Passing Exams Without Studying? - Page 6

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    Hi guys, I took BEC exam in December without studying because I wanted to get an extra chance to take the exam before April, 2017. Unfortunately, I passed (80s).
    That December surprise made me overconfident, then I scheduled all 3 remaining parts in one test window. I took FAR 2 weeks ago with only studying ch8 & ch9. When I walked out of exam room, I knew I’m doomed. I left 4 simulations totally blank since I only left 25 mins for simulations. My 2nd testlet was a BEAST, and it took me long time to finish. About 80% of questions on it were computation questions.
    1. I’m still waiting for the exam score. Is there still a chance for me to pass that exam with 4 blank simulations?
    2. Also, my AUD exam is on next Monday (80 hours from now).I haven’t studied anything for AUD yet due to my severe procrastination. Which chapter should I focus on now?

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  • #1473510

    First off, Dylan congratulations! It's a shame how many haters have posted in this thread, but I think you deserve to humble brag. I didn't doubt you, as I nearly pulled off the same on BEC. In 2014, I signed up for it and took a new job shortly thereafter. I was so busy with my job that I forgot about the exam. I made a 74 and believe that had I known more about how to structure the written questions, I would have passed. I also understand what you mean by unfortunately passing, because if you pass when you aren't expecting to, your 18 month clock starts when you may not necessarily be ready for it to. Even when I barely failed, I still found value in the attempt. I don't care how many practice exams you do – nothing gives you the full experience of what this test is like without actually sitting for it live at a testing site.

    While passing these exams without studying is unconventional and rare, I would caution others against slamming people who do so. Just like a marathon participant who finishes in 3 hrs or 7, your medal and your pass counts just the same, no matter how many hours you put into it. I think studying for hundreds of hours is just as unconventional as not studying at all – at least the person who studies little is being efficient. I also think BEC is the most likely to pull this off, depending on your background. In my case, cost accounting was my favorite course in college, and I enjoy reading about economics as well. While i was going through this process, sure i'd read tips from people that didn't work for me, or that I didn't agree with, but I still learned something from them. I think people who can pass without studying must excel at using their work or other experiences and translating them to answering exam questions. That's a skill that could help anyone, no matter how long it takes that person to study.

    BEC - 88 8/29/15
    REG - 82 11/14/15
    AUD - 83 1/8/16
    FAR - 80 2/29/16


    I don't see how this post would derail anyone else that is studying. Everyone should be free to post whatever they want and we all should accept that everyone is different. We all seem to love posts and be supportive of people struggling but cant find any nice things to say to someone who has not struggled with the exam.

    I think its great that OP posted. Its all about how we read and interpret the post. If it was me I am not going to lie, I would totally tell someone. Its a great accomplishment. Why should OP not be allowed to share it with others.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    Whatever. Some threads are better and more productive than others. And this is one of the “others”.


    I was wrong… either way congrats on your passes!

    (Still think you studied :/ )

    AUD (2/16)-84
    REG (05/16)-69 Retake (7/16)-79 (ty ninja MCQ)


    No hate here… that is freakin awesome! Congrats and keep us posted on how you do on AUD and REG, I am very intrigued!!


    When I posted this thread, I was telling my stories and seeking for some suggestions about which chapter to focus on for AUD.
    I'd like to see people ask me “how you did it” rather than “I don't believe it”, because people always learn more things with curiosity than a skepticism mind (I'm not sure if I used the words right).
    Anyway, people are different with different views. That's what makes this world beautiful. I totally accept everyone's words.


    I totally forgot to help answer your question. 🙂 I don't remember what chapter it's in per se, but study whichever one(s) that talk about the audit process or cycle. Also – don't necessarily memorize the audit reports but understand which purpose each paragraph serves, or what type of report is supposed to state. Sorry if my memory sounds fuzzy – I took AUD a year ago. AUD was the hardest exam for me to take and study because I don't have an audit background. I'm also very strong on computations, but not so much on concepts. Keeping a big picture perspective helps. Take your time practicing questions if you do any – the wording is very tricky. Good luck!

    BEC - 88 8/29/15
    REG - 82 11/14/15
    AUD - 83 1/8/16
    FAR - 80 2/29/16


    Thanks for help, jdn9201.

    Unfortunately, my exam date was yesterday.


    I'm still laughing about the fork in the picture (not plastic).. too funny.. Congrats man!!!

    AUD - 74 (3x), TBD
    BEC - Sept16
    FAR - TBD
    REG - TBD


    I am dying over the forks.

    BEC - 74, 77
    FAR - 72, 71 (retake 7/29)
    REG - 69
    AUD - Q4 '16

    CA Candidate


    @Dylan , as I mentioned earlier BEC story is okay but I have still some questions for FAR story .As mentioned you studied only 2 chapters of FAR and also have poor English ,so you are an International student and by extension you may not have studies US Accounting framework or US GAAP.
    Now you have left 4 SIMS blank so max you can get from SIM would be 20 or 21 then you got 60 from MCQ ,that means 100% correct all MCQs or 18 pretest incorrect questions.You can see where I am leading to.There are questions in FAR like Pension , lease ,IFRS vs US GAAP which can't be solved by guessing or due to understanding of college accounting concept ( which is definitely needed ).Since you have posted picture of your marks which ended the credibility issue and forced all of us to eat crow .Now please enlighten me how you pulled off,it would be great service to humanity if you can tell us how you scored 100% MCQ correct with just two chapters.I can assume you have knowledge of accounting,but please share that part.Same for Audit section which seems you have studied with strategy.feel free to share , I assumed you would get 99 in AUD ( no sarcasm ,someone in this forum got 99).
    I look forward to your answers or strategy for FAR.
    objective of my question:How you pulled off FAR with reading just 2 chapters.


    There wasn't any Pension question on my exam, and I learned Lease from college. MCQs are my strength and weakness (slow picking). Many policy-related or conceptual questions took me long time to pick answers because I have to think the reasoning behind them during the exam, and that was why I ended up left 4 SIMs blank. Those policies were made by human to make them seems as fair as possible in all aspects. There are always BALANCE if you take time to think. Here is an example, assets help business to general revenues, government wants income from business by taxation. Whatever in that cycle has to be taxed one day eventually only if something(like expenses) flows out from it. Dividend is in another cycle like a refrigerator (balance sheet) which company can move things from one shelf to another, and it flows to both gov.(by taxation) and investor. The “fairness factors” from my view for these two cycles are timing and percentage, and rules and policies prevent leaking or backdoor. I believe trying to create a mindset of flows is better way to learn instead of hard memorization.
    For my background, I'm accounting major. However, I skipped almost all of “skippable”(no attendance required) accounting classes because I don't like accounting, and only go to class for quiz, midterm and finals. Most of professors are very knowledgeable, but I think dividing a textbook into 16 weeks classes is not good for learning. I'd like to spend 3-5 hours treat myself as a beast to study class materials before finals, because by doing so, I would have better understanding about the class materials as whole rather than pieces. I will never forget what I have learned by learning this way.


    This is all just way over my head. I somehow missed earlier that he's an international student – if anything, that would make it much harder. And, he says he doesn't like accounting! Okay. Well, not liking it doesn't mean you can't pass.

    As someone else said, many miles ago on this thread, the exam has certain nuances that make it very difficult to pass unless you know the material.

    Skipping 4 SIMs though…if he really did that, it would mean that he absolutely aced the MCQ. Possible. But, getting a score in the 80s with 4 skipped SIMs?

    I'm not hating this guy or anything but something isn't holding up.


    This is crazy. If you seriously pulled this off, then congratulations. You are super, super smart my friend. If this this a hoax or you cheated, then you did everyone a disservice. However, your picture seems credible, so I'm assuming my former statement is true. Goodluck and kill the rest of the exams! I envy your booksmarts buddy!!!!


    Whatever the case may be here, if this guy skipped four SIMs and passed, that's gotta be a record. I guess I could've spent the whole time on the MCQ and just not done more than a SIM or two.
    Possible. But, nobody does that…well, almost nobody.

    I'm chalking this whole thing up as a VERY atypical, fluke-type scenario (assuming it's legit) and not to be relied upon or used as an example or benchmark or anything.
    I doubt this has happened to anyone else.

    I stand by my earlier comments about stuff like this potentially de-railing others who might be reading this forum.
    NASBA gave him a score so I guess he has passed. If someone has a very high IQ or supernatural abilities and/or an uncanny knack for acing tests, they can do it. The CPA exam is no exception.

    I am still kinda wondering why he's taking these tests if he doesn't like accounting though! That's hilarious! Doesn't everyone who applies for CPA candidacy LIKE the subject??
    I know I do!

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