Ok this is WEIRD…this morning I got the OASIS message that all scores have been received and generated, yadda, yadda, yadda. My loophole message also changed to show “in process, check with your coordinator.” I was thinking this is a good sign since it's my last section & I'm in GA where the loophole works.
This is my OASIS message now:
Our records indicate that you do not have an active application or registration at this time.
And this is my loophole message:
We are sorry. Currently all sections of this exam are still in process. If you have questions, please call your Coordinator at the number given below. Please call the number below.
What does this mean??? Has anyone ever gotten this OASIS message?
~Hayley (GA-NASBA state)
BEC (77), REG (84), AUD (82), FAR 7/23