FAR CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 162

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  • #157974

    I just checked mine for MA – still error score not found. Nothing yet

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  • #244980

    Have Wisconsin scores been released yet? I just called NASBA and they said they have my score and it will be released within 24 hours. I didn't take the exam until August 12th. Is it possible for them to really have my score? I am so nervous. FAR was BY FAR the hardest exam I have ever taken. My testlets went easy.hard.easy I nailed the written comm (I think) and bombed the sims. I thought audit was much easier. What does this mean? I am so afraid to check my score. Could I have bombed it so bad that my score came out faster? I has a dream last night that I got a 30.

    AUD 83. FAR 8/12/10. REG Oct. BEC Nov.

    Paper Exam May 2002; AUD 62, LPR, 63, FAR 49, ARE 70
    Paper Exam Nov 2003; AUD 72, LPR, 72, FAR 67, ARE 71
    CBT 2010; AUD 83 FAR 76 BEC 78 REG 73,(2/28/11 NTS # 446) 75 and DONE!


    I also am from Wisco and Took BEC Aug 13th and they claim to have my score…hopefully we can plan on getting results soon? anyone with past experience in this matter?

    BEC - 08/12/10 - 85
    FAR - 10/01/10 - 84
    AUD - 10/30/10 - 81
    REG - 11/30/10 - 85


    @ CPAWannaBe – Are you sticking with Becker? I ordered Yaeger this morning. People rave about it and say it's actually “fun” to watch. I have to try something different

    AUD 95 (3/5/10); BEC 83 (5/28/10); FAR 71, 72, 74, 82 (10/16/10); REG 65,80(11/23/10)
    ALL DONE 🙂


    LSU_BR are you receiving your score tonight?


    Thanks Jan, It is a frustrating process especially since i am taking FAR on monday…was hoping to hear that i had 3 down and could just worry about FAR..but oh well. I just find it amazing that a woman who got pregnant on the same day i took this computerized exam will be in her second trimester before i recieve the score result…talk about efficiency….but at least one of us will find out a score soon:) also, just so you know i had the same situation that you are encountering with the Ohio Loophole, had a box greyed out and the ones i had no outstanding NTS for able to be checked and i ended up getting a passing score…so it sounds like the score of yours NASBA has will be good news. at least based on my prior experience….best of luck, i hope you hear good news very soon.


    @Zaara – I think so loophole lets me register but I know another LA person that the loophole let register and he actually passed so I guess I am waiting on the actual number. I'm bummed but I can't afford to be too down because I take REG tomorrow.

    AUD 95 (3/5/10); BEC 83 (5/28/10); FAR 71, 72, 74, 82 (10/16/10); REG 65,80(11/23/10)
    ALL DONE 🙂


    Hey Wisco, If i'm in Wave 1 will I be receiving my score soon. I just took BEC as my first CPA exam and have not done this process before.NASBA says they have my result but I don't know when to expect to receive it.

    BEC - 08/12/10 - 85
    FAR - 10/01/10 - 84
    AUD - 10/30/10 - 81
    REG - 11/30/10 - 85


    sorry about the run on sentences and typos. Trying to do some REG sims so I'm multi-tasking 🙂

    AUD 95 (3/5/10); BEC 83 (5/28/10); FAR 71, 72, 74, 82 (10/16/10); REG 65,80(11/23/10)
    ALL DONE 🙂


    @varhej68 based on my past experience wisconsin doesnt release until right around the turn of the month. If i had to guess, i would say it is possible for it to come out tomorrow night, which is what i had been hoping for….but it is more likely that you will recieve the score next week once the calendar hits september. i could be wrong thogh…just is the way it has seemed to play out the last couple of windows…best of luck to you…i hope you hear good news


    ahh thanks for the input, where did you go to school?

    BEC - 08/12/10 - 85
    FAR - 10/01/10 - 84
    AUD - 10/30/10 - 81
    REG - 11/30/10 - 85


    @ LSU_BR – I am in LA also, New Orleans to be exact. I passed all three parts and am waiting for my final part, REG. I called NASBA and they said that they have my score. I tried the loophole and get the message that all parts are still in process with the coordinator number. At this point, I have no idea if the loophole works or not. I guess we will see tonight. I am dying here though…I am just ready to be done with the exam.

    AUD 96, BEC 77, FAR 73,83, REG 60, 95...Yeah, I'm done!!


    @ahm628 – me too that's what makes it so frustrating. I thought I would take my last test tomorrow but it's not looking that way now 🙁

    Sounds like you passed. Congratulations!

    AUD 95 (3/5/10); BEC 83 (5/28/10); FAR 71, 72, 74, 82 (10/16/10); REG 65,80(11/23/10)
    ALL DONE 🙂


    @LSU – thanks…good luck to you tomorrow. I am sure you will do great!

    AUD 96, BEC 77, FAR 73,83, REG 60, 95...Yeah, I'm done!!


    @ahm628 – Thanks 🙂 Hopefully I can wrap this up in October.

    AUD 95 (3/5/10); BEC 83 (5/28/10); FAR 71, 72, 74, 82 (10/16/10); REG 65,80(11/23/10)
    ALL DONE 🙂


    I'm Taking FAR Oct 1st and haven't really studied yet. That gives me 5 weeks, does that sound like enough time based on other experiences here?

    BEC - 08/12/10 - 85
    FAR - 10/01/10 - 84
    AUD - 10/30/10 - 81
    REG - 11/30/10 - 85

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