For glogo2384 and CantTakeIt-
I think that most people feel that they are weak in these three areas. I took Financial first in Nov (got a 69) and then Feb 1st (looks like I'm in Wave 2). My exams were completely different, so there is no way to predict if one topic will be more heavily tested than another.
My advice is to remember the phrase that Financial is a mile wide and an inch deep. Learn to be a little proficient at everything, rather than trying to dig down and master everything about pensions or bonds. The Becker MCQ's are great- do the supplemental questions too. I didn't do simulation practice as much as I should have, but I didn't feel that my simulations were too bad. I think that if you get through most of the Becker questions, you will be fine.
One last thing- leave time for your communications. They make up 10% of your score. I always go straight for the communication when I open the simulation. I rough it out and try to look up the answers using the research tab. Then I tackle the rest of the sim. After I am done, I re-work my memo.
Hope this helps- Good luck!!