FAR CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 10

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  • #157974

    I just checked mine for MA – still error score not found. Nothing yet

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  • #242700

    How in the world are we really suppose to remember all of this dadgum crap?!



    I'm so frustarted and my head is splitting from all this information. I can't remember half of what I studied yesterday and there is still a ways to go.

    Sometimes I feel like taking Peter Olinto's advice and “finding a sharp object and stabbing (myself) repeatedly in the leg” because I just can't remember all this stuff.


    You don't have to remember it all. You only have to remember more than 60% of other candidates can remember.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    Oh, well that narrows it down!!



    Is it possible to die from brain overload? LIke have a brain attack?



    Brain protects itself – memory dumps! Just wish it would wait until after the exam before self preservation kicks in! Good luck to those testing soon. I am scheduled for Aug 31st. Had to request a new book from Becker – missing a few pages. So I started with Chapter 2. Wish we could insert a memory card into our brains to aid in the recall of all this information.

    It is so much better being able to test one exam at a time and picking the test date to our time table.

    Visiting the cat in Austin – she is doing pretty well. Her kidneys are failing so it is a sad time. But she still rules!


    cpa journey,

    Austin is cool. I was just there a few weeks ago. Sorry to hear about your cat though 🙁


    Try not to cram FAR.

    Just understand the concepts and principals and you will be ok. And do plenty MC questions.

    I learn the most when I got a MC question wrong, because I can then look at the answer and see where my original logic was wrong and learn from that and hopefully I would not make the same mistake twice.

    ACCA (London - CPA)

    BEC(4/17)-90, REG(5/28)-88, AUD (7/11)-83, FAR (8/31)- 90



    Just curious- how does the US CPA exam compare with the London one ? In terms of difficulty? Is there a big overlap of material?

    Will go back to studying FAR now!



    Thanks – I like it too. It is hot today. Glad there is air conditioning 🙂


    Hi Gang.

    Sorry about the delay in posting. I just moved from AZ to CA this weekend! It was kind of a dumb idea (in retrospect) to try and take FAR the day after my last day at my old job and the day before moving out to California, but hey, if we were normal people, we wouldn't be trying to be CPA's!

    I'd love to lighten the tone, but I have a horrible feeling that I completely bombed. My first testlet = rough, what I was expecting. A question from every study section of Becker and they were tough. 2nd testlet = not as hard as I would have hoped. 3rd = ok, but tricky enough to make me feel like I couldn't even put together a balance sheet. My sims, were sims. Tough and fair. I did my best; #1 was wicked and 2 was tough. I left myself about an hour + 30-40 minutes going into the sims and that really let me take my time, which was nice.

    Odd things that I can say since I've cooled off: 1) I expected to do more math 2) Some of the stuff I was tested on was minutiae 3) I had a bunch of govn't/non-profit Q's.

    Based on how I felt leaving REG, I think I totally failed FAR. Since my second testlet wasn't exponentially harder, I let that get in my head and was probably defeated before I was 2/5 of the way through. I do feel ok about the sims. If I don't pass, I'm going with another review. I don't really feel that Becker prepped me for the questions I got and I focused on areas in my late study that were hardly touched on the exam. I was also distracted, with moving, quitting my job, getting ready to start another, I probably was in poor shape mentally to take FAR, but I did and it's over. Advice: quiz yourself on a broad scope often. If you have Becker, just keep having it generate quizzes over all the material in 30 question chunks and work away.


    Anyway, good luck everyone. I know some of you are up soon. You can do it, your study plans sound awesome, stay focused and push. The last couple of days prior to the exam are ugly. Try not to tackle something you really struggle with, rather review what you already think you know so you have it down PAT. Take your time and don't let it beat you until you've clicked on ‘Done.'

    BEC 78 w00t | AUD July | FAR July 9 | REG 85


    wow lucylaw, welcome to our sunny California….Its always good to see more people join our broke.. oooops broken state 😉 .. Anyways it was good to hear about your experience with FAR…As my Becker review Professor always says “You can't really know what to expect, study everything and you will be fine.” gosh “everything” that's a ton of material to study and stick in my lousy brain…. well I guess it boils down to getting all the 1650 questions including the supplemental MCQ's Becker provided hammered away. Either way you did it and thumbs up to you for attempting the beastly exam…..


    One thing that I learned by reading about grading the cpa exam, everyone starts with a testlet that is medium hard. There are only 2 types of testlets: hard and medium hard. So if your first testlet seems easy to you, you're well prepared. Then if your second testlet seems harder you did well on the first one. A hard testlet doesn' t mean that all questions in the testlet are hard but there are more hard questions and less easy ones than in the medium-hard testlet. I read this on the aicpa web site.

    far-->75 Done!!!!!


    Jeff, what date do you believe we must take FAR by in order to be in Wave 1. I am scheduled for Aug. 5th….you think I've got a chance?


    Jeff posted somewhere else to take it by August 6th to be safe

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