FAR CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 189

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  • #157974

    I just checked mine for MA – still error score not found. Nothing yet

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  • #245385


    one more thing….I read somewhere the other day that candidates who go through at least 2,000 MC practice questions throughout their studying have a 90% chance of getting a 75 or better. For the 3 sections I've passed, I ended up answering between 1,600 – 2,100 questions each, per my Gleim Performance Analysis.

    REG 94, BEC 75, AUD 84, FAR 82!!!!!!!!!


    I'm only studying one section at a time and that's absolutely the best approach for me, personally. I'll put in 2 (BEC & AUD) this next window, but that's as much as I'm willing to do in one test window. I probably sacraficed 15 hrs or so a week for 10 weeks to get though FAR and I have a wife, a more than full time job, a dog and a house to take care of.

    Here's how I passed FAR. I used Yaegar's lectures and made sure I watched all the videos and took extensive notes on how the instructor approached the different types of problems. I frequently paused and rewound the lecture a minute or two if I didn't completely understand what was going on or if I let my mind drift for a few seconds. My problem solving method would quite often differ from the instructor's when I went though to do the assigned questions myself, but I learned how to apply the concepts in a way that made sense to me nevertheless. I would do all the assigned MCQ's diligently and make sure to mark the ones I had difficulty with. I did the SIMS somewhat diligently, but have to admit I skipped over (or just half a$$ed) quite a bit. I completely ignored the written comm. I have pretty good BS skills and was confident that I'd know enough about the topic to hit enough of the keywords to get my answer graded. Plus, I tend to write very well. I finished my review with about a week and half to spare and went back over every single MCQ that had been assigned, once again making sure to really look at the ones I had issues with.

    Hope this helps someone….

    FAR, 7/10/10 82
    BEC, 10/01/10
    AUD, 11/29/10
    REG, Jan 2011 (no extra written comm for me, thanks)


    265 more scores were released!!! Let's hope I'm one of them! (as long as it's at least 75)


    Hi guys

    I called NABA today and they said i would be in wave 2. is this a good or bad thing? I took my exam on July 31. has anyone who took their exam on the same day gotten their scores yet?


    29errider, I just called nasba and they said I was in wave 2, and I asked him if that was good or bad and he said neither. Just means we got a new simulation.


    Hey, I took my exma on July 29th and they also told me i would be in wave 2. It just seems unfair when people who took their exam 2 weeks ago already have their score and now I have to wait till the end of September. Maybe we are in the wave just released???

    Why me

    @ rehm – what wave was just released?


    CPAGUY just said 265 more scores were released.


    I went through 2000 + questions but can only remember so much when I go back it's as if it was my first time only for FAR though. I guess I am too burnt out right now after 3 tests of the same.

    Is the FAR simulation part mostly JEs or calcs; i can't imagine it being theory questions. My test is on 8/31.



    Why me

    @ Rehm – ahh thanks, I just saw NASBA's tweet about the 265 FAR scores. I kind of hope I'm not one of these considering there are probably even more borderline than yesterday's FAR release.

    @ FARSUXCPA – The FAR simulations are going to be different for everyone, but it will most likely be material that you are covering in your material and MC questions. Obviously though, expect the written stuff to be more about theory, and expect calculations in the Tabs. I don't think you can completely prepare for the sims so just do your best on them and finish harder tabs last. You don't want to give yourself no time for the easy stuff b/c you spent all of your time on a hard tab that you might get 50% correct.


    @Why me….yeah maybe this is the first time I should be thankful NASBA told me I was in wave 2 (but you really never know with them)


    Thanks for replying to my first post here. My mistake of leaving FAR as my last exam. Didn't know it would be this overwhelming. I feel I would be only 80% ready going into the test. I was 95-99% ready on the others. I cut it short but I want to finish this thing this window. Well good luck to you and everyone here and I guess me as well. haha


    Why me

    Everyone feels the same way about being not fully prepared for FAR. It's just too much information to be comfortable about everything, and the funny thing is that you are going to feel worse when you are done with the test. But the scores should be much better than what you would think so take comfort in that. Countless people were sure they failed FAR, but passed (many with great scores). I get the feeling the AICPA does a lot of curving on FAR.


    Prediction was right 🙂

    Today, 265 FAR, and 1845 REG scores were released by the #AICPA to NASBA for the Jul/Aug 2010 testing window.


    Anyone receive their scores yet from today's release?!?

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