FAR CPA Exam Scores: October-November 2009 - Page 7

  • This topic has 1,367 replies, 263 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Scores are up in Indiana!


    Dang IN-CPA-question, you beat me to the punch. I will take my 85 as a consolation though. Congrats to all those who passed. And don't give up hope, to those who must try again.


    Has anyone from Texas received their FAR score?


    66 in New York… Demoralizing.

    FAR: 66, 68, 75 PASSED
    REG: 78 PASSED
    BEC:74, 78 PASSED
    AUD: 74, 66, 75 DONE!!!


    84!!! How the hell did I manage that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I immediately printed it though cause I had a nightmare that I saw my score and it was passing… so I told all my family, friends, and coworkers.

    ANd then I went back to print it out and it was a different score and I was FAILING!!!! But I had already told everyone I passed!

    Hahahhahahaha… so I have this printed and pdf'd and maybe I will have to put a copy in a safety deposit box… cause I AM NEVER taking FAR AGAIN!

    Now I am really motivated to pass the others and get this OVER WITH!


    I am done! I passed FAR! Thank God it is finally over!


    Anyone took test on 11/7 got score?


    I'm in VA and haven't received anything yet either


    agus… I took it on the 6th… if that helps.


    My score from Oct. 1st in VT is out, with an 80! Such a relief…

    Congrats CPASOON-IN!


    oneleft, i'm pretty sure the tsbpa site only updates once a day starting at midnight. so if they get the scores today, they will be available after the upload which finishes around 4 am. so check early tomorrow morning. good luck. i'm waiting too.


    P.S. sorry for the gloating

    for those who need a redo… I took it in August and got a 64! And decided instead of going ahead with the next part that I scheduled to go right back and restudy FAR and take it again this window.

    That seemed to worked cause now I have had a 20pt jump! Which makes me think the problem was I obviously did not putting in enough time.

    But it was way easier to review the second time right after, and I only had to rewatch lectures of the parts I was having problems with and I got to try more questions.

    So I would recommend it and encourgage you that if I can make that kind of come back so can any of you.

    I also added Becker Final Review and Gleim MCQ's for Windows Mobile (this really helped cause I could practice questions anytime and any where.


    Halfway There in NY

    Dying to check if my score is up but I don't have my section id with me. The suspense is killing me!!


    I got FAR in PA about an hour ago. 75!! And I am thrilled.

    Back story on me: I had AUD, FAR, and REG passed and could not pass BEC for the life of me. I lost FAR and then REG because of it. So now I have 2 parts and should find out my REG score hopefully in the next few days. I take BEC again on Monday and am doing much better on the questions this time around. It would make for a GREAT Christmas!

    Good luck to everyone else out there! I enjoy reading this; makes me feel much better when I have wanted to give up 🙂

    REG - 83*/84; FAR - 80*/75; AUD - 70/67/83; BEC - 63/72/73/76

    I am a CPA!!


    Just got my score and I passed with an 82!!! OMG sooo happy…going to bury my boooks deep into my closet now!!

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