FAR CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 166

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  • #157974

    I just checked mine for MA – still error score not found. Nothing yet

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  • #245040


    I used Kaplan, Becker (only book 2010 edition) and Willey test bank.


    I started with Becker and failed miserably. then I got Yaeger and everything clicked! I strongly suggest give Yaeger a try. I used Yaeger for my BEC and passed too. I basically spent $$ on Becker and not even use them now! lol.


    @evaianos – DONT GIVE UP!! I've been telling anyone who would listen this week not to check scores if they're taking another test within a week. Seriously, last window, wave 1 REG scores came out the day before I took FAR. I didn't pass REG and it upset me so bad, I almost didn't even try FAR. I moped around and finally went. Well, my moping and all cost me FAR by 2 POINTS!! If I had just focused instead of letting myself get upset, I wouldn't be here tonight waiting anxiously for 2 scores!!! Your FAR score is done. You can't do anything about it now. You CAN do something about the test you have scheduled for Monday. Go for it and do your best!!! The only way to pass is to try. If you give up, you will never pass.

    FAR - 73, 76!!!
    REG - 52, 92!!!
    AUD - 88
    BEC - 75



    Don't give up. I've taken each section of the exam at 3 times. After this testing window, it may be round 4. You know the material. You just need to strengthen those areas that you're weak in. You'll get it. Just have some confidence. I know that it sucks. But you have to keep trying don't let it beat you. I have promised myself that I'm going to pass this exam and do whatever it takes to do it. Yes I know you're disappointed but you have to try again. I am.

    AUD 58, 59, 61, 70 (8/31/11)
    BEC 51, 58, 59, 57 (7/11/11)
    FAR 51, 63, 64, 65, 61 (10/31/11)
    REG 55, 63, 74, 68, 65, 71, 69 (4/21/11-waiting)

    Ny_hate the loop

    @overwhelmed: i'm still getting the in process message in ohio i know they have my score i called around 9am. my oasis says that i should have an NTS mailed to me bc it wasnt on the same one NTS as FARi bought them 1 at a time and i passed aud and bec. So i dont think my oasis would really say anything.


    evianos- maybe just get their yaeger cram (cheaper) since you are soo close. the cram has like 18 hours of very valuable instruction. i think thats what pushed me over to pass. Get the current version with your Wiley book, u will pass!


    @Ny_hate – Those seem to be the general messages everyone is receiving.

    ~Hayley (GA-NASBA state)

    BEC (77), REG (84), AUD (82), FAR 7/23



    I've been meaning to ask you. How were you able to retake BEC within a week? I've seen the information under your posts and was wondering about that part.

    AUD 58, 59, 61, 70 (8/31/11)
    BEC 51, 58, 59, 57 (7/11/11)
    FAR 51, 63, 64, 65, 61 (10/31/11)
    REG 55, 63, 74, 68, 65, 71, 69 (4/21/11-waiting)

    Ny_hate the loop

    i'm hoping it means good news.


    @evaianos — Did you feel confident that you knew the material going in? Becker really worked for me on a bunch of them. Having all of those multiple choice homework questions is what passed me. I actually saw some of the exact same questions on AUD and BEC that were in Becker and I would only get in the 50-70 range on all of the Becker final exams I took for all of the sections, but I passed all but FAR (maybe i passed FAR, but I doubt it).

    Don't give up, just study as hard and long as you can and I am sure you will pass!!!


    @Ny_hate – I think it means good news…but I'm always skeptical, even though the loophole has worked for me on my last 2 tests.

    ~Hayley (GA-NASBA state)

    BEC (77), REG (84), AUD (82), FAR 7/23



    Never mind. I'm having such a brain fart. Too much FAR study and can't think right. Sorry. Please disregard.

    AUD 58, 59, 61, 70 (8/31/11)
    BEC 51, 58, 59, 57 (7/11/11)
    FAR 51, 63, 64, 65, 61 (10/31/11)
    REG 55, 63, 74, 68, 65, 71, 69 (4/21/11-waiting)


    @Overwhelmed — Define how it worked for you… I am really confused about this loophole thing and would really like to understand it more. What I hear is that if the sections are grayed out then you passed, but if it lets you register, you failed. I can;t even get that far to see any boxes or anything… I just get a message that it is all in process…. I dont get it.


    @Hypertonic – The theory is, if you can't re-register for the section you're waiting on then you passed. However, if this is your last section or you have other outstanding tests on your NTS then you'll get the “in process” message. I think the loophole theory is only accurate for OH, GA and NY though…

    ~Hayley (GA-NASBA state)

    BEC (77), REG (84), AUD (82), FAR 7/23


    I read a while back that if you go to re-register that it would actually say that you passed all 4 parts if it was your last section and you passed… I think that was the original loophole when I started taking this silly test last year… It must not do that anymore.

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