FAR CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 193

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  • #157974

    I just checked mine for MA – still error score not found. Nothing yet

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  • #245445
    rick ball

    When are scores for wave 2 predicted to be released?


    @ FarBehind and ChaFay – I was so sorry to hear about your scores. I know the feeling. Got a 74 on my third attempt. Converted to Yaeger because I realized I must be missing something in Becker as well. And I don't think I can stand to look at that material for another day. Just want to be done with this FINALLY. It will be worth it though. Look forward to Oct/Nov with all of you and CPAWannaBe. Maybe all of us will get the news we have been waiting so long for.

    AUD 95 (3/5/10); BEC 83 (5/28/10); FAR 71, 72, 74, 82 (10/16/10); REG 65,80(11/23/10)
    ALL DONE 🙂


    @LSU_BR: It's hard to have to go through this again but on the bright side it is awesome to have you guys to share in my disappointments and successes with. Thank you for the encouragement. We can do this in Oct/Nov. When do you plan to test? How did REG go on Friday?



    Thanks for your post. I am sorry for your 74, this feels worst than my 70. But at least you are going up in your grades, you should expect passing grade next time. I am also converting to yeager, I don't know what else to do to pass. I cannot believe I didn't learn the material for 9 months. Maybe I have to have much deeper understanding of concepts. Last time I was tested on topics that were hard for me. Did you convert to yeager now or before taking FAR last time?

    far-->75 Done!!!!!


    @whonis – I took Becker for all 4 parts, but for FAR I also purchased their Final Review course – it was a separate book, and I attended the live (11-hour) class + watched their final review course lectures on DVD. It was excellent software, very clear, and also very concise. They summarized FAR into 1/4 of the regular book.

    I highly recommend it to anyone who needs a boost or just wants to reinforce their knowledge of the major and most important concepts.


    I took FAR on Saturday and I have no idea how to feel about it. The first MC section was difficult and the second MC section was even harder and the third section was even worse than the 2nd. With the exception of the essay and research sections the simulations were almost unworkable considering the time constraints. Anyone else get anything like this?


    Looks like you did a good job if your testlets became progressively harder. The time constraints with this exam are killing me. I don't get why it should be that way and how working under such stress is making you a good accountant.

    far-->75 Done!!!!!


    @DukeNuke – I felt the same way. I felt good about MC, but by the time I got to sims my brain was fried and only had 30min to work both. I got through them, but I would not hang my hat on my answers…LOL. I am just hanging out and waiting to see what happens….


    @Jeff since I think I am in wave 2 does this mean I failed? or just that i received a new sim? Do most people fail who are held over from wave 1? I want to start studying again so I can take it early in October. Should I stat studying again or just wait for my score? Thanks.


    @Ninersfan316 – Good question, I am in the same boat. But from what I have read wave 2 doesn't mean you are passed or failed, it just means we got a new sim. Hopefully Jeff can confirm. I have officially stated studying though. Hopefully my news will be good, but I want to be prepared just in case (you never know with these exmas).


    @DukeNuke & @RittCPA – I also took my exam on Sat and it was extremely hard all the way through. This is my third try at FAR so it was extremely discouraging to have such hard questions. I tried to fight through it and keep my head calm but it was tough – I've never seen an exam that hard for FAR before.


    @CPAdancer- that could have been a good thing


    im taking far tomorrow for the first time. does anyone have any good advice? i took the day off to study and need some tips!


    @CPA Dancer,

    It was the TRUTH! I passed CFA Level I and that test was tougher!


    CPA dancer – don't give up hope. I thought I failed FAR, but I got my score last Thursday. I passed with 75!!

    I left 75% of the first simulation blank because I had no idea how to do it.

    BEC - May 8, 2010 - 83
    FAR - July 20, 2010 - 75
    AUD - Aug 27, 2010 - 76
    REG - Nov 20, 2010 - 88 ALL DONE!!!

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