FAR CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 245

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  • #157974

    I just checked mine for MA – still error score not found. Nothing yet

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  • #246225

    Hi all –

    i took FAR July 1 and am STILL waiting! usually i find out my score around 12pm the day after a score release… ive been waiting almost 3 months and cant take it anymore!

    congrats to all that have passed!


    Good luck early bird states! I'm from NY so unfortunately I have to wait until 11pm tonight….oh how I dread the the slow crawling nasba website.

    In Nasba states, does the loophole work for you? I don't think it works for us because I always get the error/in process message before and after score release. I got the message when I passed REG, so I wonder if its only a coincidence.

    REG 68,67,83(7/2010); FAR 43,71,80(8/2010); AUD 85(11/2010); BEC 74,79(2/2011)
    NYS CPA 5/2011
    EA 2/2011


    yesterday it was not allowing me to register..but today it is..

    can someone tell that the loophole thing is 100% accurate….did anyone had any experience that the loophole allowed you to register but later you found that you passed??


    Not getting much done at work today…My insides are a mess.

    @wasvsdal … not expecting a raise based on passing the CPA. Got promoted last year so not expected to get promoted based on that either. Doing the CPA is counted as my “training” for the year according to my boss.


    @wasvsdal–I likely won't get an immediate bonus or raise for passing the exam, simply because I am, and have always been paid market value based on my experience level. My employers believe I'm just as valuable quality-wise without the exam as I would be with it. But I do anticipate the new CPA label (hopefully!) to play a part in the decision come year end on what my annual raise will be.

    REG 94, BEC 75, AUD 84, FAR 82!!!!!!!!!


    Did they release anymore auditing scores with FAR.


    Thats is the loophole nYC it works



    I would venture to say that that's how the majority feels…at least I know I do.

    I guess my biggest fear is that I put in all of this work (170 hours or so) and will completely bomb it. Not good for the psyche…

    FAR 67, 73, 71, 76; AUD 61, 85; BEC 70, 77; REG 75



    @pearljam – unfortunately no…. 🙁

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96


    @Resh- If u r a nsaba states and u r sure results have been released,the loophole is mostly right-atleast it has been for me and i just failed Aud.But if it lets u register for all exams even the ones u passed or have NTS,it may not be right.In my case,the exams i passed and the ones for which results were not released were grayed out and only aud could be checked.And i did fail.So basically it is just that they updated the database,but have not released officially.

    Did not mean to rain on your parade,but i would say still wait until u see your score.

    FAR -80
    BEC -77
    AUD -68 Retake 10/12 77
    REG -79 Ethics -DONE!!! Licensing begins....


    Like everyone else, I'm not expecting to get very much work done today. LOL Although, when I got my score for auditing, I received the e-mail mid-morning, so I don't think I have to wait until 7:15. (I'm in Washington.)

    I'm too nervous to try the loophole, so I'd rather just wait for my score. FAR is my last section, so I'm really hoping that I'm done!

    BEC - 89, REG - 82, AUD - 92, FAR - 86
    Woo hoo, I'm done!


    pearljam10 they only released 7K FAR scores but they might do another combo REG/AUD/FAR tomorrow or Friday. I don't think they have released all of them yet

    REG 68,67,83(7/2010); FAR 43,71,80(8/2010); AUD 85(11/2010); BEC 74,79(2/2011)
    NYS CPA 5/2011
    EA 2/2011


    No raises? That sucks. I guess its more or less a requirement to move up to certain levels. For PWC (Other Big 4 too id assume), you cant become a senior until you have it. At Clifton Gunderson (midsized natl firm), you need it before you can become a manager.

    Back to the topic at hand – where the eff is my score?


    That is weird. However, most of the people may of got their grades back. I home my far score is in thr batch.


    You can make senior at PwC w/o CPA, just can't go any further.

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