FAR CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 157

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  • #157974

    I just checked mine for MA – still error score not found. Nothing yet

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  • #244905

    I saw last night someone (AUD) from SC could register for their exam and they ended up passing. It worked for me but now I think the loophole was just a coincidence.

    Good grief, am I the only one that got a failing score last night?


    @jmaca99, Auditor, CPAinMA, anyone else in mass I missed – I could re-register for all parts even though I passed 2 parts on the Ohio loophole. So unless something changed in the last few days, so I don't think it works for Mass.

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96


    I just called NASBA. They received my FAR score this morning. I am a Delarware candidate living in Washington. I just checked nasba.org-I still get the ‘in-process' message without any reference to the coordinator.

    BEC - May 8, 2010 - 83
    FAR - July 20, 2010 - 75
    AUD - Aug 27, 2010 - 76
    REG - Nov 20, 2010 - 88 ALL DONE!!!


    I hope the loophole doesn't work for LA. I'm with you CPAWannaBe. After my co-worker told his story about it letting him re-register and he really passed I am left wondering could the loophole be just a coincidence in some cases?

    AUD 95 (3/5/10); BEC 83 (5/28/10); FAR 71, 72, 74, 82 (10/16/10); REG 65,80(11/23/10)
    ALL DONE 🙂


    I registered for CPA exam in FL, passed REG last year (took exam in AL). Moved to tn took FAR Aug 2, still reg in fl, (took exam in TN). Will just submit my scores to tn when I'm done.

    Yesterday when I tried to do the loophole, tried through multiple states oh, ga, tn and in all of them both my FAR and REG were greyed out. Now today after more scores were recieved yesterday, my FAR is no longer greyed out and I can get all the way to payment screen in all states.

    For people who are registered in FL, and try the loophole using other states on Nasba, has the loophole been consistent for you? I saw one person say that the FL nasba let them re register even though he passed but I tried to re register in fl for FAR and REG (already passed) and it still let me go to payment so I dont think the FL Nasba gives any indication.

    I hope this doesnt mean I failed, i felt really confident, which hasnt always been the case. I guess at least this could mean that my score has been recieved and I will find out soon.



    Does anyone know why the nasba site for your particular state would allow you to register for parts you already passed?

    AUD 95 (3/5/10); BEC 83 (5/28/10); FAR 71, 72, 74, 82 (10/16/10); REG 65,80(11/23/10)
    ALL DONE 🙂


    Auditor – I take my exams in Warwick, RI as well!

    CPAWannaBe – You are probably the only brave one to post a failing score because everybody else who didn't pass doesn't wanna share it! Try to concentrate on AUD! You take it when I take FAR…good luck!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Good luck MPoni!


    thanks 🙂

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    I got up at 2 am this morning to check my score while my husband was getting ready for work. I didn't want to check it alone – goofy, I know…I was so happy to see my score!

    Best of luck to everyone who is waiting or preparing and keep on going everyone, we can do it!!

    FAR - (7/13/10) 84
    AUD - (8/9/10) 88
    REG - (10/4/10) 85
    BEC - (11/8/10) 86


    Does anyone know if OASIS works for Texas? If so, what is the TX jurisdiction ID?


    You don't use OASIS for Texas, supposedly you can see your score on the NASBA website though, under scores and then you enter your Section ID (from your NTS) and your birthdate. I don't know if it gets posted there before it gets posted on the state board's website. Usually the Texas state board posts around 4 am. If your score was in the batch that was released yesterday it will probably show up on the TSBPA website tomorrow morning around 4 or 5.


    @cpajourney – where have you been?! did you ever look at your BEC score?! I can't remember when you sit for FAR…but how is the studying coming along?

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    jmaca99, overwhelmed- Same oasis message as you guys, and I can't reregister. This is my last exam too. Do we know what the oasis mesage means?



    Maybe the OH loophole works the opposite way for MASS? How funny will that be. I'm trying to stay positive about this whole process.

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