[FAR] Exam Prep and Score Releases: April/May 2010 - Page 113

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    dumb sum, face it, you are just plain smart…

    far-->75 Done!!!!!


    I wouldn't read too much into the testlets difficulty. I thought I had a very difficult 1st testlet and the next two seem easier and I passed. Who is to say that this question was harder than the next? It all depends on what the candidates study materiel covers. I was bummed out during the 2nd & 3rd testlet bc i thought they were easier than the first. Who even knows what questions they are grading. It's a very complex grading system, and I will never go into a test wondering how my 2nd booklet is going to turn out. It was actually discouraging and probably hurt my score more than it helped

    Audit Passed
    FAR Passed
    REG Passed
    BEC ??


    There isn't a particular logic to the types of transactions and understanding in FAR, that is consistent throughout. You just have to know it and understand it. It takes time and continual dedication. It is terribly difficult if you don't have enough time to prep. Intelligence can't get you too far alone with FAR.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    luckypenny786, I canceled my club75 membership, but just so you know. I'm sending it out today.

    Aud- Pass, BEC- Pass, FAR- Pass, REG- Pass.... Done!



    I wanted to take FAR around that time too, however now there are no seats left at my Prometric site in July. Why does NASBA drag their feet getting out a simple NTS? I guess I will have to drive out of state to get a seat somewhere to test.

    There is so much time wasted in this whole entire CPA exam experience that is not justifiable. This is 2010, AICPA & NASBA! (But the $523 to re-apply sure went on my credit card quickly)

    We can keep each other motivated. Are you re-watching the lectures?


    CPAWannabe, I received my first NTS with my name spelled wrong, I called to correct it, it took them a week, and the one they sent me spelled my name wrong a different way. Third time, and three weeks later, I got my NTS with my correct name. And my name is very, very simple. I know it's frustrating!


    @rash – thanks so much!

    D O N E !



    I follow some of your posts. What state are you in and how far away is the closest testing site? I live in a decent size town, and the nearest site in my state is 1 hour & 45 mins away. However, there is a testing site in the next state over that only takes me about 50 minutes to get to… Similar situation for you?


    The two closest testing sites are both about 90 miles away. One is in-state (Columbia, SC) and I always seem to get lost there, and the other is in Charlotte, NC. I used to live in Charlotte so I am more comfortable about where I need to go. My NASBA coordinator said testing out-of-state is not a problem for them. Congrats on being done, BShep!

    It took about 3 months to get my initial NTS because they couldn't find my transcripts that I sent twice. Then they got my name wrong: I don't hyphenate my married last name. It'll do.


    Thanks! 🙂 It's such a relief! My husband jokes that it's nice to have a wife again… one who will actually help cook, clean, and do the laundry. I've actually grown quite attached to this website. I can't let it go just yet!

    I've read about several NTS name problems. Looks like you're one of many.

    Anyway… Keep up the hard work! Stay focused and it'll eventually be over. I know I kept saying that I was so tired of being tortured constantly (yes, it is torture as all of you know)… but it's totally worth it when it's over FOREVER!!!



    Yes, definitely, we will keep each other company here. I am so glad I still have friends here. While I am happy for the people who pass, we are losing them as contacts and it feels sad.

    I can't believe all spots are gone for July for prometrics. This process is so annoying and time consuming. I applied for a payment coupon yesterday morning and now more than 36 hours later I haven't received anything. Then there is another wait for 2-3 days for NTS.

    I am planning to rewatch the videos (Becker). Repetition is good for me since I don't have the best memory. I am so down today. Hopefully, my motivation will return. I had promissed my kids I will take them to the water park if I pass FAR and they were like: Really, mommy, you didn't pass again? Oh, well. I hope they still think I am smart.

    far-->75 Done!!!!!



    I'm no creep, I'm a mom like you. Please feel free to e-mail me at allyson1967@bellsouth.net if you want to vent or we can help each other without being so public. I can totally releate to the mommy-guilt associated with this. :)))


    Hi Everyone. .. I'm new to the FAR section.!!! I take The Beast on July 12… So I join the pain of those of you who doesn't have a life thanks to this exam!!

    Good luck to everybody!!!!


    Thanks cpawannabe, I will do

    far-->75 Done!!!!!

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