If I am in wave 1 I am expecting to get my score tomorrow, so of course all night tonight I have been going over the day that I took it in my head. I know my second testlet was harder, but I am not sure about my third. I had about the same amount “marked for review”, but I distinctly remember more theory questions in that testlet than the first two. Does anyone know if theory questions are a tell tale sign of an “easy” or a “medium difficult (as the AICPA likes to call it)” testlet?
UGH, every single time I think about getting the mail tomorrow I get nauseous. It's my last one and in NC if you passed your last one the envelope is stamped “congratulations”, so you can tell even before you open the letter. However, when my friend got hers it didn't say it and she didn't even open the envelope she chucked it in the trash all pissed off, but then her mom wanted to see the grade and it turned out they just forgot to stamp it. So, needless to say I will open it regardless, but if it's not stamped I may lose it.