FAR CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 165

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  • #157974

    I just checked mine for MA – still error score not found. Nothing yet

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  • #245025

    The oasis thing is for NASBA states. You can get your jurisdiction number from the emails you should have received from your state representative (they're usually in the subject title). If you go to the nasba website.. then click on your state… then click on “my application”… type in your jurisdition id and your birthdate you can see what the status of your application is. Some people's status changes, some don't.

    FAR: 78 BEC: 79 REG: 86 AUD: 74, 83 DONE!!!


    @Study4CPA – Thanks and good luck to you too! The next couple of hours are going to be very LONG.

    @Zaara – Thanks for the clarification, I was getting worried. 🙂 I'm so ready 10ish!

    I'm pushing my laptop to the side for now and watching Sopranos to pass the time.

    ~Hayley (GA-NASBA state)

    BEC (77), REG (84), AUD (82), FAR 7/23


    It would be a miracle if I passed. I never took governmental accounting and didnt get to do any studying of it or non-profits before the test.

    I only got to lecture 5 in Becker before I took the test…


    @ Hypertonic – Don't worry. Look at your other scores. You will pass!

    BEC - May 8, 2010 - 83
    FAR - July 20, 2010 - 75
    AUD - Aug 27, 2010 - 76
    REG - Nov 20, 2010 - 88 ALL DONE!!!


    Now I don't know whether or not I want to see my score before I take AUD tomorrow.

    I guess I will still check it tonight.

    BEC - May 8, 2010 - 83
    FAR - July 20, 2010 - 75
    AUD - Aug 27, 2010 - 76
    REG - Nov 20, 2010 - 88 ALL DONE!!!


    I waited on checking my REG score until after I took BEC. I didn't want to either be bummed or overconfident going into another section…


    I honestly do not know how anyone can not check their score if they even remotely think that it could be available! Everytime scores are being released I cannot walk away from my computer… not to eat, sleep, or study. As a matter of fact, I was at a CPE seminar today and did not absorb anything because I kept reading this forum and checking to see if I had a score yet on my phone (even though I know it won't be out until tonight).


    It is so quiet in here right now…. Good luck to all waiting. It shouldn't be too much longer.

    Ny_hate the loop

    has anyone heard of anyone being able to register for FAR?


    @Ny_hate the loop – Yep, there are a few people who said they could re-register. What kind of messages are you getting on your loophole and Oasis?

    ~Hayley (GA-NASBA state)

    BEC (77), REG (84), AUD (82), FAR 7/23


    IL FAR scores are out(second batch). I got 72. This is for fourth time when I failed FAR. (74,71,72,72).After my last exam I thought that I did much better than before and I expected to pass, but still 72.

    Monday I have schedule my BEC exam (first time I scored 71) and I believe that I should give up now.

    Good luck to all of you still waiting for scores to be release!!!


    evianos! OMG thats horrible!! soooo close! u cant quit cause u are soo close! let me ask you, what review course are u using?


    @evaianos. Do not give up. You will get it. Try changing study techniques or switch to a different review.

    I took FAR in IL as well and I am still waiting for my score.

    Don't give up! This is something we all have to go through. You will just have a few more battle scars than the rest of us. But it will only make you stronger


    I think this is the longest day in the history of forever.

    FAR - 73, 76!!!
    REG - 52, 92!!!
    AUD - 88
    BEC - 75


    @Senoia – I agree….I've been trying to stay busy so I don't think about it!

    ~Hayley (GA-NASBA state)

    BEC (77), REG (84), AUD (82), FAR 7/23

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