FAR CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 187

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  • #157974

    I just checked mine for MA – still error score not found. Nothing yet

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  • #245355

    @CDep – did you call and see if NASBA had your score? They've had mine since WEDNESDAY and still no score showing up online.

    Does anyone know what it means that now I get the “In process – call your coordinator” message using the loophole? It switched this morning from the plain “In process” message.


    Mine switched to the coordinator message yesterday morning then I got my score last night…


    @CPASchoolDropout – from my experience. i called nasba and they had my score then my message changed from the “in process” with NO reference to coord. to the “in process” with the coord. reference. and i passed with an 85. soooo, that looks like a pretty good sign for you. im from ohio and checked through ohio. also, my oasis message changed from not having my score to having my score the day it posted on nasba.

    AUD 81, REG 65 78, BEC 75, FAR 71 85(8/3/2010)


    What is the deal with Wisconsin???? I spoke to Nasba yesterday (twice). Both times they said, my score would be released within 24 hours. I called NASBA this morning and they said, yes, they have my score and it would be released at the end of September when Wisconsin releases their scores. Really? Wisconsin isn't releasing ANY scores until the end of September? I find this hard to believe. Has anyone from WI gotten scores?

    Paper Exam May 2002; AUD 62, LPR, 63, FAR 49, ARE 70
    Paper Exam Nov 2003; AUD 72, LPR, 72, FAR 67, ARE 71
    CBT 2010; AUD 83 FAR 76 BEC 78 REG 73,(2/28/11 NTS # 446) 75 and DONE!


    @Hypertonic – and you passed last night, right? I'm just freaking out that I'm in like … Wave 1.75 (??) now. And I know last night was mostly borderline scores … so I don't want to stay up 4 nights in a row and lose all this sleep to fail!


    CPASchoolDropout – I received the “in progress, coordinator” message yesterday. Called NASBA and they said they had my score. If they say they have it, and your getting that message; I would say it's a pretty good sign. Clearly, nothing is for sure until you actually see your score posted but you should be fairly confident. I'm in GA by the way. Good Luck. Hope they post more tonight.

    peter olinto fan

    I would also like to understand WI. I called NASBA yesterday, and they said that scores wouldn't be released until the end of the testing month, regardless if they had the scores or not. So I'm not sure if he actually meant the end of the testing month, so by September 1st, or if he mean the end of the testing WINDOW, so by Oct. 1st (like WisconsinCPA2B said)??

    FAR - 81
    BEC - 73, 73, 79
    REG - 72, 75
    AUD - 72, 68, 82



    @Need – thanks! Did you end up passing? Or still waiting on your score, too?


    I'm not a Wisconsin Canidate, but from reading these forums and others. WI does not release scores until all scores have been received by the board for that Wave. I'd check out the WI section on this board

    peter olinto fan

    where is that?

    FAR - 81
    BEC - 73, 73, 79
    REG - 72, 75
    AUD - 72, 68, 82



    Go to where it says State CPA Exam Forum. I think WI is one of the top ones talked about



    Falling into wave 1.75 is very unlikely, so we are officially wave 2. But the good news (sort of) is that wave 2 is usually because of a new simulation, not because we are borderline. I wish I could discuss my sims on the forum so at least we could confirm this aicpa theory 🙁


    @BigShot – My score has been received. I'm not Wave 2. I got confirmation from my NASBA coordinator. There was a “Transmission issue” with my stuff … so I'm counting on a score tonight.



    Oh well that's better than waiting another month. GOod luck, hope you passed. NASBA and my state board confirmed (multiple times) that no score for me till end of Sept 🙁 I will be going into my 3rd exam w no scores, nonsense.

    Have you tried the IN page (regardless of your state) for getting your score?


    Right? If they are confirming that my score was received on Wednesday, why would they bump releasing my scores back? And she said my score was already mailed via USPS

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