FAR CPA Exam Scores: October-November 2009 - Page 21

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    Will NASBA still tell you if your score was received if they don't post your score? In TX the Board here posts ours.


    I called them already and I am NOT in the 330. Check my post above for more info.


    called nasba 3 times,

    1st time- sorry I cant check the status. keep checking online

    2nd time- If its not online yet we don't have it.

    3rd time- your score was released yesterday, should be up online already, if not, next upload is 7pm cst.

    bunchh of clownss i tell ya


    Yeah they are all probably under a tight disclosure agreement. Its amazing how secretive they keep this whole scoring process. Wouldn't there have to be some kind of curve built in or some kind of smoothing in the grades? How is it that there is never a 60% pass rate for one section in any wave or a 30% pass rate for that matter. How is it every single wave the % always works out to be between 48-52%?


    Dear 25percentcpa,

    EXACTLY! This system is wacked.


    so this was my test and i just spoke with NASBA and found out my score will be released in the second wave, but I took the test Oct 12th. Does this mean I will be taking FAR again?



    My understanding of the actual grading (waves aside) is that each question has a statistical difficulty associated with it (some are hard, some are easy, most are in the middle somewhere) and that the way that they determine the difficulty is based off of how cadidates do on the question (hence why people with new simulations have to wait until wave 2, they don't have a large enough sample).

    So the more people miss a question, the harder it is deemed to be. A missed hard question will hurt your score less than a missed easy question, but if you get it correct then it will help you more than if you got an easy question correct. Keep in mind this isn't a curve, a curve is a preset proportion of passing scores (say the top 45% scores of all exams taken in a window will pass no matter how they do). They don't do that.

    As for why there is about the same percentage of passing scores in both waves, (once again statistics) there is a large enough sample in both waves taken from the same general population and roughly the same time period (think normal curve) that the passing rate should be about the same from wave to wave

    AUD 81 - BEC 89 - FAR 82 - REG 86



    it just means you got a new simulation, it has nothing to do with if you passed or not

    AUD 81 - BEC 89 - FAR 82 - REG 86


    thank you very much i appreciate it


    Jeff: please confirm:

    spoke to a nasba. My score was not released, but he did say they are releasing scores on a rolling basis for now on. Fars will be on a rolling basis until dec 15 when all the scores should have been released



    Schus- Great explanation and I agree with you on how they allocate the points. Wouldn't you agree with me though that by deeming a question easy or hard based on others performance, they are manipulating your grade in some way, for better or worse. By categorizing a question and allocating a certain number of points to it based on how everyone else did, does mean they are trying to smooth out the grades so the percentage is indeed within their range.



    Thanks, I find that understanding a test makes taking it easier. Anyways to your point. Maybe if there was some sort of human judgement involved in determining how hard to rate a question I would agree, but other than determining what factors to analize it's not very subjective. I'm not sure I can describe it any better than they can so here is what the AICPA has to say about it:

    “How do you decide which questions are hard and which are moderate?

    The difficulty of the test questions (and other statistics that are used to describe each test question) are determined through statistical analysis of candidate responses. Question difficulty is not a category (e.g. moderate or hard), but is a numeric value along a scale (e.g. 1.5)…”

    That's taken from a document I've found somewhat insightful which is located at https://www.cpa-exam.org/download/How_the_CPA_Exam_is_Scored.pdf

    However, I do agree with the larger point I think you're trying to make which is that it seems like the AICPA is being overly secretive with the grading procedures and they could make all of this speculation go away by publishing the complete grading procedures (even a simplified version of it) like most standardized exams I've dealt with.

    AUD 81 - BEC 89 - FAR 82 - REG 86


    Cindy said it best “it is a barrier to entry” so the market does not get flooded with CPA's


    “Jeff: please confirm:

    spoke to a nasba. My score was not released, but he did say they are releasing scores on a rolling basis for now on. Fars will be on a rolling basis until dec 15 when all the scores should have been released”

    I called and the guy said the same thing, I am not sure if he just has no idea what he is talking about or not.


    I called nasba on Wednesday and they told me my scores have already been in the system. Obviously, I am in wave 1. However, I am still waiting for my scores and also waiting my representative's response to my email which was also sent on Wednesday. I am losting my patience.

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