[FAR] Exam Prep and Score Releases: April/May 2010 - Page 72

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    Hey guys, I am trying to prepare for FAR on Aug 02. I already passed REG and BEC, sat for AUD (waiting score) and now THE BEAST. I use Wiley only, but I do not have any MOTIVATION. I sit to study an dI start wondering around, not concentrating at all. Has this happened to anyone? I should be super motivated right? How do I get the fire back? Please help!!!!


    CharlesD – You would think that you would be motivated for the last exam. I felt the same way. All I did was set my study plan in place, set test date, then how many hours each day I was going to study and what chapter I was going to study. I then set the time for the studying and try to eliminate all distractions. Then I would say to myself that this is your last section and I have a deadline to get this thing done. My motivation did get better after I received my passing third score. Maybe when you get your AUD score back it will be better. There isn't any real answer to your question other than just doing it. Remember when you get this exam done, it will be done if you know what I mean. Good Luck on THE BEAST, just piecemeal the material and you will get it.


    Although I took FAR recently, I am still studying for it because I know I did not pass. It is so difficult to get motivated to study, especially on vacation this week. I am hands-down the only loser with the blue Becker flashcards by the pool while everyone else is reading the next vampire novel.

    My goal this week was to do about 150 multiple choice questions a day and so far I've done about 50 total. I'm saving my flashcards for my next vacation so I can use them as coasters for my pina coladas!


    CPA Wannabe, I wouldn't call it dead yet….I felt the same with REG and I received a very nice surprise on Dec 24, 2009: a perfect 75…..Keep your faith up!!(Just don't throw a way the books yet, at least that's what I do).

    By the way, any good advice for this lonely soul trying to handle the BEAST!!

    REG 75, BEC 77, AUD (Waiting on Score), FAR : Aug 02


    wow cpawannabe, that is some SERIOUS dedication to study while on vacation. If it is any consolation, I personally wouldn't consider reading a vampire novel much more fun than studying accounting.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    financeguy, I know. I couldn't get in to the Twilight series when I did have the time.

    CharlesD, having taken FAR twice, I would say it is a straightforward, fair exam. The questions can get tricky so read them carefully paying attention to the dates and the call of the question. There wasn't a whole lot of material on my exam from pensions, deferred taxes, leases, eps and consolidations but it is on there. Don't underestimate government and non-profit. Know everything or as much as you can stand. Both times I took it I had a simulation tab on a topic not covered well enough in Becker and I don't know how anyone could prepare for them.

    Study in pieces and review after every three chapters. I go through the AICPA released questions as well a few days beforehand. I'm doing thousands of multiple choice questions this time so hopefully I can be done with The Beast in July. I'm so over it! Good luck!!


    CPAwannabe, I like the way you say “FAR is straightforward, fair exam”. This is so true. On some level it might be the easiest of all 4. It is just the volume that makes it so hard, at least for me. If I had one more hour for this exam I think I would do well…

    far-->75 Done!!!!!


    Hey Wannabe, Good advice, just watch the wording, we do not want you to get in trouble;)…I am studying in pieces, I take sections of the chapters at a time and do the MCQ for those sections…Specially using Wiley only…so dry…

    Dude, it feels so close…. and still so FAR!!!

    REG 75, BEC 77, AUD (Waiting on Score), FAR : Aug 02


    I'm using a 2007 Wiley question bank on CD and I hate it. The questions are great, just getting around the program is not as smooth as Becker's. My Becker expires next month so I'd better get used to it.

    I try not to get too specific with the exam content. It seemed like the stuff I spent the most time learning wasn't on there as much as I expected. You never know though, next time I could be flooded with the complex stuff. I hope so. The more difficult, the better.



    is Wiley question bank helpful? Can you only buy question bank? I bought the final review for REG with the book Wiley and Yeager but it didn't work for me. Way too confusing and not user friendly. Is the question bank on DVD? How many q's? You're right, the questions on the real exam are different than the q's in the study materials. People who create study materials should go and take the exam every single window so they are not disconnected. When I take the exam it seems so little is necessary to pass but we are overstudied and overconfused and this little piece is missing.

    far-->75 Done!!!!!



    Have you called Becker. They extended mine until 6/1 since my last exam was scheduled on 5/28.

    Then right before my membership ended (I won a free month of club 75) someone there gave me some useful advice……

    IL - BECKER=============> DONE
    REG - 80; FAR - 65,79; AUD - 53,78; BEC - 71,68, 75 (used becker and yaeger for 3rd BEC)Ethics 95



    @FARbehind I got the Wiley CD from my accounting professor. It is just a question bank with no lectures or text. Many of the questions overlap Becker's.

    @magic_8_ball I called Becker and they said once I schedule at Prometric, they will give me a 30-45 day extension and half price on any other section I may need to buy after that. It will still be over $500.


    @CPAWannaBe You can purchase the Gleim TestPrep Software online for $55 for each section. FAR contained over 1800 questions, REG has over 2300 questions, BEC has over 1800, and I'm not sure about Audit . Once you purchase the software online, you can download it immediately on your computer and start answering questions.



    30-45 days should be good for you…oooh I just noticed that you haven't taken BEC…is that right??

    IL - BECKER=============> DONE
    REG - 80; FAR - 65,79; AUD - 53,78; BEC - 71,68, 75 (used becker and yaeger for 3rd BEC)Ethics 95




    thanks for the suggestions. Does Gleim Test prep software have explanations to the questions? What else there is in the software, videos, written materials? I am tempted to get some more questions to supplement becker.

    far-->75 Done!!!!!

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