FAR CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 202

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  • #157974

    I just checked mine for MA – still error score not found. Nothing yet

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  • #245580

    cute_fefe – how is that possible??!! The AICPA released AUD to NASBA on Friday and there weren't any other releases. I dunno how that person could have gotten their Wave 2 REG score without an AICPA release to NASBA…

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!

    eyes set on cpa

    I have been looking at this site for the past week or so….this was the next best thing to do rather than refresh the score page for the CPA. I am waiting on my final score which is FAR I took on 08/26/10. I failed the exam three times and I am taking it the fourth time…..I hope I pass because it is my final exam before my CPA. If I don't pass my auditing credit would expire at the begining of Novemeber.

    For me the exam was very difficult, the first MC booklet was easy but it became difficult on the second and third booklet. I completed the first simulation and the second simulation I let out one part because I was running out of time and extremely exhausted. Thanks everyone for sharing your stories….it has helped with my anxiety on waiting for my results.

    Good luck to you all!!!

    AUD 82

    REG 73,78

    BEC 71,75

    FAR 64,68,69, (waiting on final results)


    The cut of wave 1 was probally August 12. They probally did not realize that their score was released in wave 1. They have been following this pattern.


    Does anyone know when the cpa exam wants a balance. What does that mean and how do u know what account to use when they give if they give u two accounts. They just saythey want a balance at 12/31. That is a little 2 vague for me when they are working to accounts that are releated


    What am i suppose to do guess what the hell they want?


    If the scores were/are to be released by the AICPA what is cut off time? I heard someone say they do it before 3:00


    So am I to assume that the AICPA has dicountinued it's tweeting of when scores have been released to NASBA? Is this because of the loophole fiasco? Jeff, can you provide any insight into this?


    I dont think far was released or regs. Just audit. I think it takes like a day to get your score


    @pearljam… just channel eddie vedder, what would eddie do.

    Following non disclosure rules, I noticed very few released questions that didn't state what time period you were to provide a balance for. It should ask for beggining of year, end of year, year x.


    bfarbowitz/2BOrNot2B – they used to tweet on the day the AICPA gave them the scores between 430 and 630…. this wave they have been tweeting the following day around noon. They are still tweeting just much later, probably so we all stop calling them and bothering them. The loophole does still be giving people different results. They also have a new policy about not giving any information over the phone, I called them and the person I spoke to was nice and told me they can't give out any information beyond that they have received some scores and we will all get our scores by 9/30. It definitely sucks that they won't give out much more than that, but at this point we just have to deal with it….

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96


    pearljam – I believe in my FAR studies it would say what was the balance sheet account balance on 12/31/xx. This would be mean that they want the asset/liability account and not the revenue/expense account. I would get a set of information that would tell you about sales/accounts receivable… just make sure you read the questions carefully to catch these small wording details

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96


    thx mich119


    Rumor has it that Eddie Vedder wrote Review Mirror after passing the CPA Exam.


    Do you take the balance sheet account – Accumulated drepreciation for the balance. Thats what i am confuzed on.


    LOL jeff. That was funny

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