[FAR] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 21

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  • #223075

    Jeff- I just signed up for Club 75.

    I am having trouble finding the archived FAR Last Minute Tips… where is it?


    I just sent everything.

    Thank you!


    Hey all,

    Just jumping in from the BEC thread, 1 down 3 to go.

    Taking FAR in Boston on Friday – anyone else?

    Leases and bonds are kicking my butt. I use Becker and there is just soooo many distractors in the questions. But you know what they say about FAR – its a mile wide and in inch deep! I think my biggest concern is probably the simulations though. Anyone have 2 cents they'd care to toss out on simulations?

    MASS - BEC 79, AUD 75, REG 80, FAR 71 FEB'10, FAR 71 JUN'10, FAR NOV'10 77 and I'm spent...



    As far as the simulations go, I think the best way to study for them is by mastering the multiple choice questions. Honestly, if you know the mechanic and journal entries and have a pretty solid understanding of the principles, the simulations aren't very different from multiple choice. I'd definitely recommend writing down all the requirement (assuming you have time) so you don't have to deal with the split screen option or keep flipping between tabs.

    Having said that, my simulations were way, way, way harder than anything I'd practiced. I was blown away (but still somehow managed to make it out alive). My practice course recommended that I have 30 minutes for each simulation. I went into the simulations with a little under two hours to go and finished them with 6 minutes left!

    My only advice would be to give yourself plenty of time to do the simulations. They aren't always related in principle (as the study material simulations usually are). I know this isn't very helpful advice, but know the principles cold, practice multiple choice way more than simulation, and give yourself an hour and a half to complete both of the simulations.

    Good luck!

    FAR - 97 AUD - 95 BEC - 92 REG - 04/07


    Advice needed… I'm running low on study time. I've gotten through all the regular questions and did them until I got them all correct. So now should I got back and do all of the supplemental which I have done none of OR redo all the regular questions for a second time. Ideally I would love to do both but I don't think time will permit for that.


    Can't take it – I would work the supp before you go back to the MC… reason being… the Supp touches on all the subjects and will allow you to see some new questions as opposed to redoing the ones you may remember from your last go-around… then, if you find that you're having a hard time on certain topics… just do the MC again for that topic, not all the MC in that chapter… good luck! 4 days left! argh!

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    Thanks!!! I'll do that. The test is coming up way too fast so I'm trying not go into freak out mode! I just finally today finished all the chapters and now going back to do the supplemental 😉 I still feel like I don't know a thing even though I must haha.

    How is your studying coming??



    I agree with Glogo, you have to work the supplemental questions. I am also running so low on energy and its like my head feels like it cannot absorb anything else but keep it up Glogo and CantTakeIt….we can learn some new things and re-enforce concepts that may come on the exams! I can't wait for this to be over. What time is your exam? Mine is at 12:00 so I still have time to study Friday morning 🙁


    These FAR MCQ's are kicking my butt. I have been solidly running through them since Jan 6th and I'm having trouble breaking out of the 60's! I got the time thing down pretty tight so I think I should be ok, we'll see though. I have spent some time on the sims to the point I'm comfortable, now I'm just pounding the MCQ's and flashcards till Friday.

    MASS - BEC 79, AUD 75, REG 80, FAR 71 FEB'10, FAR 71 JUN'10, FAR NOV'10 77 and I'm spent...


    with five days to go… what areas would be the most vital to study… Also what journal entries would be the most important to know?


    It's so hard to concentrate, knowing I may get my REG score Tuesday… In any case, to anyone taking FAR this week, for whatever it's worth:

    I've come to terms with the fact that I may not be as prepared as I would like heading into this exam Friday, but I do also realize that 4 more days to prepare can really help if I'm smart about it… I suggest, that if you're nervous or feeling like me right now (burnt out, stressed), just try to study topics instead of chapters… put time into stuff you know are going to be tested (bonds, pensions etc.) and do the related MC until comfortable… just put in the time on the key topics and hope for the best on the rest…

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    Hi every one,

    Some help is needed here, there were some talks about the new sims. How I know if you got a new sim or not?

    After jumping between different sites and talking while a sleep “ F5 stuck” I don’t think I will be able to take the news that I should be wave 2, I sat for the FAR on 1/13.

    Please help !!!!!

    BEC 77(expired), 84
    AUD 85
    FAR 80
    REG 67, 81


    Jean, there's no way to know if one of your sims is new and therefore kick you into the second wave. Even older concepts and topics can be covered by new sims. I know how you feel though as I'm also hoping to get my score soon. Getting the boot to Wave 2 would suck.

    BEC - Passed, AUD - Passed, REG - Passed, FAR - Passed, CA Ethics - Passed


    The problem is I have to sit for the REG next window and I need to know if I will sit for only REG or RG and FAR keeping in mind that I will lose my BEC credit on May if I didn’t pass both. That will really suck.

    BEC 77(expired), 84
    AUD 85
    FAR 80
    REG 67, 81


    How's the studying going ‘gang'? 4 days to go…

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)

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