FAR CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 216

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  • #157974

    I just checked mine for MA – still error score not found. Nothing yet

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  • #245790

    ok…I am going to start swearing uncontrolably in about 2 minutes…


    Somehow i dont think uncontrollable swearing will make the AICPA get these scores to the NASBA faster


    )#*%#@)*%&)^*&)$#@#&%)(^@#$)%(_^!(#*^%(#$^%)$@%&^#@%&^!!!!!!!! that helped…I feel good


    How mant did you guys pass so far. Test questions are luck of the draw. I passed bec and regs on my second attempt. I did nothing differently than the first time. I did not even put in alot of hours for the second attempts for bec and far. I did not study a week prior to my regs test. However, I studied to 5am on the day of my bec test bc I was behing. I got a 75 on bec and 86 on regs.


    cpawait wow 92 on BEC. That's an awesome score for BEC. I haven't seen any better than that yet.



    it was more of a personal stress reliever than some kind of CPA score “rain dance”


    The thing that really ticks me off is that they're fudging the numbers to ensure their 48% pass rate. Honestly in August I bet that greater than 60% percent pass, and in January only about 40% but they fudge the numbers to be consistent….so annoying. This thing will never be automated. And the fact that they're adding IFRS to FAR is so annoying. There's way too much on this section of the exam already. They really need to drop the govt and non-profit garbage….

    BEC - 86 (1/7/2010), AUD - 93 (1/5/2010), REG - 84 (5/24/2010), FAR - (8/24/2010)


    I think you lose points for guessing in some sims. Otherwise, you can alot of points in regs without knowing a thing. This is for the sims though and will only work for regs


    Does anyone agree or know what i would be talking about?


    You don't lose points for guessing in SIMS. You gain points. You don't lose points for wrong answers on the CPA exam. That's why they say don't leave anything blank, just fill it in



    I studied by butt off for the third try and I felt good when I stepped into the testing room. My second exam was not too difficult so I thought I was very prepared for my third try. Boy, was I wrong! I got hit with ridicously wordy, long calculation problems and they got harder and harder…..I was shaking by the time I got to the sims. I hope it's true that third's a charm

    2BORNOT2B, I hear ya 🙂

    REG 68,67,83(7/2010); FAR 43,71,80(8/2010); AUD 85(11/2010); BEC 74,79(2/2011)
    NYS CPA 5/2011
    EA 2/2011


    I don't know Pearljam10, I'll tell you what I think when the FAR score comes in, I put in a lot more time and effort than I have on any exam in the past. If I don't pass I'll feel completely robbed.

    For me when I took AUD and BEC the second time I put in a lot more time and effort studying and my score only increased by 2 and 3 points. At least they increased but it was very disappointing. I almost gave up altogether, ended up taking a break for a while.

    Unfortunately, I agree, It seems luck of the draw, some tests are easier than others for the same section. A combo of luck and ability to take a standardized test.

    AUD-69,72 Retake April 2011
    BEC-67,69 Retake May 2011
    FAR-58,70 Retake (02/28/11)
    REG-68 Retake (01/14/11)


    Does anyone know where i can find different multiple choice questions from wiley and becker? I need knew ones if I failed this test again LOL


    Its funny how this exam is shorter than Audit. I was done with Audit about an hour and half before the time was up. Yet in FARE it takes 2 minutes just to read a question sometimes and then you have 30 second or 1 minute to answer it in order to keep on pace. This exam should be a minimum 4.5 hours if not 5 hours long. I disagree that audit requires “more thought per question”


    FARSUXCPA, to be honest I think I just got lucky – I would be just as happy with a 75…I don't feel as good for FAR and I just want to know if I failed or passed so that I can move on.

    Way to go AICPA.

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