[FAR] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 22

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  • #223090

    Yesterday was a struggle. I really wanted to quit haha. But I forced myself to at least do ch1 supplemental, 1/2 of ch2 and then all of Ch3 supplemental. Let's hope today is a more productive day πŸ™‚ How about you? No reg score yet? πŸ™


    No REG yet, hoping for a AICPA release today and a score tomorrow… I really hoped I passed that… it's so hard to focus thinking about it… this past weekend didn't go so well for me. I only worked 90 MC from the final exam (scoring around 60%)… I am working the ‘Final Review' Becker book this week… and more MC of course… hoping these next 4 days can be productive enough to seal the deal Friday… I just know that if I passed REG, I'll feel a lot more relaxed about FAR… crazy how phycological and mentally exhausting this test is…

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    Studying has been so hard. I started out with a bang yesterday and crashed on the couch after 5 hors of studying and woke up with a killer headache. I told myself that I needed to put in at least 13 hours of study time between last Saturday and Thursday but I don't think it will work out that way.

    Way to go CantTakeIt. At this rate, you can finish all the supplemental questions by Wednesday and start reviewing the other questions. I am currently going through the simulations and the sad part is that even though these ones are hard…I know the actual ones on the exam will be harder!

    Do you guys feel ready?


    13 hours seems to long :S Just do what you can so that it's quality study. I hope I get through them all! You'd think knowing it COULD be my last one would be all the motivation I need to sit and focus, but I'm just so burned out. It does help knowing my BEC score though because I'm not stressing about that in addition to studying. I really hope you get your reg score soon so that's one less thing on your mind.

    no, I don't feel ready at all πŸ™ Do you guy?


    I honestly don't know what to expect because you study ALL this information and then only a small portion is on the exam. I don't even feel I did 100% because when I was studying for REGS…I was putting in about 14 hours per day (granted I took No-Pay leave from work) and now, I can barely study for 6 hours on a stretch. I am going to start drinking my coffee from tommorrow so that I can pull some late night study sessions!


    Props to you! I don't even think I can do 6 hours.

    It helps knowing we're all in this together. I'll be right there with you studying late into the night. Good idea on the coffee!! lol I'll have to grab some on my way home πŸ™‚ We can do this!!!! Only a couple days left!!!!


    I don't think I'm going to be ‘ready' come Friday… I've come to terms with that… I'm just going to use the next 4 days to get used to the questions and study the key topics, and just hope that come test day I can feel confident enough to give myself a chance on each question… Also, not sure if my test day strategy makes much sense or not, but here's my plan:

    1st Testlet – 50 min (3:10 Left)

    2nd Testlet – 55 min (2:15 Left)

    3rd Testlet – 55 min (1:20 Left) –> Going to shoot for 1:30 here, but won't panic if it gets to 1:20.

    Com/Research #1 – 25 min (:55 Left)

    Sim #1 – 15 min (:40 Left)

    Com/Reasearch #2 – 25 min (:15 Left)

    Sim #2 – 15 min (Start praying).


    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    If you guys have MSN let me know and I can email you my username so if we have questions we can ask each other!


    No MSN πŸ™ – but feel free to PM me πŸ™‚

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    Glogo…I just read your strategy for FARE and I am going to use your timelines which seem pretty realistic. LMAO at how you are going to approach the last simulation with prayer…you are too funny. You can absorb a lot in 4 days..just try to stay positive and focus Glogo. You have worked hard and prepared yourself for this day…the only thing holding you back is that you don't believe in yourself.

    For REGS, I kept reading on this blog that everyone ran out of time and I said my goal was to finish all the MCQ in 1 hour so I can have the remaining time for my simulations and it worked out great but maybe that is because some of my tabs only had 24 MCQ. Whatever the case maybe, I want to give myself ample time to sit back and try to figure out what the hell they are asking me.


    I'm w/ you glogo, 4 days to study and I'm not quite as comfortable with FAR as I was with BEC, but then again I was ishing bricks when I sat for BEC too, so…

    I'm going to hit Leases, bonds, pensions, Shareholder Equity and the equity method pretty hard along with cash flows. I sold review of Gov and NFP. I'll take a practice both on Wed & Thurs and then the real Mcoy on Friday morn.

    I am pretty comfortable with inventory and Becker's “BASE” formulas, pretty good with income statement and balance sheet stuff.

    I almost feel like there are too many MCQ's to cover, I like to do them 3 or 4 times and there are just too many to do that with, so I'm hoping even though my results are in the 65% range (and the fact that 1/2 my mistakes are total bonehead moves) I think I might be able to squeak this one out like I did with BEC ~~fingers crossed~~

    MASS - BEC 79, AUD 75, REG 80, FAR 71 FEB'10, FAR 71 JUN'10, FAR NOV'10 77 and I'm spent...


    oh one more thing on time management. This is the basic guideline I was given:

    45 min per testlet, 10 min break and 50 min per sim. I personally would never take the break, but I think following this within reason is the right approach. Too many people get hung up in the MCQ's, I seem to be fairly disciplined in that if I can't get the ansewer, I'll mark it and hit it later if I have time, or I'll guess if there is no time.

    MASS - BEC 79, AUD 75, REG 80, FAR 71 FEB'10, FAR 71 JUN'10, FAR NOV'10 77 and I'm spent...


    I would save 45 minutes to an hour for each simulation. Each tab was a mini-monster for me, except the written communications. It's not like you can read the situation tab and work through the other tabs. You have to analyze each tab independently and try to figure 1.) what they are asking you to do, and 2.) how to do it. (#1 is the hardest part!)


    …and apparently I've had too much coffee today as I can't spell OR proofread!

    MASS - BEC 79, AUD 75, REG 80, FAR 71 FEB'10, FAR 71 JUN'10, FAR NOV'10 77 and I'm spent...


    Thanks for all the posts and motivation!

    With MC, I think the key to success here is to remind yourself you KNOW the answer to every question, just READ everything and ELIMINATE the ones you don't feel good about. Narrow your answer down to 2 every question, and then go with your GUT.

    With SIMs, attack the Com/Res first, it's points needed, and more potential for success. Then have confidence in the SIMs, going with the same approach as the MC, just break it down, and answer everything you can, never leave anything blank. Go in it assuming you're gonna get it wrong, and impress yourself by answering parts of it right!

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)

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