in process message for FAR last time after result release and i got thru.

    FAR -80
    BEC -77
    AUD -68 Retake 10/12 77
    REG -79 Ethics -DONE!!! Licensing begins....


    I tried the loophole and i am from NY. It says current still in progress. This is my last exam. However, i do not know if my score was released and i think my score will either be close to passing or failing LOL. Therefore, i amnot banking on the loophole. I am just going to wait to see if my score is released later.


    As cliché as it sounds, the best we can do now is just wait until tonight to see if our scores have come out. 7,500 scores is roughly 65% of the total FAR exams taken in Wave 1, so there is a strong possibility we may not even hear for a few more days. This whole process is ridiculous.

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