Hi everyone,
I would like to share my CPA experience with all of you. I started studying in Oct'09 and gave all my parts till feb'10. Cleared all my parts except FAR in which I got 74..:( It was so heart breaking, that I wasn't able to concentrate anymore in my studies, but I knew the reason behind it, I left my last sim almost completely, except for the communication tab. Then due to some reasons, I have to postpone my exam, so finally I gave it in August and got a passing score of 82! This time also, I applied the same strategy in studying, which I did last time (in fact this time I wasn't able to concentrate so much as I did before), but I made sure that I don't leave a single question. I must say, this time exam was much more difficult than the first one, I gave in Jan. But, I did it. (Don't waste your time on a question you don't know, just go ahead and try to complete it in last only if you have time, that 1 question will not only waste your time but will also bring down your confidence and you are gonna screw up the rest of the exam; 1 more thing don't worry so much about the time, just by looking at it, don't panic, just do it and you will see that you have completed your exam on time)
My study strategy: I know, most of you won't agree with me if I'd say that I did becker questions (MCQ, sim and only 1 final exam) only once. Believe me, I studied the book 4 times to make my concepts clear but wasn't able to do MCQ even twice. But I wouldn't suggest this to anyone (MCQ part). Make sure than u do MCQ atleast twice but one more thing, make yourself very familiar with the concepts, coz at the end they are one thats going to benefit you. I found BEC & REG easier than AUD & FAR. I studied only 3 weeks each for BEC and REG. My friends told me that I am gonna fail if I don't practice MCQs again n again but I made it with my old strategy of understanding the concepts.
Thanks you all for your supports and sharing your views. It helped me a lot when I got a 74! I hope no one, gets it..
Thanks Jeff for this website, you have done a great job!
Good Luck to all!