As far as the simulations go, I think the best way to study for them is by mastering the multiple choice questions. Honestly, if you know the mechanic and journal entries and have a pretty solid understanding of the principles, the simulations aren't very different from multiple choice. I'd definitely recommend writing down all the requirement (assuming you have time) so you don't have to deal with the split screen option or keep flipping between tabs.
Having said that, my simulations were way, way, way harder than anything I'd practiced. I was blown away (but still somehow managed to make it out alive). My practice course recommended that I have 30 minutes for each simulation. I went into the simulations with a little under two hours to go and finished them with 6 minutes left!
My only advice would be to give yourself plenty of time to do the simulations. They aren't always related in principle (as the study material simulations usually are). I know this isn't very helpful advice, but know the principles cold, practice multiple choice way more than simulation, and give yourself an hour and a half to complete both of the simulations.
Good luck!
FAR - 97 AUD - 95 BEC - 92 REG - 04/07