FAR CPA Exam Scores: October-November 2009 - Page 58

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  • #216025

    I'm in NY also and got through to the CC info page. I tried with each individual test and it went through every time despite the fact that I have passed everything except FARE.

    I was scared for a second too….

    The Counting Mutant

    I have never had it lock out any sections that I passed already. I always have to choose yes or no for each exam. I think each state is different. I am in NY.

    I've hired an accountant.
    A what?
    An accountant. According to the word, it must be a cross between a counter and a mutant and that may be precisely what we need.


    Looks like ev1 in NY is getting through all the way to cc payment. I hope thats good news for us in NY


    I thought NASBA is National, in TN or something.


    OMG…this is causing a frenzy!…….Luckily, i have a doctors appointment to go to…..so I don't have to sit in front of my computer, checking for status updates every 3 seconds……but i will be running home afterwards to see if the scores are posted!


    StudyGirl….I am NJ too and it let me sign up for all parts including the three I passed


    You have to try to re-register for the CPA exam on NASBA. I get https://img51.yfrog.com/i/cpapass.jpg/ when I put in my DOB and SSN. FAR is my last part, but I think this is just bad net coding by NASBA…

    EDIT – I am in GA btw

    REG - 88
    BEC - 78
    AUD - 84


    each state is different, I'd say there's too many variables involved to get excited or disappointed about it especially if its a programming bug, there's usually no rhyme or reason to those. Although I would be interested to see results tonight and what people who tried to reregister saw right now.

    AUD 81 - BEC 89 - FAR 82 - REG 86


    Louisiana – it let me select all the ones I already passed and get all the way to the payment page. Definitely varies state to state.

    I wouldnt trust anything by my two-digit numbers. But that was a pretty nifty find.

    REG - 07/09 - 82 -------- FAR - 10/09 - 73 ... 2/26/10 - 81
    BEC - 08/09 - 81 -------- AUD - 11/09 - 85


    TN here. We also have to choose yes/no and it let me get to the payment page for all exams, passed or not.

    Testing in TN (NASBA State)
    REG 74, 77; FAR 77; BEC 73, 73, 73, 80; AUD 40,78
    And I'm out...


    Same thing happened to me as happened to dipdabear.


    I thought there is only 1 location for NASBA somewhere in the midwest


    I'm indiana and it gave me the “Already passed” message right after I put in Jur # and DOB

    AUD 81 - BEC 89 - FAR 82 - REG 86


    NASBA is located in TN, however, I believe they may process things differently for different states. After I had taken and passed my first three, it would not let me re-select them in OH, but people in other states seem to be able to.


    NASBA is based here in Nashville. I used to have them as a client when I worked as an actuary. It takes all I have not to call up their CFO (like I had to do regularly as their actuary) and ask about my scores every testing window…

    Testing in TN (NASBA State)
    REG 74, 77; FAR 77; BEC 73, 73, 73, 80; AUD 40,78
    And I'm out...

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