I can't imagine taking the exam while I was pregnant (please note that I am a man so it's obviously not possible)
But seriously, I've had some friends who were pregnant and they didn't drink caffeine or alcohol (the alcohol one is obvious). These are my two staples during “study season.” I even keep a redbull in my locker when I'm taking the exam.
I just couldn't imagine going through all of this without those two “comforts.” It's definitely commendable that you're still attempting the exam. Isn't there a way for you to suspend your scores until after your pregnancy? I thought there were ways around that…
Anywho, good luck everyone!!
Matt - Los Angeles
BEC: 87(11/08), REG: 80(2/09), FAR: 80(11/09), AUD: 73(2/10) 82(5/11)