FAR CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 257

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  • #157974

    I just checked mine for MA – still error score not found. Nothing yet

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  • #246405


    Thank you


    bfar- go to your state-go to My application,enter jurisdiction no and date of birth,if u have an active NTS,it will say it has been mailed out blah blah ..blah.

    But if you r waiting for a score and have no active NTS,it will say ur score has been received and score notice has been mailed out and the rest of the story.

    But will work only if u have no active NTS.

    FAR -80
    BEC -77
    AUD -68 Retake 10/12 77
    REG -79 Ethics -DONE!!! Licensing begins....



    Go to Ohio on your jurisdiction map and go to re-exam registration. Fill it out and see what comes up. I, too, am from ny and am curious on what you get.


    @MrKnowItNone – I am not sure what this means… What state are you in? did you fill out your personal and work information? then hit submit… I wouldn't be concerned with hitting submit until you have to pay for something… then you've gone too far

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    This is the response that I got from Illinois:

    I asked if she could confirm whether or not my personal score was received. She said that should could not, but that as soon as they receive scores they are uploaded and should be seen.

    I am not really sure to believe this, as I have personally not seen one person from Illinois that has their grade posted yet. Obviously I don't know everyone in Illinois, but I find it weird that not one person has commented about seeing it up.



    I have an active NTS for REG (scheduled for 11/1) and am waiting for the FAR score (taken 8/31) and it still told me this:

    The section(s) of your Notice to Schedule (NTS) have been attended and scored. The score(s) reported generated a score notice to be mailed to you.

    If you do not receive your score notice via US Mail after the next 10 business days (domestic) or after the next 30 days (international), contact our office at cpaexam@nasba.org. Please provide the following;

    your name,

    your jurisdiction,

    your jurisdiction id number,

    your complete mailing address, and

    in the subject line – Score Notice not received.

    AUD-69,72 Retake April 2011
    BEC-67,69 Retake May 2011
    FAR-58,70 Retake (02/28/11)
    REG-68 Retake (01/14/11)


    Mrknow it-If u mean u cannot select any of the sections and ur OASIS(story above) says scores received-then that is defo good sign.

    But remember it works for only Nasba states.and even in that only some of them.If u can select all,prob it does not work for you.

    It has held true for me everytime.Even this time with my Aud 68.

    FAR -80
    BEC -77
    AUD -68 Retake 10/12 77
    REG -79 Ethics -DONE!!! Licensing begins....


    I'm not feeling too confident that we are going to receive our scores today (IL).


    When I called ILBOE for BEC they said they heard they might be getting the scores that day. I called in the middle of the day and my score was posted at 5. So I wouldn't be concerned about what they say, just check at the end of the afternoon.


    I got my score via email

    70 Failed

    The loophole was correct for NH.

    AUD-69,72 Retake April 2011
    BEC-67,69 Retake May 2011
    FAR-58,70 Retake (02/28/11)
    REG-68 Retake (01/14/11)


    I know what i got on the loop hole its just i need to know if the scores were sent out. It wont let me log in because i dont know my jursdiction id…i use my social for nts registration. Where can i find my jursidition ID?


    Bfar- that is good.Then just check ohio loop and you will know.If it grays out far-u r golden man!!!!GL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FAR -80
    BEC -77
    AUD -68 Retake 10/12 77
    REG -79 Ethics -DONE!!! Licensing begins....


    That's confusing because didn't they get them last night?


    thanks IL people! trying to keep my hopes up, but having to wait from 7/20 till now has been really hard



    what did your loophole say?

    I have no clue on how to get your jurisdiction ID…sorry

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