Passing Exams Without Studying? - Page 10

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  • #1453004

    Hi guys, I took BEC exam in December without studying because I wanted to get an extra chance to take the exam before April, 2017. Unfortunately, I passed (80s).
    That December surprise made me overconfident, then I scheduled all 3 remaining parts in one test window. I took FAR 2 weeks ago with only studying ch8 & ch9. When I walked out of exam room, I knew I’m doomed. I left 4 simulations totally blank since I only left 25 mins for simulations. My 2nd testlet was a BEAST, and it took me long time to finish. About 80% of questions on it were computation questions.
    1. I’m still waiting for the exam score. Is there still a chance for me to pass that exam with 4 blank simulations?
    2. Also, my AUD exam is on next Monday (80 hours from now).I haven’t studied anything for AUD yet due to my severe procrastination. Which chapter should I focus on now?

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  • #1517367

    @Ice_Dylan I believe you now as I have done worst SIMs just 1 SIM ,couldn't do Research question (spend 20 minutes ). I got panicked and could't do any other SIM not even putting zeros and still got 68 .


    Congrats ice_dylan! Studied a total of like 2 weeks and 1 point away from going 4/4, I must say I'm a fan! Good luck on AUD!

    C / X

    ice_dylan okay I'll bite since you did say you have previous tax experience and I'm in a chipper mood.

    Good on ya, but IDK why you are trying to be a CPA when you can make way more moolah as an engineer/consultant etc.


    Sorry to hear that. 68 isn't bad. Don't let a hard question affects your mood during exam. If you think the question is hard, I'm sure that most of other people think it's hard too. If everyone does bad, that question won't hurt your score.

    Thank you!

    In almost all cases, the destinies of engineers are ruled by businessmen. I'd prefer to be a guy with business mindset to work with engineers rather than be a guy with engineering degrees to work with businessmen.


    Any update?


    Someone needs to delete this thread. It is very misleading. Just saying.


    @Blue Collar Nerd – totally agree and its harming candidates thinking they can pass without opening the DARN book. Study, study and study. We've all put in the time and it pays off.

    JEFF – Any help from you?


    There could be a candidate who just got out of a TOP Masters of Accounting program and had to do a minimal amount of work. But, no studying at all – LMAO. That'd be like Michael Jordan saying he didn't work all season to prepare for the NBA Finals and he just “showed up” and swept the opposing team.

    Anyhow, if there are any new candidates reading this thread – don't beleieve it.



    100% agree with Blue Collar Nerd – if ANYONE is reading this thread, be you a new candidate or an old timer, please ignore it. It is the dumbest thread that these forums have ever seen (or, near the very top of the heap). I posted some replies months ago and in the time that has elapsed between now and then – and I see that it's reared its ugly head again – the more I think that the OP just wanted to yank everyone's chain, sit back, and watch it all unravel. Waste of everyone's time. His scores were legit, but I'm sure he studied far more than he admitted. And, if I'm not mistaken, the dude was an international candidate who flew into the US four different times to take each exam. Now, if I lived overseas, I wouldn't just wing it if I had to go to another country to take their board exams. SMH.

    Unless you are Stephen Hawking or Einstein or Newton or someone on that level, you absolutely do not pass these exams without significant effort. Or unless you've done all the stuff covered on the tests so many times during your job experience (as others have said) that maybe you don't need to study much. But hardly anyone falls into that category.


    I've heard multiple people claim to pass a section (or all of them) without studying. All I can think is “you sit on a throne of lies.” There are always those people that want to pretend to be brilliant and successful, on accident.


    The guy Icy_dylan (OP) I believe was very humble though and should have inspire many people.He was humble enough to post his picture.
    I have appeared FAR in March 17 and could only attempt 3 SIMs and that too not 100% correct but got 68,so I believed him when he said he attempted 3 SIMs and got 81.
    Some people are too good and have cleared all 4 in window so let us take that way.he might have studied for his college and it might have worked for him.
    Now let me tell about myself : I feel I am too good in BEC and failed BEC (70)and I did study BEC with Becker's.Same for FAR ,I feel I know the concepts very well and I puke reading the same topic again.I am studying since Last December and still failing at 68.Not only failing ,performed poorly in exam.So ,I am unable to imagine how it's possible to pass without studying but hey UMMV.


    This guy is posting pictures of his scores and saying he didn't study… He studied and there is no way to prove that, so he is just says he didn't study for 💩 and giggles.

    AUD (2/16)-84
    REG (05/16)-69 Retake (7/16)-79 (ty ninja MCQ)


    Posting a picture of the score with 25 forks doesn't make his story legit. He studied. He wants people to think otherwise and attempt to take the exams “without studying” or leave 4 SIMS blank and still hope for a pass. Sure… why not…this increase his odds of passing now, doesn't it?

    Are we stupid?



    Just received a survey from the forum support team and that brought me back to here.

    I got another 74 on AUD 5 years ago and all my other parts expired because I was busy with my fulltime job. I was thinking to give up because I don't like my job as a tax people in a busy group. Fortunately, I retook all 4 parts and passed them all in one window. The 2nd round was much easier.

    Good luck everyone!

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