FAR CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 125

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  • #157974

    I just checked mine for MA – still error score not found. Nothing yet

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  • #244425

    @ Overwhelmed – My classmate got the same simulations I got, but she received her score. She took the test 5 days before I did. That makes me think it's the MC questions that caused me to be in Wave 2.

    But some people told me there might still be a Wave 1.5 – we might be included in that wave.

    BEC - May 8, 2010 - 83
    FAR - July 20, 2010 - 75
    AUD - Aug 27, 2010 - 76
    REG - Nov 20, 2010 - 88 ALL DONE!!!


    @cpawannabe – i wouldnt look into it to much, i know it doesnt work for some states (im from MA and i know it doesnt work).

    do you think if we called today and they said they have our scores, they will be released tonight? or will we have to wait another torturous day?

    Please Let Me Pass

    @boston2010 – That seems to be the big question. My thought is tomorrow, but others are predicting tonight.

    FAR: 92
    REG: 94
    BEC: 89
    AUD: 1/07/11


    I guess no score release today….bummer!


    @Study4CPA – I'm almost certain you'd be in the 1.5 release then. I wish I knew what sims you had….got an e-mail addy?

    ~Hayley (GA-NASBA state)

    BEC (77), REG (84), AUD (82), FAR 7/23


    @LSU: Same to you!


    Will there really be a Wave 1.5?

    BEC - May 8, 2010 - 83
    FAR - July 20, 2010 - 75
    AUD - Aug 27, 2010 - 76
    REG - Nov 20, 2010 - 88 ALL DONE!!!

    Erica H

    I am actually beginning to suspect that NASBA isn't posting about all the scores they're receiving from AICPA in order to try to prevent massive onslaught against their servers. It's probably worse, though, because instead of a select group of people repeatedly submitting, everybody is doing it!

    AUD - 92
    FAR - 73, 82
    REG - 72, 82
    BEC - 84 DONE!!!!!! 🙂


    @Zaara and @DrSmith – I share your interest in the significance of Wave 1.5. Does Wave 1.5 mean the score is borderline? I am particularly concerned because my first attempt at FAR produced a borderline score of 73 that was reported in Wave 1.5.

    Please Let Me Pass

    @AspiringCPA Well that sucks. I'm 99% sure I failed now, seeing as how I'm borderline. I have heard from MANY sources that borderline = mostly fails.

    Also pretty sure that the lack of a “coordinator” message is indicative of failing.

    FAR: 92
    REG: 94
    BEC: 89
    AUD: 1/07/11


    @pleaseletmepass, is the far registration greyed out on the ohio loophole for you?


    @Please Let Me Pass – I don't think you should really stress about it. I don't think you're in Wave 1.5 but rather just a second batch of Wave 1. I believe Wave 1.5 will come out with REG scores. Even so, if you're getting the “In process” message I think you likely passed. From my understanding, the only way to tell you failed thus far is if you have access to a screen in the loophole where you can select FAR for registration. If you haven't failed any sections or have outstanding NTSs for all sections, you won't be able to access that screen. That's my understanding of this whole situation.

    FAR - 8/4 - 93
    AUD - 8/26/10 - 97
    REG - 10/3/10 - 93
    BEC - 11/21/10 - 82


    @Please Let Me Pass, Why do you write that you are borderline? How did you get that information? I hope you get a wonderful, happy surprise when you actually receive your score.


    Has Jeff gave any insight to everyone's situation?

    I took FAR 7/23, and was fully expecting to get my score last night, but I didn't. I called NASBA today and they said they have my score and I will be able to see it in 24-48 hours. So, what is the prediction…will there be a release tonight? I am trying to study for BEC which I take on Monday, and it is hard with this distraction.

    Please Let Me Pass

    @AspiringCPA I took not getting my score last night to mean borderline. I have consistently heard that the reason your score would be held off one additional day is because your score needs to be reviewed because it is close to failing (i.e. 73-76). I hope I am wrong but I am worried.

    @DrSmith I can't get to it. I am getting a “all exams in process” message, but without the “coordinator” line. Given that people who have passed have the coordinator line, I am taking this as not a good sign.

    @NY.CPA.Someday I hope you're right, but I have my doubts.

    For the record, I left the test center thinking I failed, so that also plays a big role in my assumptions.

    FAR: 92
    REG: 94
    BEC: 89
    AUD: 1/07/11

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